As a newer player I like the rewards. My issue is there phrase Equivalent Strength Teams is a mistranslation of we don't know what we are doing so we are up against an alliance with fewer members but many of which are double the power of anyone in our alliance and they easily claimed all the good spots and no one can touch them. Were the second strongest so we got the next best and the two bottom teams are just screwed. The only reason they have any spots is because we can't seem to get some of our players to grasp the concept of camp in a town for points...
The rewards are essentially free unless you pay for the top track, but its not fun content.
Nobody likes Area of Conquest. 😂
ОтветитьWait...that's how the final pattern upgrades work? It can FAIL and you lose your thread? I've been thinking you could only do it once and those were the odds to get the given values. That's absolutely terrible that you can still fail and lose your threads in the process!
Ответитьthx Charlie
ОтветитьUnfairness among us. Just now we are against 3 golden league teams. And where is the promised balance? Charlie, the only one problem with AoC is itself.
ОтветитьCharlie: who needs patterns and thread?
Also Charlie: has only finished one flag and doesn't smell the purple banner coming
It's true in reverse too, I spent a lot at the beginning on the maps, thinking that it would be the only way to get some. When they gave the first orange for nothing, just to play, I thought it would be like for the first map, a lot then less, but no, now any player can catch up with my level without doing anything while I had made a big effort. So they should certainly leave gains that are worth investing time, but not that. Besides I don't see how AoC is linked to patterns, except for the launch, like a bottle of champagne on a boat that is launched.
ОтветитьWhat is ridiculous about this event...
I pick a team without knowing what team I need. I use my 12 moves, lose to an opponent, pick a new team and by the time I get back, that opponent has been taken out by someone else. Now I have the wrong team again, lose and get kicked back to the HQ. Rinse, repeat over and over and over.
I really have my doubt about the points gathering. We constantly held MidTown and that village is worth as much as 9 other villages. So if you have 10 villages including MidTown, per hour you should gather roughly an additional 1920 points compared to the others and extend your lead. However, our lead is only getting less and less. Slowly, but surely.
Also, 4 days of this torture.....2 days is already the max.
The complete game suck. Thats important to know, on our server, many people spend 200 or 400 euro, and all was resettet. All have become a delete from 1 million baubles. and have become a message with 50k...., and other servers have become 2 million... so many people lost so much money....
the biggest thiefs in gaming history
AoC completely sucks for newer users. We are fighting guilds that have all of their pets at 100%, but all of their heroes are weak. These guilds are between 3 - 5 years old that had all of the time to cash in pet eggs over the years. Gee, and they wonder why so many people stop playing this game. I am really considering it. ANGRY!
ОтветитьCharlie it is becouse you have it*** i dont have those items so i really would like to recieve them
ОтветитьI mean we need 9 patterns for 3flag (GA and COW) or more if you dont want to spend emerald to swap the pattern for orther flag
ОтветитьYou are forgetting something charlie, for Clash of worlds, it is beneficial to have 3 flags, not just one & for many F2P players, flags & flag patterns can be hard to come by, as a F2P player it can take weeks, even months of saving moves before it's possible to reach unique rewards like flags, event currency & the 20K emerald prizes. The AoC offers a free method for acquiring them without using explorer's moves, assuming their guild is strong enough to reach second place. I agree though that the patterns should be changed, I think rotating them so that it is not always the same rewards for first second & third place would be a good idea.
ОтветитьI farted, this is a scratch and sniff comment
ОтветитьThose of us that just started playing this year may be happy with conquest.
ОтветитьThe second place rewards are better than first due to the scarcity of the armor pen patterns
ОтветитьThe only right way to play this event is hoarding the coins and wait for the event to end. You get 4 chests for each 800 coins and those chests are awesome.
ОтветитьWeaving Patterns does NOT give you 3600 threads! It only gives about 500 and that is IF you have the summoning spheres stored up already. In order to get even 1,000 threads you HAVE TO BURN through 50,000 emeralds which... DO have a cost!
Ответитьthey promised inclusion titans, and match making still unfair.
Ответитьits the funniest gameplay ingame and rewards are good if u aint maxed out
ОтветитьHOW TO FIX AOC: Allow people to "see" enemies before they move 12 spots to fight enemy. So tired of picking a team, using my 12 moves, only to find out the defending team is not something I can beat. Now I have wait hours to get enough moves to go someplace else.
ОтветитьIt WOULD be nice if Nexters would start building/releasing more of the hero-specific Ascension skills!...
