@TiffanyCullen That song motivates me to keep trying no matter how many times i mess up. It's that awesome!
ОтветитьI heard that Axis Mundi is impossible to beat in sigles in the US version, is this true?
ОтветитьWow you're good! I can't get past 97 steps because I keep moving stuff without thinking and making a mess lol >.>
Ответитьthe farthest i am able to go is about 110-115 steps... i go back and forth from collapsing steps and moving them for bridges and such and still a no go... thinking about redoing the game for training purposes... and try without undo... other than that.. you're awesome cause these stages are hard
ОтветитьUgh... watching those close-call moments when the ground gives in right below you while you're trying to figure out a way to climb up... Man, I give kuddos to you for finding a way! >.<
ОтветитьMe and my friend were doing Altar co-op and after two hours of pushing each other off the edge and destroying the tower, we finally reached the end and he destroyed his way up to the top. -_-
Ответить@Namegoesthere EDGE
ОтветитьI ALWAYS die when I reach 100 steps. I just get there and there is like 1 row of blocks and no hope to EVER beat it. I completely honor you for doing this IMPOSSIBLE deed. I really want to get the platinum trophy for this game because I love it so much but I don't think that will ever be possible.
Ответить@OptimusCrist Hen To Hen (search "Catherine - Hen to Hen")
ОтветитьI gave up trying to do this on single and finally beat it in pairs. You are a god for being able to finish this in singles mode.
ОтветитьNew Record, New Record, New Record, ... Gosh, how annoying! xDDDD
ОтветитьSorry but that's a very, very slow time!
ОтветитьWhen ever the women says will vincent be the next big star i end up trapped with the stairs below gone and be stuck on a idolated area
Ответить108 lol
Ответить128 steps, then i fuck up ... the game cheats ... a block is supposed to stick to the wall if at least one edge is connected, right? well, mine just keep falling the fuck down. that's why i fuck up.
Ответитьi am no longer enjoying this game
ОтветитьJust gotta, keep ya head up. Gotta. Keep ya head up.
Ответитьi always choke on 98....always
Ответить116 steps then fail! haha this is hard
Ответитьto me it's like saw trap
ОтветитьSo I looked up some of your gold videos and found that after I followed it I started getting gold on my own. You totally made me a better player. But Bable is insane. You have a gift. My best was like 115
ОтветитьMy heart dropped at 8:25. LOL.
Ответитьdoes anyone know what song is playing in the back?
ОтветитьAlways failed between 90 and 135, decided to try alonde with two controllers on pair mode. Sucess in 3 tries (on second i was at one step from the end and it fell)
ОтветитьI got to 130 :( the song basically stopped playing and I fail!
ОтветитьThis is amazing! ;_;
Ответитьnew record, new record, new record. Seriously, who the fuck thought that would be a good idea?
Ответитьhow many tries did this take to film a perfect vid? I can't even go further than 108 steps without messing up -_-
ОтветитьYou're a BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьSo freaking hard...D:
ОтветитьAfter seeing this I think I am happy with The Golden Child trophy. I dont want to go through more...
ОтветитьThat is some amazing skill. Your brain must be lighting up on the scans.
ОтветитьThe Jenga from hell.
ОтветитьMasterfully done sir, someone give this man a medal.
Ответитьwhy this shit is random... i'm not that good in this game but babel is the only thing I need for platinum..
ОтветитьMan, I beat this level a few moments ago... I cried of happiness.
ОтветитьI only ever got to 70 steps until I gave up entirely 😭
ОтветитьMy highest record is 138 -_- Hopefully I beat it
ОтветитьI can't cross 100ish always fail near 120 or 100 steps.
ОтветитьIsso vai me separar da platina desse jogo. Não tenho habilidade e nem paciência pra fazer isso
ОтветитьWhat a master. Anyways, fuck all the babel stages man because i suck lmaooo. Puzzle ass game is the hardest to Platinum 😭😂
Ответитьthanks for hints. Getting stuck at 100-110 steps. Honestly afraid of thinking how difficult the rest of the babel will be
Ответитьeu chego no degrau 109 e não consigo mais subir, mas agora to entendendo, precisa manter a estrutura lateral para não ficar com pouco espaço para mover os blocos. vou tentar de novo
ОтветитьMan, the lack of undos really throw me off.
ОтветитьThis is so frustrating watching this too easy . I’ll never beat Axis Mundi though
ОтветитьJesus Chris I was commentating the entire time watching this dude, he made so many mistakes but still hit the goal
ОтветитьMan i was aiming for the platinum but this is to much