i might get BANNED from Spotify... im not kidding

i might get BANNED from Spotify... im not kidding

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@ZaccLee - 17.01.2024 22:10

Spotify should just remove the streams, not the actual track. Also love how you'll prolly find a couple mainstream artists in those playlists too and they won't get their music taken down.
You've got this bro 🙏💯💪.

@cblanchhiphop - 17.01.2024 22:15

I had the exact same stream spike appear this week and it's frustrating because I've never pitched to any playlisters or services. Contacted spotify for artists and they said "everything looks normal" when it clearly isn't.... Curious to know where things go for you - please keep us updated. It's BS that a ton of artists could get strikes for something they never did.

@zackdonner9970 - 17.01.2024 22:17

nah spotify gotta go this why i only post on soundcloud

@TxFxAstaror - 17.01.2024 22:47

I had the same notification

@DannyDaFlite - 17.01.2024 22:50

spotify did this to me also bro

@acidente_dev - 17.01.2024 23:11

I don't get are they saying you're using bots to stream your songs? is that it?

@jpk.mp3 - 17.01.2024 23:59

that actually crazy bro

@poisedtobreak - 18.01.2024 00:05

dudeeeee that's insane man. As an artist myself, I feel your pain. I'm sorry that you're having to deal with this BS. I would personally reach out to Spotify customer support and politely let them know that you haven't done anything wrong. I know it must be shocking to receive such a letter, but just try to stay calm and keep your head up. In time, I'm sure they’ll realize that they made a mistake due to their algorithms. Keep making great music and don't let this detour you from your dreams.

@bossmanmusic1600 - 18.01.2024 00:12

My management got the exact same warning across multiple of my songs.. Spotify is just implementing this feature as of recent and it's a terrible idea to do so when there's multiple random bot playlists going around adding thousands of artists to them and giving them fake streams. Spotify needs to figure this out because I've got around 3 strikes now because of this.

@tokyogamer5825 - 18.01.2024 00:29

I recently had an old song added to a fake bot playlist without my permission. I have curruently 30,000 monthly listners all organic and I work really hard to keep it that way. This is so annoying because they added me to the playlist and added 1000 streams and gave me 150 extra followers which I do not want since they are fucking bots! I am worried Spotify will send me an emal like this which is so annoying because I am on multiple editorial playlists also and the last thing I want is this fucking bot playlist to fuck me up!.

@wethegamers870 - 18.01.2024 01:27

I'm going to be honest, I don't think spotify calculates 100% of actual streams, i think they take out their given streams and only calculate curated playlists/streams of people who directly go to your page to listen to your song.

@feelgood6286 - 18.01.2024 02:32

So you didn't got banned from distrokid? That's a relief, i had the same notification for 1 song today and they were right, it was on a botted playlist in december but in the past it was never a problem, it looks like spotify is going after these fake promo as of this year

@808Riot - 18.01.2024 02:35

Okay, this may not sound believable to some people but here's what most likely has happened. Just recently (last 6 months or so) there's been a big scheme with botting services that offer streams that come directly from editorial playlists even though your song isn't seen in the actual playlist. So even though you see streams come from those playlists they may not be real unless you actually got placed on the playlist. For example, I see you have gotten streams from some of the top playlists like 'Today's Top Hits' and 'Viral Hits'. While sometimes you can get real streams from these playlists through new recommendations for listeners, if you're getting a high multitude of streams such as your 7000 stream spikes, that is 99% all botted as it all just dropped off straight after. So, even though you didn't pay for the botting service, the botters can still send streams to your song either as a test or for whatever reasons they have. I'd be happy to speak more on this because I know it can sound confusing but it is a real thing unfortunately and I've had a lot of experience with the backend things of Spotify.

@dariusrwalker - 18.01.2024 06:09

same thing happened to me. Got the same notice saying 4 of my songs are 100% artificial streams - when more than half of the streams are literally Spotify algorithmic streams.

@osigbemhedaniel1632 - 18.01.2024 16:43

This notification is only on distrokid not directly from spotify distrokid are doing it them self and blaming spotify

@Deyo405 - 18.01.2024 18:21

yoooo I had this same problem last months it was so frustrated 😩 after all the hard work and time spent promoting your work for them to just say your song is having a fake streams that f up but you can talk with distrokid the will fix it for you

@CeeVert - 18.01.2024 19:00

Same shit just happened to me.. Spotify are starting there own promotion now and getting rid of 3rd party promotions

@Yorke00 - 18.01.2024 23:00

The same thing happened to me yesterday. It's crazy because they flagged two of my songs but removed the entire album

@theonlyRenny - 19.01.2024 05:23

They just took down two albums and a single of mine due to four songs that were flagged??? :/ My biggest issue was them saying 100% of the streams were artificial when those songs were clearly getting a majority of streams from Spotify algorithmic playlists 😮‍💨

