The Story Of The 20-Year-Old Zidane CLONE Taking Over La Liga

The Story Of The 20-Year-Old Zidane CLONE Taking Over La Liga

Daily Dose Of Football

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@wannabee943 - 01.05.2024 09:17


@amitkumarsatpathi6927 - 01.05.2024 11:32

In terms of natural talent, he is 60% of Zidane realistically. But similer free flowing style.

@ParalyticAngel - 03.05.2024 02:29

What? Better than Zidane? Of course not. Well, he is a very fine young player, but it's too early to compare with such great names like Zidane. Let him grow and we'll see. His start is very good, but what's coming next, nobody can knew.

@abdurahmanbakulumpagi8479 - 05.05.2024 21:05

Well here I am 8 months later, wondering how spot on this brother was. Need a video update on Bellingham from you.

@Leftrightandthetruth - 07.05.2024 17:49

Just wait

@YordanZhamNguyen - 13.05.2024 11:32

dont say such things in the end, it brings bad luck :/

@andreaswg6178 - 15.05.2024 14:14

we all know many players that flopped cause of all the media attention & high expectations by the fans, not to mention comparing the young players with other great footballers in the previous era, so better not comparing Bellingham to anyone

@JohnLittle-j3b - 24.05.2024 15:02

This monkey will never come close to Zidane, he won't win anything at international level. Never compare this banana to the best midfielder of all time!

@ALoneLeopon9967 - 27.05.2024 00:09

Imagine if klopp got his hands on Bellingham. He missed out on him twice but either would’ve been incredible.

@BOZ_11 - 31.05.2024 16:16

Bellingham is more balanced. Zidane always looked off balance, even when he wasn't

@bluesz1bluesz17 - 01.06.2024 13:57

"no one would be too upset if west ham retired Lampard's number" West ham fan's unfairly hate Lampard and all of them would be up set. Chelsea retiring Lampard's number on the other hand would be very well received.

@SolitaireDaily - 02.06.2024 01:12

Who's watched this after UCL Final against BVB? Hit a like.

@oddypele5955 - 05.06.2024 04:26


@akeilwilliams6042 - 07.06.2024 02:17

Man stop hyping these players that did nothing yet in the sport to icons as soon as player has talent he a legend stop this let them prove them selves

@djamillakhdar-hamina3824 - 08.06.2024 21:14

Nah he’s no zidane

@petriolah2525 - 10.06.2024 15:15

Champions League Winner😱too

@thatokukama7264 - 10.06.2024 19:24

Hey Jude 🙌🏾

@FigoOP - 20.06.2024 10:23

110% real

@natmol1595 - 21.06.2024 05:15

No way !
Jude is over-rated.
Never turned up in the semi final versus Man City, twice !
Barely was seen in the C.L. Final.
His attitude is his best attribute, but hey, in clown world tik tok watchin' foolery...he mihht look good to them clowns 🤔🤫

@fernandoatun - 21.06.2024 15:51

For the Zidane comparison people . Zidane age of 20 was playing for Girondins . We remember Zidane a Juve age 24. World Cup or Euro cup , age 26 and 28 . Real Madrid 29 . How can u compare the incredible Zidane in his prime mature with a young 20 years old Bellingham ?

It’s to show that this kid will arrive to his prime in 3/4 years and will have 6 more to go at least from there . He has already liga and champions and many more to come . Zidane was a legend and this kid will become one too !

@MMF12808 - 22.06.2024 13:59

Ike fr we’re u getting this pics from man

@agakarimshah6416 - 26.06.2024 19:41

Jamal Musiala >>>>> Bellingham

@xxh4mzxx - 01.07.2024 18:25

here after his bicy for england

@Lucas_2705 - 02.07.2024 22:01

watching this after he scored the equaliser against slovakia in the 95th minute

@roddysellor - 03.07.2024 17:25

Sorry but the skills too far different

@strykr747 - 10.07.2024 11:25

His attitude sucks!

@777giorgos - 15.07.2024 04:14

Sacrilege to mention his name next to Zidane. Hes nowhere near, never will be.

