The World's RAREST Nintendo Gameboys

The World's RAREST Nintendo Gameboys

Retro Dodo

4 года назад

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@roodybhardwaj2005 - 07.01.2021 17:27

Opp i love the golden gameboy sp

@ijohnny.7262 - 07.01.2021 17:28


@MattGamesYT - 07.01.2021 17:31

Gameboy Micro's themselves are getting pretty rare and expensive these days. Not on the same scale as these but they're definitly getting harder to get!

@playgroundsinc - 07.01.2021 17:31


@wolverinescratch - 07.01.2021 17:32

Been playing that Castlevania collection on switch and the game boy games are awesome

@powerfantastic01 - 07.01.2021 17:34

I'd wager the majority of ppl who obtained these originally have let them rot or lost them over the years. A very small minority of Gameboy players have become collectors.

@arcaderacer586 - 07.01.2021 17:39

Im hoping to see the top 5 most elusive camper tops on the other channel! I thought I hit the jackpot once when I found a 19” tv that had a built in NES into the bottom. Sold it on ebay for $500. Wish I had kept it

@MachoNachoProductions - 07.01.2021 17:44

Great video dude! Those are some crazy Game Boys! I wonder if the Game Gear has super rare variants, that could be interesting see.

@cartergraham9429 - 07.01.2021 18:22

No wonder you haven’t made a video in a while, this is clean!

@SWPLGAMING - 07.01.2021 18:39

Fantastic series. I had no idea about many of these. I of there are any super rare Gamegears👍🏾

@StickyKleenex - 07.01.2021 18:48

The golden Gameboy is worth its weight in gold

@TheRetroFuture - 07.01.2021 20:03

Great video, super clean. Looking forward to more of these!

@Oldgamingfart - 07.01.2021 20:22

Gold GBA SP - plated in 24k unobtainium! ✨

@simmzfour - 07.01.2021 20:42

Love this keep them coming 👏🏾

@theGodfather5870 - 07.01.2021 20:42

Oh hells yes, boys 😁👽🚀🙏

@GreatSageSunWukong - 07.01.2021 21:51

I've got a mint in box minish cap SP, standard one tho, and a load of GBAs in there boxes and two micros

@TC3333 - 07.01.2021 23:20

Fantastic idea for a series!

@Larry - 08.01.2021 10:39

Most excellent video Sir, Kudos! I really enjoyed it!!! :)

@zmmrzmra6039 - 08.01.2021 18:02

You have no idea how long i've been wanting to see another video of yours

@spioradnaiseanta2318 - 08.01.2021 20:08

Good video. You should do a video on pocket sized handhelds and comparison?

@lateraljokesters3844 - 08.01.2021 21:30

I can't afford what I'd pay for that 24k gold gba but $8,590.38usd is the price of the gold alone then Amazon has the normal gold minish cap gba going $799.99usd so at least $9,390.37 on the raw value alone

@boredcommenter - 19.01.2021 15:30

I have the toys r us exclusive black gameboy advance

@8wealthyone8 - 26.03.2021 15:55

Can you do 3ds and psp top games pls

@RafaelElectronic - 29.03.2021 08:10

Dammit why did you tell me about the Venusaur GBA now I neED ONE

@scaredypicker - 08.06.2021 13:02

My 5 year old little brother is getting into gaming, so I gave him my GBA SP I’d grown up playing and loving as a kid, with Super Mario Bros 3 to show him what real gaming was! He played it for five minutes, chucked it, and went back to playing his mobile games 😧 my soul was crushed...

@curugulpeterson5155 - 05.09.2021 22:34

What About the Nintendo Power 100th Anniversary Issue Special Edition Gold Gameboy Pocket? I have only seen 2 on Ebay. Neither Sold on Ebay, so no one knows its true retail Price. They were not given away in Box, they only came to you in a Pink Bubble Wrap. Some have estimated the NP 100th GBP to be between $2000 to $3000 But have said they also have only seen one or two in existence. I Would Love for More people to start taking more Interest In this GBP because I believe it is More Rare than most on this List. Maybe with more Research, someone like yourself could do a Good Video on This GBP. I Currently Own one from winning it from NP magazine when I was a child. It has been in its Bubble wrap and in Climate Control for its entire Life. lol

@YugisCharizard - 05.10.2021 12:57

I could easily see the gold going for more than 10k

@Jakeiscool456 - 27.11.2021 01:14

Interesting and cool

@nensondubois - 19.01.2022 00:48

i own a Game Boy NES Retrovision cartridge. Technically unofficial though it uses DMG2 board. About 50 were produced.

@dewit5883 - 20.01.2022 06:08

I have one of the charizard ones, but it is pretty worn

@williss1192 - 19.04.2022 09:30

I wish Emulation handhelds would bring some of these designs back. Charizard and Pikachu is badass...

@mynameisntimportant9341 - 25.05.2022 21:45

I probably ruined my gold gameboy with a wireless charging mod and screen mod... shit... as far as i was concerned it was just my childhood toy... the gold plating has also decided to start rubbing off over all these years.... oh well

@Hershey_the_furry - 25.09.2022 12:12

Only 18K views this video is soo underrated

@rishichauhan86 - 12.10.2022 01:05

What are your thoughts on the Seibu Lions variant of the Gameboy Pocket?

@Thedaytondigger - 01.11.2022 01:44

Give it 2 years maybe 4. Mr be@st is gonna be outed as a r@pist argue or not. He's a creep

@gizmo6746 - 17.03.2023 11:36

The golden "gamboy advanced sp" was sold for 95k dollars . Crazy

@uggZymoroon - 04.06.2023 12:43

id give a liver for the gold sp

@Silentbob1494 - 13.11.2023 10:27

I'm just saying, I can electroplate a gameboy SP shell. It's not a particularly complicated process.

@agavino520 - 07.01.2024 08:42

Mr beast gon fuck the gb game up 😪 all the noobs gonna cop non stop

@gabrielmoro3d - 04.06.2024 20:05

Thanks! Great video

@Will-64 - 06.01.2025 15:19

my dream collectible gameboy is a black gameboy with the FIAT logo on it, but there are absolutely no records on any value or history, apart from that it was won in a contest. please, if you could bring any more details about this gameboy to light through a video, would be greatly appreciated and a very cool vid!

@RetroDodo - 07.01.2021 17:29

What console should we do next? COMMENT BELOW! 👇
