I'm going to be training my pup in competition Obedience. I really wanna feed raw but I want to hand feed my pup to train with. I can't seem to find any good info on training with a raw diet? Is it possible? Will I get less training reps? How do I hand feed and train with a raw diet?
ОтветитьI’m not feeding raw, but this definitely has helped me make the switch to making my own dog food with meats, fish, veggies and brown rice
ОтветитьYou’re just as beautiful as I imagined listening to your videos 🥰
Ответитьi saw a study that showed that you can remove like 80% of the salt in certain canned foods just by washing them under water. you can also just test it by yourself. taste a piece of oyster before and after washing it, huge difference.
ОтветитьI have 6 dog and 1 cat and we are luckily in a place where we can start adding meat into their diets. i was wondering if yall could answer a really big question for us. for our dogs their weights are, 150lbs, 70lbs, 2-60lbs, and 2-30lbs, and a +/-5lbs cat. i know doing a complete raw diet is out of the question for us, ut i wanna add all these things into their diet but with their regular kibble. We are going to be using bone broth to make their food softer (except Holliday his teeth are extremely fragile so he has a different food then the rest. so the question i have is can just do a small portion supplement instead of having the meat the whole thing?
ОтветитьHow do you find the stores that sell local sourced meats that are not necessarily butcher shops? I'm in Austin, TX.
ОтветитьI wish this was the case for me. Two cats and it’s $230 a month for $6.99 lb ground beef + EZCOMPLETE premix :(. I tried to prep balanced meal through the formulator and it’s so confusing when it comes to the supplement part
ОтветитьWow, your spending a lot more than I do and he is smaller than my dog. Have you considered going directly to an abattior butcher? Or is it just more expensive in where you live? The supermarket meat you get seems more expensive than my supermarket...
ОтветитьWhat's affordable for me is a balanced raw meal in though this is the bones meat and organs without the supplement and vitamins I buy and add them with 10% veggie's, fruit and nuts and herb/kelp supplement..I realise now I don't know what exactly they put in these meals but i do want to vary the meat ( deer, turkey,lamb, chicken, beef, fish,pheasant etc). But this is what I can affort and I think and believe,better then kibble
ОтветитьThe pre-made raw (Viva or We Feed Raw) is significantly more expensive at over $450 a month for my dog vs $90 for a bag of kibble :( and that's not even adding any supplemental nutrition.
ОтветитьIn a rural area, and do not have the local sourced markets, nor the more foreign markets. Prices are also high for specialty items, if found, at the grocery store. Not sure if can provide proper balance, affordably, for an 80 pound dog.
ОтветитьNowadays, you have to be sure these foods are organic. No vaccines in the meats or antibiotics.
ОтветитьIndeed, expensive but nothing is more expensive than a veterinarian bill. I've been feeding cats raw diets for 15+ years now. Never had any health problems, healthy teeth, fur, eyes, etc. I have 15+ cats that have the energy of a kitten. A raw diet is what a carnivorous animal should be eating period. Anyone that says differently is not educated and doesn't care for their pets' health.
ОтветитьThat one plate of food with the black furry thing next to the egg ... wth is THAT?? 😮 it looks like a dead guinea pig. 😢
ОтветитьWhat's PMR?
ОтветитьMy dog eats home cooked meals, about $80-100 per month (but like I'm buying meats that are 10-12 dollars a pound more than half the time) for a 23-pound dog.
ОтветитьIsnt it possible to buy the meat in bulk and freeze whats not used. Kinda like meal prep?
ОтветитьWhat amount should I feel my Doberman ??? He is 65 pounds
ОтветитьGreat video, very well made and has excellent info. I do think you need to include the time spent on the road (to multiple grocery stores), prepping, and cleaning up. Because time is money. For me, I want the best for my cat, so I feed him premium wet food that's $0.58/oz, topped with good quality novel protein freeze dried that ranges from $3.89/oz to $4.34/oz. It takes me about 1 minute to prep for each meal, and another minute to clean up. I'm all for raw feeding, and am hoping to incorporate chicken feet/whole prays in the future as treats/small meals, but between working full time, volunteering, keeping up with my other hobbies, I just don't have the time to invest into feeding 100% raw.
Ответитьwhat about cooked mashed sweet potatoe or pumpkin?
ОтветитьBeen feeding my kitties homemade raw for over a year now and it's actually much cheaper than any mid-high tier wet food and cheaper than most high tier kibble. Raw food rivals a few bottom tier wet foods in terms of cost for me. More expensive than mid and some high tier kibble on average but 100% worth the extra bit to be feeding fresh identifiable unprocessed human grade food.