@JOVANNEMUSIC - 19.01.2024 09:06

Spotify is not doing it right

@bluesmanDon - 20.01.2024 20:49

I’m dealing with this bullshit right now too. Three of my most popular songs have been removed saying the same thing, 100% artificial streams even though they are streaming on legit Spotify playlists and even getting local radio play. I contacted Spotify about this and was informed that they didn’t request the songs taken down and that the metadata looks good. DistroKid removed the songs. I keep reading posts about this happening to other artists. Their music gets deleted and the distributor pockets the royalties. Trying to deal with DistroKid’s customer support is like bashing your head against the wall. I’m pissed 😡

@officialkngfst - 26.01.2024 23:23

This is crazy me and bro got flagged last year. I’m almost thinking discovery mode got us flagged because we not paying for any fake views!?!🤔🤔🤔

@tokyogamer5825 - 29.01.2024 23:39

yoooo Curtiss King TV just made a video on this topic! Damn this shit really blowing up!

@AllisterWestlandMusic - 19.02.2024 23:03

I don't get why they are targeting the artist when it should be the playlist owner if songs are being botted.

@likwidguns - 27.02.2024 20:46

They're trying to sabotage indie artist

@MOSP14 - 29.02.2024 21:54

Spotify got crazy this year.

@MOSP14 - 29.02.2024 21:57

The whole “fake stream stuff” is going to ruin Spotify reputation. The whole concept of a fake stream is crazy like how a stream can be fake? Didn’t it came from a Spotify account?

@negativeones2057 - 14.03.2024 17:33

Well ,last friday i got into my distrokid account and guess what. EMPTY . Distrokid removed all my tracks ( around 18 ) , ive uploaded from 2020 to 2023 . No warnings, no messages, nothing. I have spoken to spotify and they say they had nothing to do with it. Distrokid wont answer my emails. So i have no clue of what to do ,because i have been reading that when its about fake strams or copyright issues they will send you a warning. Anyone else with the same problem ?

@jamesdeborde - 18.03.2024 00:32

Yes...I too have had algorithmic streams flagged for being fraudulent. Like, a lot. It's a problem. Either Spotify can't tell a legitimate stream from a botted stream...or the platform is so heavily populated with fake accounts that the algorithm can't avoid racking up large numbers of botted streams just by doing it's thing. One thing is for sure...it all smells really rotten.

@juniordunkley2751 - 01.05.2024 02:03

Artists that fake their streams are scumI pay good money for real streams from the best farms man

@jorgaridya7085 - 24.05.2024 08:55

Im gonna put this out here. We might be a minority as indie artist, but we can make a stand an pull off our music from Spotify. I think if enough of us do it and demand they fix this, they might do it.

For my next release I will leave Spotify out.

@hoodbyair0000 - 26.05.2024 16:43

put this video on promo or something, this need to be seen by milions.
I got delete like 2 days ago. from ''bot farming'' playlist. yeah.

@hoodbyair0000 - 26.05.2024 16:46

question is.. should I wait for their replay? or re-upload track?
or delete from distrokid it and re-upload again? no clue.

@billyolsson3340 - 11.06.2024 13:56

You're buying botted shit. Own it.

@FRANKMUSIKOFFICIAL - 26.06.2024 23:18

This just happened to me. I’m speechless.

@Dihmarko - 24.07.2024 08:26

Spotify is not removing your songs,your distributor is. You can just reupload the songs with the same UPC on a different distributor and you won't lose any streams. You only need to worry if Spotify themselves removes your song. Also you can buy fake algorithm streams and you can't tell the difference in your analytics.

@RealHitta - 19.10.2024 13:17

I feel u bro

@cameronwhitemusic6 - 01.11.2024 05:41

If i just reupload with the same ISRCS and metadata will it be restored?

@kissass1286 - 09.12.2024 14:22

I had this exact problem, where I got 700 streams on a really old song, randomly. I hadn't known that until I logged in one day and I got reported for artificial streams. Ultimately, I looked into the playlists and I couldn't even SEE ANY. There was nothing there and Spotify Support was of no help at all. Oddly enough, I have new music coming out soon and I'm just so scared that I'll encounter the same problem. I have never asked nor invested in anything inauthentic, so I'm confused. Spotify attacks the artist and I truly don't want my music removed. I work so many hours just to afford a session and the last thing I need is that. I'm also upset that I have to pay $10 now lol....

@kissass1286 - 09.12.2024 14:25

I beleive as artists, our best bet is to not release onto Spotify. They aren't being serious about this, because they'd prevent botting rather than penalize the artist. On top of that, they pay you less than a cent for streams and to charge a larger cost for streams you truly cannot help receiving, is insane.

@Frankbannisterog - 13.02.2025 17:17

For any one who works for spotify yo mama 😂😂😂

@gasparucciox9706 - 24.01.2024 10:54

those glasses don’t make you more reliable, so i don’t trust you man , reconsider your comunication it's my simple tip
