Grandma Da'thy's Kitchen

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@beyoutifultyneka8 - 28.01.2019 03:42

Looks yummy..cant wait to try it. I'll definitely will be purchasing your book❤ GOD BLESS😍

@jamillaslife3696 - 28.01.2019 04:04


@cuzzinangela4459 - 28.01.2019 04:47

I love you but why do we have to add all that sugar. My grandma thru down in the kitchen but did not add all of the sugar.

@shyvonjones6881 - 28.01.2019 04:50

Oh my that looks so delicious my mouth is watering,im going to make it this week for my family,Thanks for the recipe.GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY

@BrittanyCheron - 28.01.2019 05:23

What would you typically serve this with?

@Sumogrits - 28.01.2019 06:30

Thank you Grandma Da'thy!! I'm sure I'm going to like preparing this dish because I live in the South and therefore I eat each and every kind of veggie you used in this dish.

@HootenannyMike - 28.01.2019 08:41

Granny Dathy I think your eyelash is falling off...food looks good though!

@angiefuller5227 - 30.01.2019 17:23

Looks so good you brought back memories Gramdma Dathy im from Louisiana my Grandma use to make succotash all the time the only difference is she use to use tomato sauce instead of the whole tomato but its all the same thank you so much for sharing

@shirleyosborne8068 - 31.01.2019 22:32

I love succataeh! Tfsharing Ms Dathy 😘!

@tparker8370 - 03.02.2019 19:21

How does it taste without adding the sugar? Probably taste good with okra. Thanks for sharing and MAY GOD BLESS YOU💕💜 !!!

@AyeJye - 03.02.2019 19:44

I just found your page today and i love it !! May God bless you and much success !! Thank you for teaching us how to cook for our family

@AyeJye - 03.02.2019 19:48

Just a suggestion could you make the lighting a little brighter so we can see the food better

@kickinitwithkels8484 - 15.02.2019 06:40

Going to make this,hubby nloves this dish!

@heavenmosley8966 - 21.02.2019 00:22

Looks great

@JeriFortune - 24.02.2019 02:56

My mom makes this but I pick the lima beans out. I don't like them. My apron and seasoning came today. I will use the apron soon but I used the seasoning tonight. I sprinkled some on salmon. It was a big fillet that I cut into 5 pieces and cooked it in a frying pan in a little olive oil. I sprinkled it with your seasoning it was so good. The seasoning smells amazing even before it goes on anything. Will you be having more seasonings or just this one?

@florencescott8224 - 20.04.2019 18:35

Wow!! Mississippi dinner looks so delicious thank you for your recipe Da’thy’s 😋😋👍

@mscatiiz1 - 30.05.2019 00:15

Just found you beautiful... and I am loving your videos and recipes!! Keep sharing everything you cook! I need all the good southern recipes I can get.. Is your seasoning on Amazon?

@natashabetts7509 - 20.07.2019 13:20

Hello from North Mississippi and I stopped for the succotash.Plan on making some tomorrow.

@natashabetts7509 - 20.07.2019 13:23

how can I get the cookbook?

@AlbertAguirre - 07.04.2020 16:19

Omg this lady is so sweet

@ryisworld - 08.07.2020 18:20

I love herrrr 🥰🥰🥰

“add a little sugar in it” dumps a bowl of sugar 🤣🤣 makes me miss cooking with my grandmothers!

@dashawalrath2057 - 21.11.2020 11:31

This lady is adorable 😄

@cherylgaston479 - 08.07.2021 20:28

Grandma have to tell you you look gorgeous,and that succatosh looks amazing

@SisterNunya - 09.09.2021 04:25

I’ve been looking for a recipe and can’t wait to make this. So thank you.

@tdgentry9817 - 09.10.2021 08:46

That EYE! 😮🙏🏿

@justifiedlife1595 - 17.02.2022 04:29

Gosh dern,...where'd that other eyelash go? is it in the Succatash?

@ts-eu6mp - 18.07.2022 16:48

Hey :)! I am from the South, too! It is hot and humid-good for a woman's complexion-not so great for men's health-don't know why-just is. Mississippi style-well, one of the lines of my family landed in MS when they came to America from England. There were 3-4 cousins who came together and my Daddy's direct land went to Mississppi. He was a lawyer, planter and churchman. There is a book about him taken from the diary he kept. I hope you are doing well and thank you so much for your real Southern recipes. Will be so interested to find your brand of seasonings! Blessings, Terri S.

@dorothymyers9404 - 14.11.2022 22:30

Your eyelash!! Check your eyelash sweetie halfway off and one is gone

@paulaajohnson2597 - 27.01.2023 14:22

We had a neighbor from Mississippi who made a fabulous succotash with ground sausage. I've never had anything like it. Sadly, I didn't get her recipe.

@bernitascott2886 - 17.03.2023 08:14

I use turkey sausage and it taste good.

@howdyimhunner - 30.05.2023 09:49

Jackson resident here. My lord, I knew she was from here when I saw that “little sugar” she threw in 😂😂😂 last time I went to a potluck at the black church I could chew the sweet tea 😂 “what kind of ice cubes in this tea Auntie?” …. Baby, them is sugar cubes. ❤😂

@zildaromero9685 - 31.08.2024 19:20

Look delicious that the way I make mines ❤❤❤❤❤

@lisanelson9400 - 14.10.2024 02:19

Agree. I love herbs and garlic.

@politicalpug8843 - 02.11.2024 14:00

Man, I love the Mississippi Delta; it's where I was born, and when I get old, I will leave Harlem, NYC, and the delta is where I will die - Greenville. My sons better come to my grave
