Samurai in America 1860: Cultural Shock and Japan's Modernization | Kanrin Maru Voyage

Samurai in America 1860: Cultural Shock and Japan's Modernization | Kanrin Maru Voyage

170 Просмотров

Discover the incredible journey of Japan's first diplomatic mission to America in 1860. Led by Fukuzawa Yukichi, these samurai aboard the Kanrin Maru faced a world entirely different from their own.

Experience their astonishment at:
• Western technology and customs
• The abundance of iron in America
• Unexpected social norms
• The purchase of the first English dictionary

This voyage marked the beginning of Japan's rapid modernization. Join us as we explore this pivotal moment in Japanese history that forever changed Japan-US relations.

0:00 Introduction
1:34 Fukuzawa Yukichi's Background
3:00 The Kanrin Maru
6:05 Crew Members
9:37 American Involvement
12:38 The Pacific Crossing
15:51 Arrival in San Francisco
19:37 Cultural Observations
26:32 American Society Insights
33:30 US Naval Support
37:12 Bringing Knowledge Home
38:18 Conclusion

#JapaneseHistory #KanrinMaru #Samurai #FukuzawaYukichi #MeijiRestoration #CulturalExchange #Diplomacy #JapanUSRelations #EdoPeriod #NavalHistory #Westernization #CultureShock #19thCentury #AsianStudies #HistoricalVoyage


#Kanrin_Maru #Japanese_history #samurai #Meiji_Restoration #cultural_exchange #diplomacy #Japan-US_relations #Edo_period #naval_history #westernization #culture_shock #19th_century #Asian_studies #modernization #Tokugawa_shogunate #Pacific_crossing #Japanese_modernization #cross-cultural_understanding #Japanese_naval_development #international_relations #history_of_japan_playlist #japan #history_japan #Yukichi #Fukuzawa #咸臨丸 #福沢諭吉 #ふくざわゆきち #ゆきち #1860_voyage #Japanese_naval_history
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@elizabethsaid6141 - 21.07.2024 02:26

It seems like that despite the cultural differences they were able to get along well

@johnweerasinghe4139 - 21.07.2024 04:07

Its not " matu" but maru..

@elizabethsaid6141 - 25.07.2024 21:15

I’m glad that the Japanese people have found memories of our cultural exchange. I hope young Japanese are still interested in the USA