Ответитьif you think this is ridiculous, wait till you hear about Christmas Baubles scandal! LUL
ОтветитьI noticed that Nexters found a way to take care of people's complaints about the sheer disparity of total power, they removed the display of that number. I know the numbers value is limited, but when it gets to the over a hundred millions it does say a lot about the options for switching out teams to counter opponents. There is 1 person who is rampaging around with an Orion/Gus team we could not effectively counter (we are a still building almost completely f2p guild). We know the counter, but only a couple of people have built up to that point to face a maxed out O/G team.
I won't do it now because people aren't all online due to the holiday, but next time AoC comes up I plan to poll my guild on whether we will even bother to participate again. It could be a coincidence, but our 2nd most active member disappeared (I hope they just quit the game) back when it was announced AoC would become a regular thing and replace CoW (before that decision was overturned).
AoC just came at a terrible time for us, it took several hours for us to even get a 3rd member online and participating (it starts at something like 4AM for our strongest member too). By then the other guilds had deployed and established themselves and also had a several thousand point lead that we had no hope of recovering from.
Agree! Irrelevant event since a while as far as I am concerned. Extremely time consuming if you want to perform in it and little reward for players that are already set up with 3 patterns. And having that over Xmas...I am lost for words. Those Nexters Orthodoxs are taking the piss out of us.
ОтветитьGM of Legions - Server 65. Agree that AOE is losing it's luster. And the rewards do suck. Decided not to spend $25.00 because it doesn't seem worth it. I think this is the 2nd time we're going against you in AOE.
Ответитьmy heroes are above 500k red rank and someone with 303k hero power orange rank beat me in 18 seconds,stupid nexters
ОтветитьAoC is the worst event in this game, if they can't fix it why the hell isn't it deleted... there won't be any more and that's it, it's all sh**.
They always say it's "equal", they haven't been able to fix it for months.
We always get 20 million stronger clans, I don't understand if they can't fix it, why don't they write that sorry guys, we screwed up, this sh** won't happen again...
OK we get it AoC is not for everyone who's been playing for years. But now that most of us have time this is the most our guild has ever talking to each other and active for awhile and I don't have that much threads right now so winning a good placement is a good deal for us.
Ответитьgood ol days when it was just osh, now meastro is out i cant get 4 mil damage, 2 years. cant believe they made a new guild raid boss something to not look forward too.....
ОтветитьMost people will level up 6 patterns or even 9 so that they can have a flag for each of their grand arena teams.
ОтветитьYou only run out of stuff if you are P2P
ОтветитьI love AoC, I would play it just to play. It's the most interaction with your guild, and I love my guild. :)
ОтветитьAOC event was fun at first, now it become a real pain. if there is a strong guild dominates 4 teams, then 3 teams like a sitting duck, no way out and no way to play at all. for lower power players, most if not all will skip the whole fighting and just pick up some boxes...
ОтветитьFunny, you talk all around the REAL problem w/ AoC, that it's just a reward program for the whales who've either been playing the game for eons or have $pent thousand$ on the game. It needs a banner on the map that sez "Newbs can go get stuffed!"
Simple fix: when you're sitting on a town, your team power gradually decreases, say 1%/minute. As soon as you get kicked back to the castle by an opponent, all power is restored but then the 2nd half of the fix come into play: movement points recharge slower the more powerful the team. Hence whales can't go careening across the map swatting the lower ranked back to their castle, and a guild full of whales can't just sit on all the towns reaping all the points for the entire duration of the event.
The newbie guilds will have their mobility to take advantage of treasures spawning on the map, and there will some turnover of the towns on a regular basis.
this game is getting to be a money grab
ОтветитьAoC does not offer a fair competition....the matching of the guilds is a joke...a sad, sad joke
ОтветитьStrange that they don't rotate the rewards...
ОтветитьMerry Christmas Charlie and thank you for you services🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁
Ответитьthere is no balance between teams we have our higher player in the Guild with 800k power and we re against 1.1 M power x3 guild !
Ответить@HeroWarsCentral - It's upsetting to here you say that AoC is "losing relevancy quickly" - it seems to imply it was somehow a good event to start with. I know you know you acknowledsged that most people hate it, but big problem is that many people feel they should be playing close to 24 hours a day for 4 days which not only messes up their own "real life" lives, but even messes up the time that they could be better enjoying playing other aspects of Hero Wars itself.