@AdjahSamuel - 07.08.2024 08:07

Good job Bellingham

@amadeuszjankowski9212 - 17.08.2024 19:07

Bellingham doesn't have Zidanes mentality to be at his level.

@soadkhaled5524 - 21.08.2024 04:55

For me, Jude is the best player in the world right now, he have every thing to be on the top, but the most important thing he is so respectful, he has a top mentality, and i forgot the the most important thing, jude Bellingham is more than able to write his own story, not be version 2 of anyone, even this one is the most talented player in history

@herryvaliant7689 - 09.09.2024 07:17

The best fundamental in his package is his humbleness and great parents.

@localboy231 - 11.09.2024 10:38

Frankly. People are just over hyping him he's got but not that great.. wake up

@VeronicaSerwaa-j6p - 17.09.2024 12:51

Jude dont even have the potential to lace Zidanes boot

@psyrus.has.alostro - 24.09.2024 01:48

cantona was sent to show jude what technological facilities they had at the club before he was bornb😭😭😭

@iamajujutsukaisenfan - 04.10.2024 06:27

Lemine Yamal too man

@rijandhital557 - 15.10.2024 07:40

He is unreal he won the ucl in his first year in madrid

@leonardocardoso1627 - 16.10.2024 17:48

Wow. Saying Bellingham is better than Zidane, or will probably be, is actually disrespectful to the legacy of Zidane. Bellingham hasn't done even 10% of what he needs to do to be compared to Zidane. Actually, right now in Europe, appart from Mbappe and Haaland, there's no other player near the level of Zidane and other legends, like CR7 and Messi. Haaland and Mbappe are the closest ones. Bellingham isn't anywhere near yet

@kragaliciuos9476 - 18.10.2024 21:57

nothing like Zidane imo. but very good

@tajbegum8333 - 24.10.2024 03:29

Better than Zidane lol😅

@Rickpotato123 - 13.11.2024 19:07

Calm down dude. 😂 damn u r such a Fan

@julianmarpez3931 - 07.12.2024 21:31

El tándem Zidane-Bellingham puede ser bestial... Ya sabemos lo que pasó con Bianchi-Palermo 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

@lilhaxxor - 10.12.2024 01:25

I don't understand why he is good though. You did the same mistake with Zidane's video. Don't get me wrong, I love the behind the scenes stories. However, as we all know, "show, don't tell" is more effective when it comes to describing greatness.

We all know Zidane is great, from the moment we see him control the ball mid-air, as if it's glued to his foot, making defensers look silly with broken ankles... The vision, anticipation, and control makes it possible to use the defenders weight and speed against them.

Zidane being "slow", is a feature. He has a supercomputer in his head. And being slow, allows other players to get into position more easily. Zidane didn't have to suffer injuries like Ronaldo, thanks to being "slow".

I think you don't do a good job in general of analysis what makes a player good at football. At least, the stories are great.

@laqtibtv - 25.12.2024 21:02

Please do one for Achraf Hakimi

@zizou_ZAGOAT - 31.12.2024 07:20

well look now a few months ago he was 3rd on the ballon DO'r just beaten by vini and rodri

@pragma5282 - 31.01.2025 18:43

That's what RM scouts saw in him. They gave him the 5 for a reason. A new Zidane. And he delivered already in his first season

@AR-q8z - 27.02.2025 15:26

His not even close to zidane. His a good player and can become better but the comparrisons should stop aldo jude needs to play freely sometimes his trying to hard to do what zidanne did

@muthonigabriel8245 - 08.03.2025 17:33

Man which team wouldn't want Bellingham what a player elegant and adorable it almost feels criminal to say he is 20years the lad plays like a veteran of the sport ❤😊

@muthonigabriel8245 - 08.03.2025 17:38

I have been watching you videos for a while now and coming to think of it real madrid has a scary team mbappe,vini endrick , Bellingham,Adra ,The versatile camaviga, valvede ,Rudiger my lord can it get any better than this i haven't mentioned other players like the great luka ❤❤ how do you even beat this team
