Jews spit on Christians, and somehow Christians start talking about Islam 😂😂😂😂
Ответитьthey are one of the genetically weakest and unathletic nation to ever grace this planet probably the most out of any human tribe
ОтветитьThe god choosen behave to non human like that..
ОтветитьDoes Western media show this stuff.
If not, then west should worry
Historical scammers
ОтветитьTrue definition of Sadducees, pharisees and scribes
ОтветитьThey're such low lives. They considered themselves the chosen ones.
ОтветитьAshkenazi Jew r not genetically descend from ancient Palestine o ancient Israel OK but they were a Turkish community that emigrated to eastern Europe n converted to Jewish religion after d year 600ad OK,that why u see that some of them r blonde with blue eyes o even red haired people OK.
ОтветитьResult of Americans tax payers money 😊
ОтветитьNo wonder nobody likes them through history.
ОтветитьThey look they can’t fight for shit
ОтветитьThese are Hasidic Jews, they are like the Catholics they claim to follow the GOD of Israel however Neither follow the 10 commandments given to Moses, or the 2 given by Christ
ОтветитьGuys it’s okay because 6 trillion died nearly 100 years ago so it’s chill, real talk screw you if you do this
ОтветитьAND THESE MEN PRAY TO ADONI/ GOD? Im sure jesus inst pleased on their behaviors. Itll come back ten folds....😢
ОтветитьThey wouldn't do that to the Christian men I know...
ОтветитьThese people only represent them selfs! And definitely not most of the Jewish people. Sad to see people behaving to each other in any wrong manner..😢
ОтветитьPropaganda from the jihadist
ОтветитьThis is how and Worse what they did to Jesus.
ОтветитьDo such people think these kind of actions represent their country and religion well? Do they not realise that this is exactly what so many people had to endure before and during WW2 by the nazis? How would they feel if it was their grandmothers or even religious leaders being treated in this way?
This has nothing to do with religion. This is to do with the brainwashing of generations by the Zionist Israeli government.
Shame on all who behave in this manner. They are simply a representative of evil, hate and all that is wrong.
Their parents should be so ashamed of their children doing these things. As their dead ancestors who suffered in the holocaust would be.
Shame on them and all who do such things to another human being.
My respect for jewz 📈📈📈📈📈
Ответить“Forgive them father they know not what they do” it’s been 2000 years now, it’s about time you start knowing what your doing, this is not in alignment with Gods will.🙏
ОтветитьJesus said “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first.”
John 15:18
Truth about jews and Israel finally coming out
ОтветитьGiven the ask of tolerance, understanding and support requested of Israel at this time, I find these orthodox Jews most intolerant, and would consider this extreme behaviour not in keeping with the spirit of their religion, culture. Disappointed.
ОтветитьThey’re going to hell if they don’t turn to the Lord Jesus Christ
ОтветитьThey were blinded by Christ because they did not know the time of His coming. Daniel's 70 weeks details it all. In the meantime, look at their frame of reference as to how the "Christians" treated them. Not saying they're right... JS. We need to understand the Bible AND the fact that it can be proven. Is it wrong the spit on them? Yes. Is there a reason? 100% Sadly.
ОтветитьTheir are two nations in the world potrey the world they are so peaceful and reality of them you can see in vedio jews and hindus
I'm 60 years old. Jesus died 33AD and it's almost 2033AD. Jesus is the Savior of all humanity. Jesus may come earlier!! *JESUS SAID IT'S GOING TO BE A SURPRISE!! CAN'T WAIT!!
Not settlers they are terrorists
ОтветитьSick guys
ОтветитьThis behavior is abhorrent.
But, if you know anything about Jewish history you might understand (not defend, just understand) why Israeli Jews behave in such ways. It is the year 2025.
The Jews (if anecdotal history is to be believed) First settled in Canaan/Modern day Israel some few hundred years before 1000 B.C.
Since WAY back then, they haven’t gone more than 70-100 years at a time without an invading force killing most of them, and then exiling and sending the rest packing.
For the first time in 3000 years, the nation of the people of Israel, Finally became a legally recognized country in may of 1948, less than three years after the end of World War 2, which involved the largest genocide of the Jewish people at one time seen to date.
And now (this is not a religious attack, just a fact) their next door neighbors have a religious text that, while not outright encouraging, morally justifies slaughtering them, and they have in the past.
Again, this behavior is abhorrent, but if I were in their shoes, I don’t know how long I’d be able to hold my “love thy neighbor” attitude considering every time I’ve dropped my alert in the past all of time I was either killed or chased away from my home.
There are horrible monsters on both sides.
Don’t want to believe me? Look at the historical precedent for pretty much every single Jewish holiday.
“They tried to kill us. We survived. Let’s eat.”
How revolting treating peaceful, humble female Christians in this way. What a disgraceful thing to do. They must have been reading John Donne’s poems 😱
Divine poems, Holy Sonnets XI
ОтветитьMay god have mercy on their soul
ОтветитьHail satan
ОтветитьIt’s so crazy how if they spat at a bunch of guys and disrespected god if they would’ve got beaten up they would’ve played victims and the media would’ve sided with them
ОтветитьThey are too proud and their sinful heart of pride isn't going to help them 🙄
Israel accept Jesus Christ your Messiah, Saviour and Comforter at all times 🙏 may you find the everlasting peace in Him and through Him.
Jews denied your own Messiah who came and fulfilled the prohesy in
Micah 5:1-2: The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, a small village near Jerusalem.
Matthew 2:4–6: "But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler. who will shepherd my people Israel"
Isaiah: Many prophecies about the Messiah were made by Isaiah
Daniel 9:24–27: A prophecy that Christians consider fulfilled
Deuteronomy 18:15: A prophecy that Christians consider fulfilled
Ezekiel 37:24, 25–27: A prophecy that Christians consider fulfilled
Hosea 11:1: A prophecy that Christians consider fulfilled
Isaiah 53
He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Imagine that garlic smell
ОтветитьRewatched this several times, I still can't figure out what they're saying
Whatever it is, it doesn't sound like hebrew to me
For that reason, I'm pretty sure this is staged, or at least faked in some way
the germans had a point
ОтветитьNow spitting in anti Semitism ✡️😌😌
ОтветитьThis is why they're going to be punished,,,,,💔
ОтветитьRemember the first century Jews,
And disciples were Christians.
They were persecuted, and
We're witnesse of his death and
Through their rejection, the gospel
Was preached to the gentiles,so
That all receive salvation.
We all will give account to the
Lord for our decision on earth.
Devil's chosen people!
ОтветитьOne day will come to USA to be treated like this and humiliate
Not only one or two person but the whole country they will spit on you and make fun of christianity they are student of their religious studies, looks by their clothes they had been thought like this in their religious lecture.
They have full support of Christians.Thatsb what they think of Christians they believe That Jesus was a fake.
ОтветитьChristians will say nothng😂😂