Sun Eater: Ashes of Man (spoiler free review) by Christopher Ruocchio

Sun Eater: Ashes of Man (spoiler free review) by Christopher Ruocchio

Matt's Fantasy Book Reviews

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@MattsFantasyBookReviews - 20.06.2024 18:54

I know I look super subdued in this video. Didn't sleep much the night before and was extremely tired by the time I got around to finishing this book the next night.

@praetorxyn - 20.06.2024 18:59

I would recommend reading Dregs of Empire and the short stories Royal Game and Daughter of Swords before reading Disquiet Gods.

@geoffjohnston6066 - 20.06.2024 19:33

Yassss. I also loved Book 5 so much.

@akellerhouse83 - 20.06.2024 19:46

I've only read Empire of Silence and The Lesser Devil so far. I'm really excited to keep reading. I have a long way to go.

@nilkan250 - 20.06.2024 19:48

I love just thinking of the spans of time in the books. For example, in one of the books, a character is completely alone, just waiting, for an amount of time which is greater than the time I myself have been alive. Really just insane to think about what the characters go through.

@Chance.Dillon - 20.06.2024 20:10

I think ashes was my favorite, even split from KoD. Both together would have been unreal

@Fishbone0826 - 20.06.2024 20:19



@MackTheDogg - 20.06.2024 20:53

Every book better than the last!

@Tarantella.Serpentine - 20.06.2024 21:33

Grief waits for no man.

@Mightyjordy - 20.06.2024 21:58

This one was my second favorite behind Demon in White, but I actually found the series pretty difficult to get into with the first two books being pretty rough reads (though the last third of book 2 was where my love of the series started). I think the reason it’s not catching on as much is because of how derivative book 1 feels. A lot of the things that make the book unique I think don’t even come into play until book 2 and really don’t stand out until book 3.

@CombativeRoboGuy - 20.06.2024 22:41

Ashes of Man was right below Kingdoms of Death because the fourth book just made me cry when I really needed it and it was the first piece of media to do that for me. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the, in my opinion even better, book six.

@PrimateNine - 21.06.2024 00:12

I've pretty much aligned with the vast majority of your reviews except for Empire of Silence. I felt the writing was pompous and attempted to be flowery and complex when simple and direct would have served the scene better. For me, Ruocchio didn't quite have the skill at choosing when and where to place his flowery meandering philosophy. That said, I'm going to give this series another try because I trust Matt and it's entirely possible I was in the wrong mood. This review has me excited to jump back in because Ruocchio is clearly an intelligent and talented man.

@nmal8702 - 21.06.2024 00:40

Book 5 is my favorite! Enjoyed your review and fresh reaction. Reminded me of how amazing this series is!

@jessezigg - 21.06.2024 00:50

I just finished The Demon in White 😱 OMG! The BEST sci-fi book EVER!!

@csd8204 - 21.06.2024 02:55

When you like something, you really like it.

@B00kMaidenMandy - 21.06.2024 03:46

OK, I'm convinced! I kept putting it off because I don't love space opras in general), but I just ordered and can't wait to dive in!

@bryce4228 - 21.06.2024 07:21

I really need to start reading this series. Your reviews make it sound awesome.

@lorenzoguastalli9982 - 21.06.2024 09:27

If you loved AoM, Disquiet Gods is going to blow your mind into a supermassive black hole of delight.

@Weasel3001 - 21.06.2024 11:43

You look like you smoked a big, fat joint before making this video.

@assassin415 - 21.06.2024 13:21

my man went hard on the edibles but in all seriousness the top 5 now is probably malazan, first law, dandelion,sun eater, faithful and the fallen in no certain order

@BooksWithBenghisKahn - 21.06.2024 21:49

It’s so awesome to see people gushing so passionately about these masterpieces. I’m right with you on not caring about the book split in the least, and each one felt great on its own. Ruocchio tore my heart out at the end of this one—brutal, but amazing

@MaxFidler - 22.06.2024 05:34

I couldn’t agree more. It’s hard to top Demon in White but this series is spectacular and it’s also a top 5 series of all time for me too.

@terabyter9000 - 24.06.2024 00:50

I've Empire of Silence and The Lesser Devil so far. Both were great. Starting Howling Dark as soon as I'm done with Well of Ascension and Hero of Ages.

@BeardofDarkness - 24.06.2024 01:42

Matt, you look BEAT in this one. You sir, are on one hell of a schedule, so I understand the tiredness.

@TWbenIN - 24.06.2024 10:45

Thanks for getting me into this series! nearly through the latest book (disquiet gods) imo best one yet.

@krislimpus - 26.06.2024 01:59

Wow above stormlight? Can’t wait to get to this series!!

@noteuser15 - 26.06.2024 14:03

This is my favorite series of all time.
I’m excited for you to read Disquiet Gods. My favorite is book three, but DG is up there. I might say it’s my second favorite. Howling Dark and KOD were also so good. I thought AOM wasn’t as good as the others, but they’re all just so good lol

@dreero_ - 29.06.2024 05:27

This is easily my favourite series or among my top 3 at least and I’m so glad you love it as well for all the same reasons

@Thimulus - 04.07.2024 15:50

Why isn't Christopher Ruocchio getting major genre award nominations?

@nordamoddev1038 - 21.07.2024 15:21

Dont know if you have tried the audiobooks? But the Samual Rudkin (sorry if i spelt that worng) narration is amazing! And he REALLY puts in the effort with it, the pronunciations are advised by CR apparently & hes does some great thing i dont normally see like changing the word readers yo listerns. Its a really great listening experience! (I know you like audiobooks so it maybe a good route when you want to reread)

@akashas6012 - 31.07.2024 10:27

This review was about the series vs the individual book. Some books in this series are hit or miss. So I was wondering about your take on this particular book in the series. In which I did not get.

@jagdaace - 20.11.2024 03:30

I don't think that I am even going to finish this book. We are being sold the same long winded book over and over again.

@SunEaterBooks - 21.06.2024 04:02

Hey Matt,

Man, I am really touched you liked AOM this much. It was a struggle with the books getting split the way they were, and I'm relieved and delighted that it worked so well for you.