List of ingredients I'm currently rotating through:
Chicken heart
Chicken meat
Chicken gizzard
Chicken liver
Chicken wing tips
Pork heart
Pork meat
Pork tongue
Pork kidney
Beef heart
Beef meat
Beef kidney
Lamb meat
Lamb liver
Turkey meat
Turkey liver
Duck meat
Duck liver
Vitamin E
Vitamin D
Egg shell
Nutritional Yeast
Bone broth
It's a long list but the price per day for both of my kitties is cheap for the quality of food. Usually about $1.50/per cat, per day so $3.00 a day to feed both. Absolutely well worth that for my kitties.
I know id be saving by feeding my pets raw, instead of wet canned food! And it definitely is going to be healthier! Love these videos!
Ответитьwtf 13 pounds for $60?! where tf u at?
ОтветитьMy GSD is on a raw diet, but I kind of have a blended approach for her. There is a local company in my area that sells premade meat-organ-bone blends at 80/10/10. It usually costs me $175 for 40 lbs of food, which lasts about 5-6 weeks.
ОтветитьI just spent $200 on kibble and it may last a month. But then again, everything is so much more expensive now with inflation
ОтветитьCall your local butcher. I buy
meat scraps for $1.00-1.50 a pound. My Husky is happy.
Avoid pet store foods
I wish my boy wasn’t allergic to chicken. 😩
ОтветитьI have 3 large dogs - 2 are German shepherds. It costs about $600 a month. They're worth it. I don't make it, I call in the order to the local butcher and they make it, pack it and I pick it up weekly. I'd rather spend a little more than go to the store, hunt for deals and do all the prep work. I save hours of time.
ОтветитьIt's also less expensive bc you won't have high vet bills as they get older . . . . just like humans. Thank you for showing how simple it is buying and shopping. I'm going to be more diligent when I go shopping. Trader Joes is usually very limited. I'm sure organic is better too.
ОтветитьDoes anyone put this meal in grinder!
ОтветитьCome to find out mackerel has a higher mercury level than tuna.
ОтветитьWhere are you getting your recipes from?
ОтветитьWhat puts me off raw is how complicated it is to make sure your feeding everything that's needed it's not just as simple as throwing a piece of raw meat to dog
I have two pups both just under three months one a border collie one a yorkie cross they're on dry food and I want to go raw but too scared ill screw up and give them the wrong quantities. I don't even have dog scales do keep track of their weight as they grow
I have 2 mastiffs. Im trying to source cost efficient organs before I jump in 100%. Im doing 20% raw now. But we are looking at 7lbs a day for both. It looks like it will cost about $15-20 a day. Thats a lot for me but im going to try and make it happen
ОтветитьYou forgot to add in the cost of vet visits, cancer, yeast and other ailments our animals get from commercial food. Framed in that perspective, a raw food diet is far cheaper, while being so much healthier!
Ответитьone thing no one talks about is the cost of CLEAN raw diets... I'm talking grass fed non vaccinated meat. probably the easiest way to come across a bunch of it is to find a farmer with crop destruction permits for deer granted that's not exactly grass fed but its pretty close
ОтветитьI want to feed my lab a raw diet or at least a better food but I’m a broke college kid and just my lab would need 1.5x the amount of food all three of your pets. So until I can get a decent job he’s gonna get kibble, meat table scraps and frozen deer bones. So far that seems to have worked out well. Now if I could feed him just straight deer meat I could do it pretty dang cheap
ОтветитьOysters and mussels piss off I’ll eat those before a animal does🤦🏽♀️stupid
ОтветитьAre there shops like this in Ohio?
ОтветитьProcessed food will cost more vet bills.
You will visit vet regularly.
as a ferret, i can confirm that shellfish are pretty selfish
ОтветитьIf I buy a whole organic chicken for my cats, it costs me 12.- euros per kg. That's much cheaper than many of the cat foods I buy !🙂
ОтветитьYOU’RE IN GNV! Wards is great!
Ответитьlook at the prices lol. I can't afford to eat that good anymore let alone feed my dog.
ОтветитьI have never considered raw food in the past. I just got a puppy and am looking for a clean diet for him but isn’t raw food a big risk for salmonella and other bacteria??
ОтветитьMeat is so cheap in the US. I live in Norway and my 40 kg boxer costs me an arm and a leg in raw meats😅 love him though
ОтветитьI accidentally bought 6 months instead of 1 months worth of ingredients and cuz I was used to buying commercial food I thought it was a little expensive but legit said "well this is reasonable enough"
ОтветитьCould i make it minced meat, like just blending it all together and then freezing it?
ОтветитьI can tell you what ever it cost you to feed raw is cheaper than the $6700 I just spent to lose our beloved pet to cancer after 6 years of the shit that dog food producers call food.