6th Day in Big New UPDATE | The Infected V20.2

6th Day in Big New UPDATE | The Infected V20.2

Mon EvenStar

6 дней назад

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@guardman5566 - 10.11.2024 21:38

i all ways do 3 saw benchs when i start out small tree gives 3 logs

@guardman5566 - 10.11.2024 21:40

just as posted that you built your 3rd one lol

@guardman5566 - 10.11.2024 22:15

fruit crates dont go in carts

@wades1360 - 10.11.2024 23:46

You can craft the food prep table. Shouldn't need a tech page for that. Check the book, something like Placeables, kitchen, furniture.

@anthonyquinn3671 - 11.11.2024 00:41

Try placing 3 Spoiled food on the Workbench you will make Bio-Fuel and it stacks to 100 instead of a full chest of Spoiled food. No the Fruit crates were never allowed in the Carts, and you accidentally made 4 Watermelon Crates instead of 2 and 2 Pumpkin?

@dysonshereseas7891 - 11.11.2024 01:06

Hi Mon, yes complete your house to enclose it before winter make sure you have the coal furnace so your plants can grow through winter love the game play stay safe and warm ❤

@cyberdonblue4413 - 11.11.2024 03:25

Mon, you have the 4 Croc skins so why don't you make the large backpack? You've got plenty of rope and you only need 2 rope plus the croc skins for the bigger backpack. It would make life so much easier for you.

@Imru_gamer - 11.11.2024 03:30

Food prep table is free,it's on the place ables under kitchen. The butcher table only needs tech pages

@niccoleshrider9794 - 11.11.2024 05:53

According to kage848, dev bug fixed the fireplaces so they work as the coal heaters do and keep your planters warm in winter in your house. I have not checked it in game myself yet. Wonderful episode, way to finish out your starter base Mon!😊 This game keeps me coming back for more, like no other as well! Thank you for your hard work and wonderful personality Mon!🍒💣💯%❗️

@donaldevans5752 - 11.11.2024 22:57

Dont bother with the sink tech it is on of the last tech's you need others are a lot more important . And now you have all watermelon crates lol , if you combine one tea or coffee with a can you will get enough extra heat to last a whole winter storm without a problem .

@adwatson8908 - 12.11.2024 10:51

You are going to be fine! A couple of tips that may help: You can go loot in early winter and when you get some coffee/tea/cans (you may already have some) then you can make the actual coffee or tea on your person while you are out and about - they will give you a buff against the cold. Don't forget your coat and winter pants :) Turn your bones into shards - lighter and take up less storage space. I have complete faith in you to get through the winter, after all, you are a survivor! Enjoyed as always TY!

@ryasnipes6068 - 12.11.2024 21:56

Looking great!!!

@Chop2009 - 14.11.2024 15:15

The videos in the playlist are in the wrong order.
