Lords of Trad | Adam Ondra, Pete Whittaker and Will Bosi

Lords of Trad | Adam Ondra, Pete Whittaker and Will Bosi

Adam Ondra

1 год назад

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@Frank_theWitch - 09.04.2024 01:21

I love to see Adam with Pete! Great soundtrack, I love the synthesized atmosphere: adds tension without taking any space. Great video as always

@TheNails3 - 13.04.2024 12:40

Absolutely loved the ambient music in this one
And also the natural ambient music: the birdsong and the running water

@TheNails3 - 13.04.2024 12:42

Adam you and your videos literally changed my life: you helped me find the courage to face a difficult situation and find my bravery and inner strength. The way you trust yourself is amazing. Thank you for constantly inspiring.

@chilljaco - 14.04.2024 21:25

Go Adam....your climbing life story is amazing

@igordeocosta - 16.04.2024 13:05

That "Overbolted" was a nice joke by Adam... 😂😂😂

@joshraglione8074 - 18.04.2024 08:27

Adam puts out such goat like content and this was another absolutely goat video that is worth every minute to watch! THANK YOU ADAM 🙏 you’re a freakin beast!🤙

@a.j.carter8975 - 19.04.2024 23:35

♥️🇬🇧😁 wow

@otismoore1491 - 21.04.2024 08:16

really cool to see how bold adam is. not your average "sport" climber. crazy how bold those FAs must've been.

@Regular-ishGuy - 30.04.2024 04:40

just insane...

@heighRick - 03.05.2024 00:19

Adam. Pete. Will. GG guys, what a place, what a climb. Wow! Thanks, helps a lot.

@jennymchandler - 03.05.2024 11:45

Wow awesome film. Thankyou! So cool to include the interviews with the og climbers. So hardcore!

@LookRainy - 16.05.2024 04:03

Genuine question, did the camera men get up there the same way?

@AvalonDreamz - 17.05.2024 16:53

Why can't you use chalk?

@simonprava1737 - 19.05.2024 16:52

nádherný, 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥, tohle chci v dalším životě

@johnblack7862 - 28.05.2024 22:50

I honestly don't understand these kinds of rulesets: you can use modern shoes, crack gloves (!!), kneepads, aluminum biners, modern harness, modern dynamic ropes, etc., but you can't place a nut? You can place a knot, clip drilled rings, but a nut in a crack is not allowed?! I mean, it's their crag and they can do whatever, it just seems nutty (or anti-nutty I guess).

@andreasgruber172 - 13.06.2024 12:20

Are helmets also against the climbing ethics in this area?

@mxzvgx7114 - 14.06.2024 00:46

Am I missing something or did Adam free solo the first bits of some climbs?

@pashteto - 18.06.2024 02:44

It's a movie. I want to watch in in theater. The quality of the video is insane. The place is almost unreal in its natural beauty

@capslock9031 - 18.06.2024 19:09

Very fun to see Will Bosi be so uttely useless on this trip. Gives a great perspective on the mental requirements of this type of climbing. Love the video!

@afconection - 29.06.2024 22:28

Adan ondra bateu a cabeça por não estar de capacete!!!! Usem capacete😂😂😂😂😂

@tapassaha6735 - 09.07.2024 19:37

It's really cool. But hot it is in later part. Wow

@ivanbraidi - 10.07.2024 19:54

So beautiful. Layman's question: how do you get down once you reached the top? EDIT: Ok, so I saw Adam coming down in the end, but how do you recover rope and carabiners when you're down?

@ryanwalsh2414 - 13.07.2024 03:26

Good on these guys for climbing these x rated routes but i still find it such a strange culture in climbing that just because somebody did it this way 40 years ago that everyone has to do it that way forever.

Why not add a few bolts here and there to keep people from dying

@harrynolan3002 - 14.07.2024 11:43

What if you turned around for that last climb. Back into the face of the crack.

@hermandan5468 - 06.08.2024 16:27

Why no chalk?

@mohn2678 - 13.08.2024 00:01

fantastic video, deserves a lot more attention

@S3IIL3CT - 05.09.2024 11:23

I wonder if something that Will Bosi struhgles that hard on, can really be 7b+

@cfoscoop - 07.09.2024 04:54

holy cow - no chalk, no metal trad gear... Pete was right, Czech climbers are hardcore

edit: and the part about the rope around the chest and falling onto branches, yeesh

@billking8843 - 08.09.2024 11:59

I'm sure Adam was the only Olympic men's finalist who can also do stuff like this. world's greatest all round climber, I'm calling it.

@oranramati1193 - 17.09.2024 13:27


@aalever - 06.10.2024 23:07

This isn't trad climbing.

@Mane-xh1fr - 17.10.2024 18:53

I think this is one of the most cinematic climbing videos. I rewatched it many times already because the shots are so dam gorgeous!

@Josh_D03 - 05.12.2024 20:05

Its amazing how much tougher the older generations were. Im 41 sheetrock hanger for 25 years with 3 badly hurniated discs. Cant even imagine doing these climbs. Maybe in another life😂😂 you guys are awesome and heros in my book

@Methoverbitches - 07.12.2024 06:50

This videos is fucking BONKERS!!!

@Methoverbitches - 07.12.2024 06:50

This videos is fucking BONKERS!!!

@MattyDredge - 22.12.2024 05:42

Not sure you can call it Lords of Trad without Dave MacLeod there... unless you're calling him the king

@renciapolous - 05.01.2025 07:28

Amazing movie. thank you

@jamesdick9153 - 05.01.2025 22:40

The crossover between the two cracks on the first route , had me pooing my pants. Beautiful film, chapeau fellas.

@rangertommy - 08.01.2025 02:08

Czech climbing is, hands down, the scariest climbing I've ever done. I was at Cesky Raj, and did a whole bunch of routes. But the last route had me a place just below the summit where my one and only piece was at roughly the half way point. If I fell from there, it would've been a grounder from around 100 ft. I think it was the sheer terror that made it possible for me to do the summit mantle. I never want to be in that position again. Absolutely beautiful place, though, and the climbing was superb!

@rangertommy - 08.01.2025 16:39

That was really awesome, guys. Thank you! And I can't believe that last groove/dihedral/chimney...whatever you'd call it, is only a 7b+!

@jwollheim - 28.01.2025 23:46

Man I’d be beyond screwed not being able to use chalk. My hands are naturally just uber sweaty. Such beautiful rock though

@AlesZvolanek - 29.01.2025 23:00

60+ meters, 1 fokin bolt in the middle, now how would you describe the route?


@HourRomanticist - 12.02.2025 07:00


@UR_AN_I_UM - 13.02.2025 06:11

that subscribe and comment was terrifying

@MikeStaceyPhoto - 20.02.2025 01:37

Beautiful film.

@lionellee-kz7cb - 07.03.2025 09:43

Incredible cinematography
