A natural right hander, I lived & worked in Ireland for 10 yrs & was constantly amazed at the number of southpaws in the country. Coupled with the back to front highway & traffic laws, I found over time I'd actually become comfortably ambidexterous, performing as many tasks with my left hand/side as w/my right. Alas, being back in the US for some years, with the upcoming Presidential election I'm feeling again conflict between left and right & the strongly compelling urge to move back to Europe. Frankly I'm tired already & again of all the repetetive senseless bickering political bullshit --- I'm a Charlie Haughey man. I think he of anyone would agree that treasonous commanders should be court-martialed to stand trial.
ОтветитьI found it interesting that a video addressing this subject used an almost overwhelming number of "clips" of what were clearly right-handed people...I'm sure us lefties have strengths and weaknesses that are poorly understood. One day they will also discover the predeterminants of brilliance, as well as psychosis and addiction. This knowledge may explain many things and be frightening, but I am not likely to ever see this. I would have liked life to be easier!
ОтветитьAugust 13 our day
ОтветитьAs I've heard it, everyone was born left-handed but became righthand ed after committing their first sin. I'm borderline because I'm ambidextrous. 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьSinister is Latin for left. Probably due to the use of swords being enhanced by the use of it by left handed people. On th other hand dexter was right in Latin leading to the term dexterous
ОтветитьIt's definitely familial. My birth mother, grandmother, sisters and I - all left-handed. I was more stubborn than most. I remember, in first grade, the teacher shifting my pencil to my right hand. I would simply stop, lay the pencil down and not continue writing. She finally got the hint.
ОтветитьI am 1 of 4 sibs, 2 each, boys and girls, with 1 boy and 1 girl being lefties. I am a partially ambidextrous lefty. I became more ambidextrous after I drove a stick shift car for a while. I suddenly realized this one day when I found myself filling a cup and carrying it with my right hand, without spilling anything. Although that car is about 38 years on the past, I didn't become less ambidextrous again. I still use either hand to pour and carry stuff. It's been a big help the past few years because the thumb/wrist joint of my left hand was injured a number of times over my 6 & ½ decades of life, and is now causing me problems, including pain. My wrist brace helps some, but the joint still hurts. Being able to do some tasks with my right hand, and to do so without a handedness problem is a big help. Many things I'm good at doing with my right hand simply because that's how they are designed to be done, including computer mice. That one also leaves my left hand free to type when using a desktop keyboard. When using my tablet, I use either hand. However, I am unable to write legibly with my right hand. Most of my scissors are lefthanded and one or 2 are bi-handed. Decades ago, I also bought a pair of lefthanded scissors for my younger brother when I was buying my first pair. It is sometimes difficult to do things in a right-handed world, but I think that it has made my thought processes more flexible, and has helped me to sometimes think outside the box. I think that it has also helped me to get along well with people of different cultures/countries/colors. I know what it's like to be different, because of being lefthanded, and being an introvert. No one ever tried to make me right handed, and I would have resisted such a stupid thing. Sadly, I sat next to a left handed boy in 3rd grade who was being forced to use his right hand by his parents. They had apparently told his teachers to do that too. Fortunately, the one we shared never tried to pull that insanity on me. I really felt sorry for that boy, as he was so uncomfortable and unhappy when trying to use his right hand. It's such a cruel and stupid thing to do. Yeah, I know. Some people think using the left hand is evil, so left-handed people must be evil. I'm in my mid-60s and have no criminal record, except for a few traffic things. I don't do drugs, booze, smoke, gamble, spend wildly, or do wild parties. I am also not a Karen.😂 Yeah, I know. A lot of people undoubtedly think I lead a boring life. I realize that it looks that way from the outside, but I have interests that I pursue, and I really don't like the vices that I don't engage in, so I don't miss them. What I would like is more bi-handed stuff in the world. While I'm at it, let's all wish for more politeness and civility, and fewer Karens.😂
ОтветитьI’m ambidextrous. I can write with both hands at the same time, writing forward with my right hand while writing the same thing mirror image with my left. And of course I can write with each hand separately. I think I started out left handed and was made to write with my right hand so I just adapted and did both. I eat with either hand. 😊😊
ОтветитьVery annoying music!
ОтветитьI write with my left hand but am right handed in every thing else and am also right footed.
