You think the 3rd party attackin you but really it’s spirit whipping your A$$ TIME FOR A CHANGE️

You think the 3rd party attackin you but really it’s spirit whipping your A$$ TIME FOR A CHANGE️

Tarot with EmpressEva

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@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 11:19

You took the words right out of my mouth the leader never takes let somebody else dictate what that person should do a leader leads not follows

@MiaCarraSimpkins - 08.03.2025 11:43

My husband's family literally to many women that came before me. All of this is my life....its crazy

@edhutch8946 - 08.03.2025 12:14

How come I can't think of anything else when I see you Cleo?

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:28

Let me straighten this out I don't work to begin with I worked my whole life to retire at 38 years old and I've been enjoying it I've worked different odds and jobs here and there and gas stations and socialize with the whole town and I'm Mr sociable I have a good positive attitude and people love to see me and talk to me and I'm at a lot of good friends I don't have to do nothing if I don't want to because my bills are always paid by themselves I don't even have to check on them they're automatically paid every month and whatever is left over is what I budget my pleasures with

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:28

Let me straighten this out I don't work to begin with I worked my whole life to retire at 38 years old and I've been enjoying it I've worked different odds and jobs here and there and gas stations and socialize with the whole town and I'm Mr sociable I have a good positive attitude and people love to see me and talk to me and I'm at a lot of good friends I don't have to do nothing if I don't want to because my bills are always paid by themselves I don't even have to check on them they're automatically paid every month and whatever is left over is what I budget my pleasures with

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:29

The only reason spirit is saying it's time to move on and this and that is because I have plans and I'm not missing this plans that I already made several months ago and paid for on a long-distance bike ride and that is not going to cancel my plans this year I cancel last year which pissed me off and I'm not going to do that again you're not people going to start going by my Divine timing

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:30

If the things that you do on a regular basis makes you happy then why the hell would you want to make any changes

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:31

No it's not that I don't like changes it's just that my whole life I live a certain way and I've always persevered and why would I change something that doesn't need fixing like the old saying says you don't fix something that's not broke

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:32

Excuse me I haven't got to speak to anybody yet and I just don't go by what tarot readers tell me to do that before I meet a person I am not agreeing to nothing

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:33

And until everything is a place that was stolen from me I'll still go on with my life and and still persevere but I I'm not going to give up and going after the money and the will that was stolen from me what was the inheritance that was stolen from me the life insurance policy money that is because as soon as I find out who the life insurance policy was the company I am going to put a major lawsuit of 2 billion dollars against him and have their license and that's a promise that's not a threat

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:34

They keep doing anything they want I could care less because it doesn't affect me and it doesn't pertain to me I don't even read what they put out their my friends tell me what online because I don't I'm not a computer person I don't own a computer and I don't believe in living a immaterial world that's only on the internet when I go out I don't even bring my phone with me most people can't even take their phone out of her hand to grab something because they only have one hand to do they might as well just chop off the other hand and have the thing grew to their face

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:37

And until I receive everything that was stolen from and that belongs to me to the rightful owner and know what I got to work with then I will make decisions on going further what I want to do in life I make my own decision no computer-generated video tape of anybody including God is going to tell me what to do my God contacts to me through my head in my dreams and I have no reason to change my way of living

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:39

And they make it well known and celebrate like they achieve something in one something but all they did was they're spending my money that they stole from me and all the investments they made and earned using my money without my permission and taking out a life insurance policy and a hit on me in other words you got a contract on my life for to collect on a life insurance policy I want all that in my possession before I make any more moves cuz I don't need these type of people if they're going to I don't ever hang with people like that

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:39

Unless they decide to make some major changes and clean house and want to get together and compromise and work together as a team and the other person equal give and take I'll be going on with my life and my lawyers will handle the rest

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:41

Sorry I don't fear nothing and until I receive a I haven't received a single penny okay we're talking all close to at least a billion dollars plus property and everything else I am not going any further until I receive what is just cause

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:41

I'm going to say it one last time there is no need for me to change I'm not the thief I'm the one who does all kinds of good I got a pure heart and soul and I help people out every day and I do exactly what it is I'm not going all over the world and not getting paid and and be a sucker like the first time and let people take advantage of me and never get paid until I receive money in my pocket I am not going any further thank you have a nice day peace love and happiness to you all

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:42

I keep hearing the same excuses for the last 2 years and the delay tactics is long enough there's no reason for this have been gone this far this has been jerking me around and I'm going to speed this up and do it the right way because I would have already had this settled

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:44

And I'll tell you another thing I am not working with a bunch of thieves unless they change their ways and start listening to what God wants them to do otherwise I'm going to see I'm so generous and I'm very helpful and I do things for people a lot for nothing and nobody's going to tell me where to share my Powers with and it definitely isn't with this group is not the way it stands right now I will make that decision at the time when the time comes

