Ren ~ The Hunger Reaction (The Bars Are Nasty In This One)

Ren ~ The Hunger Reaction (The Bars Are Nasty In This One)


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@Danielle-ed9kt - 24.10.2024 01:41

Wicked ways is another good rap rap song he does

@parman5golfswing - 25.10.2024 14:23

British rappers ... Pete and Bas.

@iamlpinthe312 - 28.10.2024 03:40

Your quality is great. Save your money for real things. The renegades are here.

@AnotherFacelessDigitalNoOne - 29.10.2024 12:59

Welllllll dayum brother... i gotta see if you're across "illest of our time" now. Caught it all. If not... onwards

@GeekVomit - 01.11.2024 23:23

Love your reaction vids. And the fact you’re an Office fan. 🤘🏼🖤

@dannywebster2452 - 04.11.2024 01:02

Amen Tre’ we’re all with you wishing Ren a speedy recovery, All our thoughts and prayers go out to you REN

@endopause - 04.11.2024 23:00

I was looking forward to watching you react to this one to be honest. It’s my fave one ❤
For the fast bit in case Americans don’t get it. Primark is a cheap clothing store in the U.K 😅

@Hideouspython - 08.11.2024 07:08

Each money game is too important to react to just one.

@brianpharris917 - 08.11.2024 23:15

I'm on board for money game. Please Do all three. However long. We're with you. Love your reactions.

@cerijones2584 - 11.11.2024 17:32

The money game trio would be fab and also losing it and murderer

@cerijones2584 - 11.11.2024 17:32

The money game trio would be fab and also losing it and murderer

@cerijones2584 - 11.11.2024 17:41

You have to watch MG 1/2/3 all of them. We will watch all the reactions x

@cerijones2584 - 11.11.2024 17:56

Also his Fred again Mashup and Back on 74/ message in a bottle

@janelisarodham6546 - 12.11.2024 18:48

We just love your vibe ...

@MarkPankratz-KP - 19.11.2024 12:02

Your equipment is fine. Don’t sweat it!

@MarkPankratz-KP - 19.11.2024 12:17

You got parts of this better than 98% of other reactors. You killed this one

@Stewart-m7i - 22.11.2024 17:28

New UK subscriber for your Ren reactions. He has a new song out yesterday 'Slaughter House' you might like to react to.

@mountainboomer186 - 24.11.2024 01:32

You're doing well lad

@silentwhisp4r670 - 25.11.2024 08:00

Awesome reaction!

@WitchyDebs - 03.12.2024 13:14

Love your reaction ❤

@PurplemonkeyDdub - 03.12.2024 20:58

I hope you have Murderer on your list, both versions 🙃

@lindseelee9015 - 07.12.2024 23:15

Couod literally watch a full hour of reaction and lyrical breakdown to MG. Love your interpretations and breaking down how you relate

@NoSkillSets - 14.12.2024 07:53

Yooo! Just sending you some love per requested lol. Also, I hella dig the Michael Scott shirt, and your usage of the word hella. Keep at the grind, and I'll watch. I like how you see us all as a community of human. And you seem to have emotion that shows miles of heart. Ren is quite something for sure. NF is another artist I'd wonder if you've heard. Or maybe Aesop Rock, or Atmosphere. If you like nerd rap, then MC Chris. Either way, you seem cool me dude. I'll bet you watch inuyasha too. Class of your own man

@shelleystanworth123 - 17.12.2024 21:01

Absolutely here for Ren and your lovely self
One of the most beautiful reactors ❤❤❤
Think you would really appreciate Akala. Hes a uk musician rapper who was ahead of his time. Try his Fire in the booth part 1-4. Oldy but goody 🎉

@nathanspiers914 - 29.12.2024 08:55

Six minutes and 30 seconds to get to it eh. blimey.

@aleciapalmisano5923 - 30.12.2024 22:30

Love your reactions. Much love to you too ❤❤❤

@clairehall2720 - 31.12.2024 07:22

When I grind up my beefs. This is a man who is telling people to let shit go. An actual man.

@elbybrook9975 - 08.01.2025 08:27

The pig is featured in a lot of his videos. The pig represents greed.

@trudicolman9555 - 09.01.2025 05:40


@DaveyHotrod - 10.01.2025 03:30

"Soul in my bowl when I eat" is a shout to Mama Sherrie's Soul Food Shack in his home town of Brighton.

@kuhana_365 - 12.01.2025 15:28

Cool I'm not the only one wanting to hang with the dude!

@Alice-xy3fi - 15.01.2025 07:33

This is one of my (many) Ren faves-- loved the reaction!

@GreenLionn - 18.01.2025 04:36

I enjoyed your reaction. Ren is a BEAST!

@elisazaccheo3270 - 19.01.2025 22:33

You may also enjoy "Power," if you haven't checked it out already. Another fun, groovy beat with a serious topic. It's definitely one you can jam to in the car. 😊

@madswn81 - 24.01.2025 03:28

He warned you in the beginning: he made a Frankenstein and then proceed to stitch together all kinds of rap into a monster.

@sebastiank.3894 - 25.01.2025 14:39

You felt the hunger. 😁

@Goodvibes-r7u - 02.02.2025 11:02

Love it. Thanks for making the time to check that one out!!

@Scubasteve-uf2md - 02.02.2025 12:03

We all love Ren, and we all love you. Also, thank you for speaking Spanish in your videos. Even if it's only a few words, it means the world to us Hispanics

@alloralou4722 - 04.02.2025 22:59

Great reaction! ❤

@maryball1022 - 07.02.2025 06:26

The first reactor who knew who Leonard Cohen was!!

@pauldorman9765 - 12.02.2025 18:26

All those switch ups and props with one take. A master!

@PerpSavvy - 16.02.2025 22:38

It's amazing!! I truly enjoy watching the reactions of first timers. Then I watch the second or third reaction to Ren. You are in to Ren's Abilities and Talents, he is genius. His impact on people, from every demographic, front every walk of life, every race, and nationality, are touched by Ren.

@PerpSavvy - 16.02.2025 22:45

He is a genius. He is the one that every mainstream artist is not talking about. Ren is the one who sits them all down, know matter the genre. He is incredibly talented and definitely gifted.

@NIAMHRogers-b9o - 24.02.2025 06:16

Excellent reaction video, I'm Irish but grew up listening to UK rap, it's on another level but I understand it for some reason, takes years 😂😂

@NIAMHRogers-b9o - 24.02.2025 06:24

Have you done 'Losing it'?

@georgeatkinson6265 - 25.02.2025 03:19

This guy is genuine. Big respect mate. God loves you.

@rowan-hunter - 25.02.2025 05:52

We didn't do that. Ren did. By being the person he is and how his music has touched so many people, spanning generations, all walks of life. We finally both seen and heard, and also less lonely. I don't think I've every known of an artist who created a community simply being his most organic and authentic self.

@Scratch771 - 07.03.2025 03:02

Welcome to the Renegades :)
