How To Start A Startup with Rick Kettner - Startup Vlog 001

How To Start A Startup with Rick Kettner - Startup Vlog 001

Rick Kettner

3 года назад

1,477 Просмотров

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@katlehosuping5663 - 20.08.2021 19:03

This should be interesting

@fanaccount6600 - 20.08.2021 19:09

Thanks for these great contents it's really helpful. Can you give me some book and video reccomendations on how to market for luxury products and if it's a good idea to start new luxury brands

@codehere142 - 20.08.2021 19:54

By far the Best channel on entrepenourship

@Jappon - 20.08.2021 19:55

Very excited to see how this adventure continues! Thanks for sharing.

@codehere142 - 20.08.2021 19:56

How can I help You Rick

@leolautitia7135 - 20.08.2021 22:28

My Name is Alex, And I just can’t put into words how much I love people like Rick. thank you Rick, Slowly I will end up watching all your videos, your quality and personality are a joy for me

@Babo-Roj - 20.08.2021 23:48

Love the content Rick. Today I have subscribed to your channel. Looking forward to more.
Also I am currently in a start up phase. This vlog could give me more insights.

@Lordofunderground8362 - 21.08.2021 01:15

Great video as always Rick... I can't wait to see how your idea is gonna develop along this journey... I wish good luck and keep it up, you're doing great !!🔥🔥

@daniellebee9 - 21.08.2021 04:15

So exciting! I've been building a business alongside my co-founders for over a year now. I always love hearing other's stories about how they start! Also enjoy you relating it to the books.

@chohwoefebomo3133 - 05.09.2021 21:15

Thanks Rick. I just came across your content today, and truly I have gotten great value. Interestingly, I just started a small business few months ago, and I'm really having a challenging time. I can't wait to see your next videos in this series and learn from you.

@JansleyMusic - 25.09.2021 22:10

I love this idea! Thanks for sharing this

@kienthuc-toxifoods1221 - 02.10.2022 17:05

that great....Thanks you.

@MainaDavid-p1x - 02.07.2023 07:08

This is great ,,, it's very informative 😊😊🎉

@RickKettner - 20.08.2021 19:04

Stay tuned for future updates! The current plan is to publish video updates every Friday at 9AM PST.
Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or things you'd like me to address in future episodes.
