Better Than TICKET TO RIDE? - Skull Canyon Ski Fest Board Game Review

Better Than TICKET TO RIDE? - Skull Canyon Ski Fest Board Game Review

Board Game Sanctuary

2 года назад

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@BoardGameSanctuary - 10.04.2022 01:26

So do you think this game is better or similar to Ticket to Ride? I do want to just amend a little bit of what I said in the video about it not being similar to Ticket to Ride. It is probably mostly inspired by the ticket card mechanics from Ticket to Ride.

@rich926 - 10.04.2022 01:32

Always look forward to your vids! 💯👍

@bridgetmartin4269 - 10.04.2022 07:21

Another great Video!! I’ve never heard of this one before but it looks quite interesting!! Another one added to the wish list 😊😊

@Mat23 - 10.04.2022 13:48

Great review! Can’t wait to pick it up!

@MsGinahidesout - 11.04.2022 00:48

Loved the Fame reference! You're funny. (that's a good thing)

@VampguyN85 - 11.04.2022 04:09

I would of called it Chutes & Ladders with uno layered in underneath a ski resort theme.

@PandasaurusGames - 13.04.2022 17:04

Another wonderful, wonderful review! You're too cool! ❄️
