WeWorkToVisitVegas Interviews Ben Heath

WeWorkToVisitVegas Interviews Ben Heath


4 года назад

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@stuartpritchard7999 - 19.11.2020 21:22

12minutes in and putting you on the big screen now! Been walking round watching on the phone!! Good chat so far

@laurieb3054 - 19.11.2020 22:23

LOL.. it was Matt Bridger's vlogs who got me into all these other Las Vegas vlogs. His joy of Las Vegas is very infectious. Enjoyed your video.

@karenquinn7602 - 19.11.2020 22:24

Absolutely loved this 👍🏻🥂

@eneidarivera6110 - 19.11.2020 22:30

Love watching you guys! This is 2nd video. Hope to see you for New Year's in Vegas.

@markjones2078 - 19.11.2020 22:50

Fuck them this is still America. Maybe not much longer with Biden. Love your comment about the constitution

@davidsutcliffe6877 - 19.11.2020 23:30

Great vlog Dave , really enjoyed it and excellent quality 👍

@edelgilmartin7882 - 19.11.2020 23:32

Great video! Look forward to any more you try out 🎲🎰

@conorhughes6462 - 20.11.2020 01:38

Cracking watch again Dave! Ben’s a top lad. Looking forward to more of these 👏

@richardchew8238 - 20.11.2020 01:50

Great stuff guys

@darrenr7463 - 20.11.2020 02:39

Loving these new webcasts Dave, and great interview with Ben. Don't know if anyone else has thought it, but every time i see the pic of Michelle's legs on the balcony i wonder what the pair of you would have done if one of her Louboutin's had slipped off and headed south

@dianaallen3707 - 20.11.2020 03:53

Great interview Dave! I found your channel from Ben and Matt B.

@silkee777 - 20.11.2020 04:39

That was great! So interesting! Keep the webcasts coming!

@williamwalls3253 - 20.11.2020 07:12

Excellent Vieods your the best time flies in one of your vieods you said you was 45 lol well im 42 on january 28 2021 ill be 43 i love your vieods i been watching your vieods about 4 years i been to Vegas 3 times i love it 1989 i was 11 1995 i was 17 and in 1998 i was 20 i always sience 1980 i was 2 i just always live Vegas my mom and Stepdad used to go 1980 i miss old Vegas Strip i used to watch this old TV Show Vegas it ran from 1978 to 1980 the actors were Dana Taner And Greg Morris they both got old and died i miss them im going to buy season 1 one day from Walmart the show has two Ladis i have a crush on in 1989 i stayed at old Rivira in 1995 i was 17 i stayed at Circus Circus SkyRise Tower i love the CirCus Circus and Slots a fun and in 1998 i stayed At Stardust Motel i miss Westward Ho some of these hotels are gone i cried when Rivera left i wanted to be old eno to Gamble there i love and miss that place i still cry please dont laugh Vegas is bitter sweet because My Stepdad in 1991i was13 he died at 57 he had lung Cancer he smoked from 15 to 56 and in 2018 i lost my mom next year i want to stay at CramWell i want to go to Ellis island i like to play Slots i might play and have a Table

@carly4361 - 20.11.2020 08:29

This was a great interview! Absolutely love both of your guys' channels!!! And I have to agree with Ben that Julian Serrano is FANTASTIC. Definitely one of my go-to restaurants every trip.

@gregorynemecek630 - 20.11.2020 08:48

Awesome Dave really enjoyed the interview with Ben really good sit and listen to you gentlemen talk about Vegas for a long time that was fantastic keep it up more of this content until the next one take care Dave

@edgarengland9223 - 20.11.2020 13:28

A great interview/chat between the 2 of you, if they let us back in for March will get you a few beers(my birthday that week as well!)

@JoshRachael - 20.11.2020 17:00

This was great to see. Awesome hearing stories about starting channels while we figure out our own platform. Excited for more!

@Vegas.777 - 20.11.2020 20:21

Lol. Loved you got nothing better to do. Ain't that the truth. We really enjoy your webcast you may be onto something here pretty good. Looking forward to the next one. Stay well and healthy

@stevegale3549 - 20.11.2020 22:28

Brilliant Dave, excellent content and good for you also Ben xx

@John_Lee95 - 21.11.2020 00:33

Cracking watch guys. Love all the Vegas bloggers videos. Can’t wait to get back to our favourite city. I’m defo happy to join you guys on that aeroplane to verdansk 😂. Add me up Notorlousbig78

@lesleystevenson68 - 21.11.2020 05:12

Loved this x

@Andy_In_The_Valley - 21.11.2020 06:21

Just watched, can't wait for more interviews, not sure if it's my stereo but we had to turn up our volume a lot to hear it. Other than that, good job!

@philanderson1200 - 21.11.2020 08:51

Always enjoy watching/listening to people who love Vegas as much as we do 😍

@jerriphillips3402 - 21.11.2020 13:02

Did Michelle catch the virus too? I just had it. I was down for 10 days.

@katiethornhill7080 - 21.11.2020 15:59

Great seeing you both watched all your vlogs like yourselves me and my husband love las vegas we got married there 17.11.11 we go back every year unfortunately not this year... but we booked for next November 🤪

@MattWilsonVegasFan - 21.11.2020 22:21

Great interview! Thanks for this.

@davidclark8740 - 21.11.2020 23:26

For the 1st interview of the webcast job well done 👍👍 and yes you were looking into the camera 😆. New flash: Dave owns a jacket holy crap LOL 😂 maybe some fancy clothes 😂. Take care 👊 looking forward to the next one 👍

@willgair6116 - 22.11.2020 06:56

I thought this was a biweekly vlog. You have to be consistent or at least follow what you say you’re going to do.

@adamhernandez6269 - 22.11.2020 09:11

Hey that was a great interview looking forward to the next one👍👍

@chrisbayridge23 - 22.11.2020 23:27

This was a great interview!

@ddd228 - 24.11.2020 08:21

Hey, it's DAVE TV!!!!! This pandemic is debilitating! Matt Bridger is a LV expert. March,2021. September 13 to 18? I was born on 9/11.
Michelle won't come before the camera
Without putting her face ON.

@floid81 - 24.11.2020 20:53

what are your CodTracker/Usernames in verdansk? i am there on a daily 🤫😂

@VegasTipsandTricks - 25.11.2020 15:38

This program needs more hair! Lol

@BenHeath1 - 20.11.2020 13:48

thanks for having me Dave :) , looking forward to seeing some of your other interviews and webcasts
