Deni is the best player on the Blazers. Protect him at all costs. Build around Deni.
ОтветитьAvdija was unstoppable. Maximum Carnage
Ответитьgreat improvement this year, keep up the good work, Deni.
Ответитьdeni the real goat
ОтветитьGreat Job Cronin!!!
What a great trade to get Demi at his age and contract!
Turbo Deni!
ОтветитьGreat to see Deni
ОтветитьThe entire game was garbage time!
Ответитьהשחקן הכי טוב במזרח כוכב הלילה
Ответитьgg Deni
Ответитьדני 👑
ОтветитьCan’t believe that chauncey will not put deni in the starting lineup. This guy deserves the min and the starting lineup spot. Crazy to think they put him on the bench with limited minutes. Need to use deni to the fullest, this guy is only 24 years old this year and have alot of room to grow. It will be stupid to limit him.
ОтветитьTurbo 💪
ОтветитьCant wait for the next מעקבדיה
ОтветитьIf they give you space - let it fly. let's go Deni!
ОтветитьPelicans are embarrassing
ОтветитьI’m an OKC fan but I tune into Blazers highlights for Sharpe and Avdija. Honestly I think y’all should get rid of Simmons. He has talent but I’ve rarely seen him and Sharpe have a good game together. Seems like an ‘empty calorie’ kind of player. Get rid of Simmons and Grant. Build around Sharpe, Avdija, Clingan and whoever you get in the next 2 drafts
ОтветитьLegend. Such a great player mann!!
Ответитьmiss him in Washington man
Ответитьדני תודה
Ответитьאיזה כיף לראות!
ОтветитьIt’s good to see Dani , he has basketball IQ .
ОтветитьPortland's 70-point basket, it's crazy how Danny fights for the ball even though his team is leading by more than 30 points.
ОтветитьFavourite player button >>>
ОтветитьHe's just an amazing basketball player!!! ♥♥
ОтветитьOur boy keep growing
ОтветитьBlazers ❤💘love deni
Ответить59.3 Deni's TS% this season despite the beginning
ОтветитьYou can't stop him when he's running all over the field, he's just too fast
ОтветитьIm an israeli guy who supports Deni, but damn this team has a good young squad that imo can be really good in the future, imo if we add Jimmy this team can do playoff for sure :) LETS GO PORTLAND! & ofc deni :D
ОтветитьQuite a whooping
ОтветитьSo many empty seats... The NBA is doomed
ОтветитьThis guy is the best player in the league right now
ОтветитьDani only needed his coach approval and trust on top of having teammates that actually pass the ball and for first year playing together the future looks very bright🏆
ОтветитьI just noticed this dude this week. I'm glad I started watching again
ОтветитьIt's painful to watch the Pelicans. The lack of effort is atrocious.