Using Home Canned White Potatoes

Using Home Canned White Potatoes

RoseRed Homestead

2 года назад

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@jamesschultz796 - 03.04.2024 02:58

I use my immersion blender to blend and not have lumps. The first time I did this, I instantly asked myself "Where has this been for the last 30 yrs"

@aprildorsey3269 - 18.04.2024 20:51

Good afternoon. First I would like to thank you for all you do. I am new to canning (except for tomatoes). I have learned so much from you. Thank you!
With that being said my only failure so far is the potatoes. I have tried 3 times, and all 3 times have failed. I did a video but can’t post it. The jars sealed, but there were a lot of foamy bubbles now. Would you have any advice for me please? Thank you, and hope you have a blessed day.

@JanaWebre - 25.04.2024 21:01

Instead of parsley, I use fresh dill and a little garlic. Yum!

@kristiesullenger5690 - 16.05.2024 00:13

You are supposed to rinse and soak for 12 hours to get the starch out before canning.

@debralabarge614 - 17.05.2024 21:48

The secret to mashed potatoes is heating the potatoes in a pan on the stove. Just dump in the whole jar, boil, drain, skant salt, milk, mash, dot with butter, yum!

@theresaegbuniwe5808 - 28.05.2024 05:52

If you put those potatoes through a ricer the mashed would be fine.

@sandraburke1258 - 29.05.2024 20:58

@Rose, what is life without an occasional storm when it rains it pours I also like to tell the Children "MY PLATE IS FULL" & from time to time GOD SERVES ME UP "A PLATTER FULL" and when my --BRAIN is exhausted--like my mother use to say long before households had computers "MY COMPUTER IS FULL" meaning okay that's all the knowledge or wisdom I can process at the present time. She had 6 children I have NO CLUE which one of her 4 girls gave her the hardest time :). I made up for it decades later as my mother and father deserved every bit of care their health required and was needed to finish out their last years FROM THEIR CHILDREN, I wish I could say all were ready willing and able but it was what it was. Although I had been the child who gave life to 4 children and have 11 grandchildren MY PARENTS WERE MY PRIORITY. Patience is a virtue I did alot of fishing with my children and I'm a firm believer FISHING TEACHES PATIENCE and I firmly believe God Never gives us more than we can handle. Love your videos Rose and your videographer.

@sandraburke1258 - 29.05.2024 21:11

@Rose My grandchildren LOVE my Homemade Fries and Hasbrowns Baked in COCONUT OIL in the oven or air fryer or fry pan, I melt about a heaping tablespoon in a bowl throw the potatoes into it season them give it a couple of swirls to coat the taters then place on a cookie sheet etc.then cook. Once in awhile I may need to add a bit more coconut oil after flipping in the oven (depends on the tater and how I'm cooking them). NOTE: For me Coconut oil saves BIG as I need so little of it, the flavor is enhanced as well. I rarely use less than 5 lbs.of taters at a time, teenage boys need something that will stick to their ribs and give them strength Taters Meet that Requirement

@CrochetFarmer - 04.07.2024 17:38

That potato salad looks absolutely delicious. I use a lot of the same things. Learned something here about the cheese grinder. ❤

@CathyLarkins - 22.07.2024 07:18

When I made my mashed potatoes from my canned potatoes, I brought a pan of water to a high boil and put the potatoes in until they were heated through, drained and mashed. My family loved them

@Bob23POV - 01.08.2024 12:31

I wash, peel, cube and soak the potatoes to remove starches. If the water looks real cloudy with starch, I rinse and soak again. I opened up a jar and dried them on paper towels. Added olive oil and seasoning, put in the air fryer and cooked them. They were the best, crunchy potatoes.

@marinemom0294 - 03.08.2024 01:18

Perfect for potato soup. Also perfect….drain, rinse, dry with paper towel, place on parchment covered cookie sheet, sprinkle with everything bagel and a teeny drizzle of olive oil, bake 425 for 35 min or until golden brown outside, fluffy inside. Delicious every time!!!

@asc3998 - 08.08.2024 17:03

I agree with the others, I like lumpy mashed potatoes as well.

A bit of French dressing in place of the mustard is good too. I like both.

