How to Hire a Virtual Assistant - Everything we've learned from 10 years of hiring VA's

How to Hire a Virtual Assistant - Everything we've learned from 10 years of hiring VA's

Running Remote

6 лет назад

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@PhiLeo7973 - 26.10.2019 00:49

I enjoyed the Google Fi video & this one both for your presentation style and concise, cogent relay of practical info gleaned from your personal experience.
A video primer on what PC/Mac device would be suitable for aspiring VAs would be interesting. Best wishes in all future digital, personal, and business endeavors. Phil

@markog.2319 - 04.03.2020 13:43

awesome video

@AZFawaz-gz7gh - 21.06.2020 20:19

Great video. How about a real estate VA? What company would be good for that? Thank you.

@lotaghosh7287 - 30.08.2020 21:35

Sir i am a virtual assistant of amzon automation.and i work as a customer support specialist. I am handling more than 15 Amazon seller central account on one computer and one gmail also.i use choose marcent option for switch one seller central account to another seller central account. My boss setup on my computer. I don’t know how to do this but i want to work personally so i need to know this plese help me and tell me the way

@lotaghosh7287 - 30.08.2020 21:35

Sir i am a virtual assistant of amzon automation.and i work as a customer support specialist. I am handling more than 15 Amazon seller central account on one computer and one gmail also.i use choose marcent option for switch one seller central account to another seller central account. My boss setup on my computer. I don’t know how to do this but i want to work personally so i need to know this plese help me and tell me the way

@juliethumphrey4097 - 06.10.2020 13:30

A note on attention to detail: I only saw points 1 and 2 typed in the screen...and then 4. what happened to point 3. and 5. on the screen...I like consistency in structure...just saying 😉

@rajgosai6462 - 07.10.2020 09:22

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@ValleyVirtualOperations - 12.01.2021 18:08

Thanks for the great points about hiring a VA. Great tips!

@RunningRemote - 05.02.2019 21:26

Do you have any VA questions or horror stories? Post them here and I'll answer them ASAP.
