I spooned the amulet around 30kc woot but I had to work so I was late to the party
Ответитьim so sad this sucks in comparison to the fantastic araxxor fight on rs3
ОтветитьLooking at ur messy bank gives me anxiety
ОтветитьDon’t put an ad in the middle of the animation jackass
ОтветитьU can skip tasks through dialogue, its so much quicker that way. Watching u skip like this makes me cry
ОтветитьThree Jars is craaaaazy
ОтветитьBlocking black demons? I just got 3 zenytes from 3 black demon tasks over last 2 weeks
Ответить“I can’t even sell it 😭” bloody mains
ОтветитьI really love all your content and If you ever go to clean out your bank junk you should let me have it haha in-game name is cogasa64 if not that's cool keep up the great content
ОтветитьCool. Again why did you use the balista for?
Ответитьi killed 71.. and got nada xD
ОтветитьIdk it looks like a very dumbed down version of the og araxxor, why dont we also have araxxi?
Ответитьsat on 1.5k small ones, made over 50m
Ответитьa lot of people look like theyve gotten spooned the drop rates might be low and theyll crash soon
ОтветитьArraxor kissed my dad
ОтветитьLove the vid! New content is always fun and exciting, but why is the flipping and market expert only using bludgeon and not inquisitor mace? Must be holding more investments 🤔😂
ОтветитьI still find it strange that the other boss jar drops aren't untradeable, given they go into the achievement room you'd think they're supposed to be something you'd personally have to grind for and not just some GE purchase
ОтветитьI'm around 150 kc and I have gotten 0 uniques.
ОтветитьThat venom drop had me frustrated too. The time to loot the body is included in the time for whatever reason.
Ответитьheavy balista works good for the smaller spiders, often time one shoting them
Ответитьim 136 kills in and got the pet lmao i guess im not going to make any money here then
ОтветитьAm i the only guy that just thinks this dude sounds huggable? 😂😅
ОтветитьGz on the loot! Just hit 400 KC and all I have are 5 heads 😂😅
ОтветитьDeath charge with burning claws has been what I've been doing since minions help get specs back p fast. Crazy jar luck man lmfao.
ОтветитьThey really need to update KQ
ОтветитьGigaspooned, I killed 237, absolutely nothing.
ОтветитьZulrah is cracked?
ОтветитьGzz flip! I think I’m one of the few spooned too, I got full halberd, 2 slayer helms and pet transmog by 100 kc
ОтветитьWhat's an araxxor task? 1200 points no task😊
ОтветитьThe loot is only guaranteed when you LOOT within the time. It's like the timer is still going until you loot it.
ОтветитьUre spooned af
ОтветитьMan, all my basic loot from the boss so far has been coal and mort myre fungus. Had no idea it could drop dragon legs and such.
Ответитьnext slayer boss is gunna be 94 slayer req and its main drops gunna be a slight upgrade from rune scimi
ОтветитьHeyo! Check out the price of the burning claws! Made 130M
ОтветитьCan you do a video about killing the small araxytes off task? I actually get insane money from it. Without uniques its over 3m gp/h, with boots Im currently at over 10M gp/h
Ответитьwtf is happening to amethyst ore i spent 500m thinking it was going to go up after araxxor nek mint 2.8 down from 3.6 🫣
Ответитьwhy would you lie in your cc and say you sold it for 110m when you clearly just sold it for 106m
Ответитьyou can use avas for javelin, provb a waste of inv space tho
Ответитьwth how you still don't have max gear on your main and as a big streamer
ОтветитьDid my first task with 70 kills and got absolutely nothing
Ответитьcrazy how you got the amulet on the very last kill
Ответить600 kills, not a single unique. Seems like the only way to get them is by becoming a content creator 😂
Ответитьboss is hard man, idk what your saying
Ответитьgot my fang 12 kc lmao ironman luck
ОтветитьFang at 31kc. Suck it scrubs