@robertshamblin7748 - 24.08.2024 11:07

Another great video on canned white potatoes. I was also very disappointed with the taste of ours. I did pressure cook our potatoes but kept the skins on. I trusted someone else's video. Are they safe? Thank you Professor!

@nancyeighmey - 25.08.2024 20:11

I mash mine with butter only. dont add any liquid and we love them

@snookanookazoo3268 - 28.08.2024 11:20

3 years I went through my jars to throw out any bad canned goods to re-use jars and space. 3 years? Peaches didn't turn out. Tried no calorie sugar substitute, all were bad. I came to see if canning potatoes are worth it.

@cobrafox8640 - 05.09.2024 14:11

I recently opened a home canned jar of great northern beans with ham, and as a side used a can of potatoes mixed with onion and a little bacon fat to fry them in. They were very good.

@Redpilled19 - 08.09.2024 20:52

My mom taught me to heat the milk before adding to the potatoes.

@ssbroderick - 09.09.2024 03:39

Lunch looks great, but it also hints at a after lunch nap with all those carbs. :)

@marianeudorf7524 - 09.09.2024 05:37


@naturewatcher7596 - 16.09.2024 05:36

First I thought that the canned potatoes got spoiled, but if it's just what it's supposed to look like after canning than it's OK with me. Shall try to can them myself.

@carolyndice2425 - 30.09.2024 12:18

Perfect! Thank you! Love that your hubby is right there with you! Mine does not even realize how the food gets to his plate! 😂

@kathyfletcher4694 - 15.10.2024 01:48

I searched for using home canned potatoes and chose your video because I trust you from watching a ton of your other videos. I was questioning if I could microwave them (instead of boiling for 10 minutes as I have been taught in the past with low acid food) Like you I had no siphoning but my liquid was being absorbed into the potatoes and I had a lot of starch sediment. When I opened them they were so bound together that I had to rinse them out of the jar. After watching your results I attempted mashed potatoes by boiling them for 10 minutes, they were still lumpy and in an attempt to whip the lumps out it ended up pasty. I guess I will be making lots of frozen mashed this year as we are a family of 2 and had an awesome potato crop of around 450 lbs.

@brendabubb3615 - 16.10.2024 17:22

I’m confused on the pressure setting for my area ….which normally would be 11 psi. How do I do this on the electric new nesco?

@TodaysBibleTruth - 16.10.2024 19:11

Thanks for the great ideas of how to use my canned potatoes. I use the same ingredients in my potato salad. So good...

@bettyw.6402 - 22.10.2024 23:30

I have 1/4" diced some golden potatoes. What is the best way to preserve them (dehydrate, can, or freeze?

@sushicourier - 11.11.2024 07:04

If you want SMOOTH mashed potatoes, run them through a food mill. Very fast and totally smooth at the end.

@staceydoten845 - 13.11.2024 13:50

Pam and Jim: thank you for this video. I, too, have starchy potatoes on my shelf. Thank you for critiquing 4 recipes and giving feedback as well as options!

@janebeard8902 - 14.11.2024 19:11

I always had people say that they could tell real mashed potatoes because they had lumps in them.😁

@steadfastselectionsrenee5869 - 18.11.2024 21:35

Do you know what type of potatoes you canned? Yukon Gold,Russet?

@steadfastselectionsrenee5869 - 18.11.2024 21:46

LOVE YOUR VIDEOS! I have learned so much. I am surprised you don’t make your own mayo. It’s so easy and so yummy! I use Ree Drummond’s mayo recipe and use avocado oil and everyone loves my mayo.

@ChrisJordan2010 - 19.11.2024 02:39

You could also use a food mill before adding the milk etc…

@teerlinknd - 21.11.2024 17:44

I buy canned potatoes and canned carrots from the store and dump them in a pot with home canned raw pack stew beef chunks. Just season and thicken the liquid from the beef and you have quick beef stew! I now want to try canning potatoes myself!

@steadfastselectionsrenee5869 - 12.12.2024 23:15

Have you tried the raw pack herbed potatoes in the Ball Canning Book?