ОтветитьI’m a leftie, my husband is a leftie, my best friend is a leftie and all my ex boyfriends were lefties. I understand other lefties better and get along with them better. We think a like. We all see the bigger picture quicker. Both my kids are righties lol .
ОтветитьIm a South paw & my aunt Lula / Lulu / Bebe ( she had three first names) was an famous artist & she was amidextris ; predominantly left handed . I am an left handed artist 🎨 however there are certain things i can only do with my right hand , such as scissors cutting ✂️ &playing guitar 🎸 💪 i am a very balanced person .
ОтветитьRight-hander here, but I wonder sometimes. As a child, Mom taught me to make sure I used my right hand for writing. In school, whenever I started to write something, I would grab the pen with my left hand, then check to see if I was using the right hand. A mole on my right hand helped me to tell the difference. By the second grade I stopped having to look, but I still use my left hand a lot. An injury to my right shoulder and I switched the mouse to the left and continued to leave it there even after the shoulder healed. I can eat spaghetti with my left hand without problems. I switch back and forward often, but I prefer to use my left hand when I carrying things. A right hand injury posed very little problems for me. I can write with my left hand but it looks like it was written by a five year old,
ОтветитьWe’re more dexterous than you seem to think! My father, my son, my daughter’s son, and myself … all lefties. I learned to use right handed scissors by using them upside down, but can use them normally now. I do everything my right handed siblings can, and sometimes better. We use our right brain more, with many artistic tendencies are found. We’re great at anything we try. And we’re special! 🇨🇦🖖🏻🇨🇦
ОтветитьOnly 10% of the population. No wonder there is virtually no power tools for us left-handed people besides circular saws and can openers.. Well so far I haven't cut off any appendages.
ОтветитьI have always loved being a lefty. I can perform certain tasks right handed and use both hands interchangeably.
ОтветитьI'm a 67 year old lefty, but I'm also ambidextrous in many ways. I agree that lefties have to adapt to a right-handed world. When I was young I was a musician and played five different instruments, in addition to singing. I also studied computer science and worked as a computer repair technician, manager and programmer. One interesting fact that I learned years ago about lefties, is that if they have a stroke, they learn how to talk more quickly because they use both hemispheres of the brain!
ОтветитьI wonder what happens to the brain when you are born left handed but was forced to be right handed in school as a Chile. I recently was told I was a lefty until I started school they talked my mom into forcing me to be right handed I had to go to summer school in kindergarten because of this. I don't remember why I had to go to summer school, all I know it it made me feel stupid and kids made fun of me because I had to go to summer school in kindergarten.
ОтветитьAs a child of the '60's I got my hand smacked every time I tried to write or use scissors left handed. Even my old man was put off when I picked up my first gun left handed and mom when I'd eat left handed. They thought I was just being silly on purpose. It was considered evil or dysfunctional, and I was already "strange". Talk about feel awkward, and it was cruel. Now I'm a sloppy handwriting righty, who does everything else Left. But it did teach me some ambidexterity which has come in awful handy, both left and right. Bhahahaha
ОтветитьI'm a lefty. At Back to School Night, when I was in second grade, I overheard the teacher telling my dad that she was going to change me in to a righthanded writer. This NEVER happened, as my dad was a lefthanded pediatrician. And he had very nice handwriting.
ОтветитьSome of these comments are so sad. My girl is left handed. The teachers tried to bully her into being right handed. I convinced them she would be whichever hand she chose. I can't imagine the difficulty of learning then to have a teacher or loved one MAKE you do what they want instead of letting you do what feels comfortable.
ОтветитьHubby is ambidextrous. I'm a lefty. Dad is a lefty as is one sister. My friends son was born a lefty, she forced him to use his right hand. How wrong was that? I had two teachers tell me only "slow" people are lefties. Would only allow me to use my right hand in their class. Seven U.S Presidents were lefties so I guess they were slow too. I will confess, I'm REALLY bad at maths, so is that because I'm a lefty or is it just me?
ОтветитьPaul McCartney is a lefty.
ОтветитьNo one in our immediate family was left handed...not my mother, nor my father or older brother...
But, when I and my younger brother came along, we are both left handed.
So, two right handed parents had two of their three children be lefties.
Our maternal grandmother told our mom that she should force us into being right handed.