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:45

I said that before I do already have plans to do that on a it's going to be a round trip of about 5,000 mi on a bicycle trip with a group of people that's called an adventure through the trails in the mountains and everything else so I already have plans for planned so it may not be what you want me to do but I don't take orders from nobody

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:46

That's exactly what I'm doing is following the process like God told me to and I have a lot of patience because I'm going to be around for a long time and I don't care how long it takes but I will get what is rightfully mine

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:48

There is not one single day that I feel like I'm suffering at all and I'm not changing anything I make adjustments to certain things that I do but I don't need to make changes just because somebody decides they want me to act differently and do something else for them so they can make money off of me I don't think so at any time I can make as much money as I want on my own I don't need to make take no risks risks is a gamble gamble I don't do

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:49

And I'm also going to remind you is to stay the hell out of my private life and when it comes to attracting women or another partner that's my personal business and doesn't belong on the internet about anything about it what I do in my private life is nobody's goddamn business and I'm not going to say it again

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:51

The only problem I have with the everything that God has been doing is he wants me to change his when he finds out when I tell him that I have plans to go somewhere he makes plans to try to change it with some other plans and I'm not changing this year I'm sorry but I'm fulfilling what I've been training for 20 years to be able to succeed like a bucket list type thing and I am going to do it I will be meeting thousands of people on my way of traveling on a bicycle ride and taking all summer to do that and I'm not in no hurry to do anything and as far as I don't I really don't need to make changes I don't even have to go to work my work is to make people happy and that's what I do I am not going parade around on a pedestal to to act like I'm famous and stuff because that is not me I'm just going to keep on being me the way I always am and nobody's going to ever change that and all I hear out of every reading before the end of it is that you need to hook up with an and start dating and stuff that's nobody's goddamn business when it comes to that because that's personal

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:53

I had a beautiful life a great job a high-paying job I played sports my whole life I took care of little kids I coached little kids baseball and I raised the whole neighborhood of kids because half the time the babysitter wouldn't call it come and because I work the night shift that I was always available and after a while the kids didn't want to go home they wanted to stay and live with me and that makes me happy and those kids turned out to be very good they're all adults right now and everything I do make me happy and if I'm happy and everybody else is happy then why would you want to change I'm here for a reason yeah to make money off of me

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:54

I have not had to do nothing wrong with the only thing I sacrifice is the people that stole money from me and don't give me that roundabout s*** because it's not going to work with me because I've been getting the circles and circles and roundabouts excuses every time money was supposed to come in I'm still waiting for 2 years now and I'm not going to wait much longer I'm going to have my team going in and get this thing settled once and for all because I'm not going to sit there this is a big cover-up and I can smell a rat here somewhere and it's not snowing pretty and I don't have negative thoughts in my mind I think positive and I am going after everything positively

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:54

Well I got to hop in the shower and get ready and I got to get my 50 me in on my bike ride for training so and then hit the fitness center so I'll be busy the rest of the day you all have a peaceful and lovely day I know I'm going to because it's going to be almost 80° today I'll be at the swimming pool this afternoon relaxing in a nice hot tub and a swimming pool because my pool is heated all year round

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:55

They're always around I just ignore him and they go away they're going to keep playing games until it gets a little bit out of hand and they're not going to like the results if they continue pursuing their silly little games against me

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:57

Yes I have animals all around me at all times and I just want to make it perfectly clear to you that I had all these remarks has nothing to do with you your reader and I appreciate everything that you are doing for me I just want to make that perfectly clear and you have a blessed day my dear

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 12:58

If I get my fortune to me I don't have to improve my finances I don't want I could still stay retired and go on and see the places that I haven't seen in my whole life that I worked hard for to retire early so I can do that they just happened to pick on the wrong person they sent me back 2 years but I'm recovering already by myself but I still want my money and once I get my money I do not have to go to work I do volunteer work I go to the VA all the time I go to the hospitals I do I volunteer work for all kinds of people I help old ladies out that their husbands died I do all kinds of things that people need help with I help the elderly on a daily basis and I work with children all the time that have little disabilities and stuff and I'm a people's person I get along with everybody and that's the job I do I am not looking for a full-time job to go back to work because I already had three times I retired in my life already and I said that was it

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 13:00

I have so many projects that have to be done because that I'm involved with plus it slowed me up because I already got my anatomy 20 years younger than my age and I every part of my body is perfectly healthy right now and at my age that is fantastic and it's mind-blowing to the doctors I don't have to take all these pills and everything anymore and I perfected it away a perfecting the reversing the aging process I'm the only one that makes decisions for myself nobody tells me what to do and the last time I'm going to say it I'm not changing my life because somebody else thinks there's a better life for me because I'm happy as long as I wake up every morning I thank God for another day of living and I go on and I go out and I can do whatever I want or I can lay around and do whatever I want I'm a go-getter person but I'm not looking for a job right now