Ответить@HeroWarsCentral - Could you make a video on HOW AoC ITSELF COULD BE IMPROVED? The horrible event, not just the prizes.
Improving the prizes, IMO, would be bad because anything thing to promote the horrible event without FIXING IT just hurts many many players and makes the entire game - as source of your income as well as Nexters, as well. Short term profits from AoC will not benefit Nexters in the long run and despite the cash-grab, overall profits have declined (as per their last quarterly report) and will continue to do so as more and more people fight their addiction and reject the game.
It seems like Nexters is insisting on keeping it because of the money people spend, especially for the ticket (and maybe the Aoc Pay-to-Win microtransaction, IDK.) I know you don't want to be too overtly negative, but maybe focus on how the event itself could be replaced (even Tic Tac Toe or ANYTHING ELSE not 24/7 would be an improvement) so they could (very figuratively) "earn" their money selling tickets and stuff via another BETTER event.
One of the biggest problem might be guilds that are used to be able to win having to spend huge amount of time which, if they "neglect" the game to sleep when faced with a strong opponent, just still isn't enough time.
You don't need to give a more specific solution because YOUR FOLLOWERS, COLLECTIVELY WITH OTHERS, will likely be inspired to find one IF YOU INSPIRE THEM TO DO SO!
This dreadful event should be 1-2 days long period. There's nothing fun about it, it's way too time consuming and the rewards generally suck for more mature accounts. They removed the numerical values of guilds and for the fifth AOC in a row, if you're a member of the two lowest teams you may as well sit in the castle because you literally can't compete. The monster guild that's always present holds the 32 and wins from day one. Boring, predictable and zero fun.
Ответитьthis winterfest is a joke, we got way more baubles by upgrading the new heroes the last years:
we get 232.480 baubles 2024:
Holiday Every Day: 48.750
Waiting for the Holiday: 51.980
Winter Tale: 39.000
mystery map: 84.000 (the usage of explorer moves are not worth it, especially compared to a full upgrades now hero, I count 20.000)
Area of Conquest: 8.750 (7900 doesen't count, because it is impossible to get them because of the inbalanced matchmaking)
we got 552.380 baubles the last years:
Holiday Every Day: 66.750
Waiting for the Holiday: 51.980
Winter Tale: 40.650
The Stranger from Frigid Space: 373.000
the gifts are not worth more, or got cheaper. Rewards and quests are the same, but we have one day less to fullfill them.
do you know how it feels if you only get less than 50% of the gifts to christmas than the last years?
Of course it gets not better when you know, that you invested 100% the same as the last years...
this winter event proofs again how much nexters hate their player!
2 Guildmates quit playing because of nexters.
The game rewards players maxing 5 main heroes to absolute max. Yes, you can have a counter to a team like that. Thing is, the counter needs to be maxed out to, or close to it.
So now you have 80% of the heroes sitting there going to waste on many accounts, and people complaining there is nothing left to do.
The game itself is not conducive to building all the heroes. It simply requires an absurd amount of resources. Essentially, the game is all about getting resources and dumping them into heroes. Once you look past that, the aspects of the game where you actually use heroes are lacking. THIS is the main issue. People want to play the game, but depending on the day and where you are with your hero team you may find you get some daily bonus stuff and that's it for the next 24 hours. No amount of new PVP modes favoring the single hero team whales will fix this.
The game needs a reason to select a purple plus3 hero team, as an example. Right now, max red is the only viable thing, because the game allows players to play with one single max red team. The disparity between a max red team and anything else means it is about impossible to win without an equal power counter. Modes like grand arena and the guild raid where 5 different teams of heroes are needed(or three) help with this, but they need some way to reward players for using the full roster and not just ultra focus on 5 heroes.
For example: the halloween thing where you could do the boss fights with every hero on your roster for rewards. Why is there no daily for that? A mode where you fight waves with a hero team until defeat, and you can only use one hero one time per day. They even have the code for it, it wouldn't be that hard to put in- there are missions in the campaign for titans like this with the waves.
As for AOC: until the nerf that 32 units settlement point, the monster team on any one guild will camp it and ensure victory for whichever guild has that monster team. I am not sure why all points aren;t worth the same. Reward active guilds for participating in the war, instead of a guild with two active teams that can roflstomp and camp on the 32 unit settlement for the entire thing.
if all the points are worth the same, the most active guild wins. If two guilds are equally active, the one that actually goes to war for additional territory on the map and tries to hold it wins. Seems more straight forward then the current state, but this game loves to reward mega whales for being whales.