Genre Analysis Practice

Genre Analysis Practice

Christina M. LaVecchia

8 лет назад

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@rowo175 - 06.10.2018 20:56

very helpful thank u

@TanveerKhan-cl7yx - 10.03.2020 11:47

Hi,I m doing my research on biographical recount genre,a field of genre analysis,following sydney school.kindly suggest me books and related articles for my research other than Martin's Genre Relations and Loggogensis of Freedom

@dhikramakh9729 - 21.01.2021 16:23

Hi, I'm doing my research on business genre analysis, I would really appreciate if you help find some resources for my research paper

@adrianaadriana3208 - 09.02.2021 19:03

Excellent video! Thank you.

@nielanthonombajen732 - 09.03.2023 05:31

Hello, I am making a research about genre analysis of TV commercials. Is there any theories or framework you can suggest that I can use in my study?