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 13:01

See because I'm going to tell you something that the story keeps getting twisted around is because I'm supposed to be inherited a fortune now why in the hell would I have to go to work when I could start a bunch of businesses and have them work for me

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 13:04

Like the Lord like the Lord taught me don't discuss what your projects you're involved in and I'm not going to about to do that and spirit is not going to push my ass to do anything because I don't let anybody push my ass I do I take on challenges and I achieve them and I proved them out more than once so I know that I'm right and you're not going to talk me into working doing some silly stuff because you guys decided to pick me to to do stuff I could still do spirituality work just by being my presence around I enlighten people's minds okay so don't tell me that Spirit told me you would get my ass in gear he maybe he should get his ass in gear

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 13:04

And if fear wants that buckhead's with me I'll Buckhead with him anytime I want

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 13:05

I'm not working no more I told you how many times I got to tell you and I'm going to tell you right now that they better hurry their ass up because my ancestors are very pissed off because I was supposed to receive money over 8 months ago and I haven't received a penny I got silly excuses that the mailman stole it and this and that retarded type excuses those are excuses for me I like I don't make excuses I make results

@ChetLazarski-qc1gj - 08.03.2025 13:06

It takes three full pages of all the experiences in in the skills that I have to fill out on both sides I can fill up three pages on both sides with all the skills that I have obtained in my lifetime so I don't sit around idle doing nothing like most people sit on their fat ass and they and they play games on on a computer and a rock people and steal from people that isn't what I call godly people

@emmabowser6831 - 08.03.2025 13:53

The only answer is to stop social media due to these haters

@KrystleMedrano-f8e - 08.03.2025 15:18

Thank you for putting in hard work to get our reading out🎉❤❤❤ love your work always!

@Sniffer749 - 08.03.2025 15:27

Due to the fact that I am waiting on a divorce from my ex long term partner who destroyed me emotionally financially and mentally and I ended up on probation I’m waiting for this to divorce to happen and then I will move forward with my life and step into the unknown and make a new life for myself because I had a hard time finding myself again after25 years of being treated horribly by the ex partner I’ve come a long way from where I was too being suicidal and not knowing which way to turn it was affecting all aspects of my life and through your readings and other readers they seem to tell me the same things but I always knew from the start of all this what they were doing to me and what the outcome was going to be Karma is real for the people that were taking my kindness for weakness very excruciating words that were said to me for no reason at all trying to help my family and doing whatever I can to make it work but there was no end to the things that they done to me or say towards me and thank you for your kindness and support you are always amazing and always appreciated

@BigDiamondd - 08.03.2025 15:40

Not procrastinating 😭 damn on my ass

@BigDiamondd - 08.03.2025 15:54

My bd different but ionk wanna believe it 😭😭

@empressmelblaquedulce8305 - 08.03.2025 16:47

That's a sign that ex is straight trash

@michaeltaylor12 - 08.03.2025 17:32

I love your reading as usual, but he is my problem. It’s great to go outside, but when you have a hater that will go so far is to sleep in the empty apartment next door to you waiting to his opportunity to take you out. Makes it hard to think that he might take his opportunity to heart and go after you when you come out and trust me I know he’s there but he thinks I don’t keep on doing what you do you help me in a lot of places in a lot of different directions

@VirginiaG-nf1gc - 08.03.2025 17:37

Yup karmic couple. Doing the most!!! The male is the Aries and the female is the Aquarius two lowdown motherfuckas and they act like nobody knows what they do in the dark. Best thing to do is move far away from people like this. Just strange.

@AromaologyLLC - 08.03.2025 18:13

Dann this title. Ik this for me lol

@kingjsmooth - 08.03.2025 19:18

I choose my family

@CierraDaGoat - 09.03.2025 01:08

Oh yeah that’s my omen 2025

@GodsAngel_1111 - 09.03.2025 03:43

My dad the LEO trying to ruin my reputation sad to say he lies on me and trying to impersonate me 🤦🏽‍♀️ he’s jealous he never ascended because he never healed same goes for my Virgo ex bro n law…. The ancestral plain keep ascending me as the WANNABES keep trying to be me!!!

@Najea98 - 09.03.2025 06:56

Some of these comments are quite embarrassing, it’s shows how many ppl lack accountability. These are general readings, why are y’all taking them personally if it doesn’t resonate with your story? Move on if doesn’t. If it does then she said what she said, it’s time to change something/ put more effort into something! Tf 😂🙄

@shawndatruebrantley - 09.03.2025 16:21

The title real😂 seem to me a karmic🫵

@RosalynPearson-g4p - 10.03.2025 03:36

I am hearing you about the not having self confidence to grow up. That has to do with that magic and the manipulation all his life from his mom. Once he gets to me I will be able to handle that.❤❤❤