But our mom didn't listen to her.
Why must those who make these videos always include predictable crappy file footage of happy little interracial groups in white lab coats? It's actually pathetic because real life is not like that.
ОтветитьI am mostly left handed. I don’t know if I am a true left or I adapted as I was born with brain damage. I also do the odd thing with my right hand. I can write with both but left is my main hand. I use scissors, play pool and use knives with my right hand. Sometimes I even vacuum with right hand so my left hand can move the furniture. Other than that I am mostly left handed. I had seizures but that was cause of brain damage.
Ответить❤>I am the one out of 11 in the family that is left-handed. I learned how to use both hands to help me with chores and school work.
ОтветитьI’m a lefty, I remember when I first started school the teacher tried to make me right handed. I couldn’t do it and developed a stammer, when my mother found out she played hell with the teacher. They left me alone after that and the stammer disappeared..
ОтветитьI'm a lefty and suffered a stroke last September. Re-learning how to operate my hand. I use fine motor skills for my business. Just picking up straight pins and ink pens is a challenge. I was kicked out if catholic school because they wanted me to learn to be right handed. My mother threw such a fit. I was released from school. I'm now a working artist. Thank you Mom! 😋
ОтветитьWe lefties live "outside the box" my mom, my dad, myself, all 4 of my kids are lefties.
ОтветитьThe right-handed school chairs is why I write upside down there
ОтветитьI think my left-handedness allowed me to learn Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and Turkish, as well as the creativity to publish 50 Reference books on a variety of topics marketed to top universities worldwide. Just saying....
ОтветитьMy brother, a cousin and I are the only left handed people on either side of my family. Interestingly, my mother swears that I was born right handed, but learned left handedness from my older brother, copying his actions. Whether or not that’s true, I have little difficulty using either hand for most things. My hand writing with my right hand is legible if crappy, but I notice no difficulty using my right hand for most other tasks. I can’t golf right handed worth a tinker’s damn though.
ОтветитьI can write with both hands. Even when I write with my right hand, my letters slant like a left handed .
ОтветитьAs a lefty, I write with the page turned 90 degrees, that is, top of the paper to the right. It’s very frustrating when I’m handed a document to sign, and the other party holds the paper straight or slightly angled the other way. Though, in jazz band in high school, more than half the musicians were lefties.
ОтветитьWent to a blacksmithing meet a few years ago. Six out of eleven people were left handed.
ОтветитьMost male cats are left pawed. Mic dropped. Peace
ОтветитьYeah I'm a lefty. 😀😀😀
Ответить❤i am left handed
Ответитьi remember the right hander very clearly as a 5 year old a woman teacher smashed into my face which resulted in me clearing 2 other desk tops.i then just got up and sat back down. however when school was done i went home the bruise was really showing, my mother said what have you been doing have you been in a fight, in my innocence i said teacher hit me my mother grabbed me and i was taken back to school my mother gave the teacher a beating i never went back to her class again
ОтветитьI eat and write left handed but right handed in everything else but also ambidextrous in many things. In school while writing on the board I wrote with my left hand stretched out until I got to point in front of me and then changed to right hand and continued out to the right. Did it without thinking. Just did it! Could do a whole sentence without moving! Didn’t realize I was doing it until got some comments and laughter!
ОтветитьDadal was actually right handed but his father told him to switch because it gave him an advantage.
ОтветитьI'm a leftie who was changed to being right handed for writing. I saw how the other girls were treated for writing left-handed, it was awful. I was also encouraged to use my right hand for everything else. The struggle really was real! Everything was a monumental struggle.
I knew early on my son would be a leftie so I made sure he was allowed to develop as he wanted.
Enjoyed watching the video clip as me and young sister are left hand. As both late mother and father was right hand. When I worked as postman change hand for sorting letters in my early days .and simply open the door as you mentioned gear up for right hand
ОтветитьIn the North East of England left handed people (like me) are known as "cuddywifters"
ОтветитьLeft handed people are very intelligent according to the Chinese!
Ответитьthe music in the background became annoying so i had to go!
ОтветитьYou say favour one hand over the other. It’s not a choice. I am compelled to use my left hand. There’s no choice. It’s automatic… I suppose if I lost my left arm, I’d be forced to use my right hand.