@jennlps2024 - 24.12.2024 01:06

Thank you for this video!!!! I was just doing my winter inventory of my canned goods and after checking my potato stash, I need to can them all today... even though I do have 24 quarts of reds, yellows and whites. (The whites are cloudier then the others). I did not blanch mine first and feel that the canning process overcooks a lot of foods. Love your channel as I am new to canning and appreciate all your videos!

@acajungirltravelstheworld2285 - 27.12.2024 21:27

Your potato salad is exactly how we Cajoled ns make it except most of us don’t add celery. I love watching your posts and have learned so much! Thank you!.

@cheryljones6332 - 29.12.2024 15:10

Before mashing you could run the potatoes through a ricer to avoid the lumps.

@cindeeacker5415 - 02.01.2025 10:16

We went camping and I did an experiment with canned potatoes 😂. I put them in a pot with butter and Italian season and they were the best creamed potatoes!!!

@cindland - 08.01.2025 19:57

I tried canning potatoes….ONCE. At the time we had a houseful of kids. I did it at the recommendation of a friend who swore by them. She grew up poor and learned self reliance early and canned everything. Our family all love potatoes, whether mashed, baked or boiled (for potato salad). No one liked these. The canned potatoes tasted like starch and just stale. Assuming it’s the starch that’s converted after the cooking and cooling process. We tried home fries and mashing and both ways were awful. So I never did it again. I might try your new soaking method but honestly with an instant pot, in 30 mins or less I have cooked potatoes, so I don’t see the need to spend all that time prepping then canning them. And you still have to at least heat them or prepare in some way to make them palatable. So raw and IP cooking is easier and faster. Even in a grid shut down, you can heat water over a fire and boil them or roll in foil and bake under coals.

@blackbdr123 - 21.01.2025 00:35

That was SOOO helpful!

@gailneedham9930 - 22.01.2025 22:11

I am so glad to watch this. I am getting ready to can potatoes for the first time. I was just wondering if I needed to. I don't eat potatoes often, but I do like them. I just wondered what they would be like canned. I enjoyed watching how you tweaked the soup with the failed mashed potatoes, lol. But you had just mentioned how they would be good with cream, so the next best thing would be butter, so the mashed potatoes made the soup a hit! I just bought a few bags of potatoes and now I will be a little braver and jump in and try it.
Thanks for showing us how this turned out and what you did with it. Keeps us inspired.

@crystals14acregarden61 - 24.01.2025 02:13

When I first got a pressure canner, there was a sale on potatoes...I bought 15 lbs...several times. We all hated the starchiness. Thanks for this video. If you come up with any more ideas, they'd be welcome.

@laylad3206 - 25.01.2025 23:23

What do you do with these potatoes once they’re canned? Any recipe ideas for them?

@The_Oracle_of_time - 28.01.2025 04:54

I can potatoes. Big chunks. Blanched in simmering water for 2 to 3 minutes then immediately rinse them with cold water to stop them cooking and wash the starch off. They're still virtually raw and solid but the water that is discarded has a lot of starch in it so its obviously effective.
Then into cold water with salt and a dash of lemon juice in each jar and processed.
After a year the water is still crystal clear and they're not even slightly mushy. Great for roasting, frying and mashing.
Hope this helps anyone. (I'm in Britain by the way and canners here are super rare).

@mannarock7 - 12.02.2025 19:46

How did you can the Potatoes ?

@songlyon - 15.02.2025 17:53

I had to laugh at your lunch suggestion to Jim because potato salad, potato chips, and mashed potato's was my lunch everyday through-out my High School experience!

@jpineiro83 - 19.02.2025 14:53

I canned potatoes and I’ve been looking at them like now what lol. Thank you for all of these ideas.

@sandrakoehler7188 - 19.02.2025 21:06

Mrs Rose that you for the video on the canned potatoes. I was so glad to see that the potatoes didn't turn to mush. Your recipes look great but have a suggestion on the mashed potatoes. I use buttermilk chives and butter. It's like sour cream and chives. Then top with cheddar if you want. Thank you again.

@dawnwells524 - 22.02.2025 01:55

To prevent starch in your canned potatoes, soak your potatoes in water over night, drain, rinse with water, dry on a flat surface on a cloth about an hour, pack into your jars. No water needed. Pressure cook 40 minutes at 10 pounds pressure.
