Opp i love the golden gameboy sp
ОтветитьGameboy Micro's themselves are getting pretty rare and expensive these days. Not on the same scale as these but they're definitly getting harder to get!
ОтветитьBeen playing that Castlevania collection on switch and the game boy games are awesome
ОтветитьI'd wager the majority of ppl who obtained these originally have let them rot or lost them over the years. A very small minority of Gameboy players have become collectors.
ОтветитьIm hoping to see the top 5 most elusive camper tops on the other channel! I thought I hit the jackpot once when I found a 19” tv that had a built in NES into the bottom. Sold it on ebay for $500. Wish I had kept it
ОтветитьGreat video dude! Those are some crazy Game Boys! I wonder if the Game Gear has super rare variants, that could be interesting see.
ОтветитьNo wonder you haven’t made a video in a while, this is clean!
ОтветитьFantastic series. I had no idea about many of these. I of there are any super rare Gamegears👍🏾
ОтветитьThe golden Gameboy is worth its weight in gold
ОтветитьGreat video, super clean. Looking forward to more of these!
ОтветитьGold GBA SP - plated in 24k unobtainium! ✨
ОтветитьLove this keep them coming 👏🏾
ОтветитьOh hells yes, boys 😁👽🚀🙏
ОтветитьI've got a mint in box minish cap SP, standard one tho, and a load of GBAs in there boxes and two micros
ОтветитьFantastic idea for a series!
ОтветитьMost excellent video Sir, Kudos! I really enjoyed it!!! :)
ОтветитьYou have no idea how long i've been wanting to see another video of yours
ОтветитьGood video. You should do a video on pocket sized handhelds and comparison?
ОтветитьI can't afford what I'd pay for that 24k gold gba but $8,590.38usd is the price of the gold alone then Amazon has the normal gold minish cap gba going $799.99usd so at least $9,390.37 on the raw value alone
ОтветитьI have the toys r us exclusive black gameboy advance
ОтветитьCan you do 3ds and psp top games pls
ОтветитьDammit why did you tell me about the Venusaur GBA now I neED ONE
ОтветитьMy 5 year old little brother is getting into gaming, so I gave him my GBA SP I’d grown up playing and loving as a kid, with Super Mario Bros 3 to show him what real gaming was! He played it for five minutes, chucked it, and went back to playing his mobile games 😧 my soul was crushed...
ОтветитьWhat About the Nintendo Power 100th Anniversary Issue Special Edition Gold Gameboy Pocket? I have only seen 2 on Ebay. Neither Sold on Ebay, so no one knows its true retail Price. They were not given away in Box, they only came to you in a Pink Bubble Wrap. Some have estimated the NP 100th GBP to be between $2000 to $3000 But have said they also have only seen one or two in existence. I Would Love for More people to start taking more Interest In this GBP because I believe it is More Rare than most on this List. Maybe with more Research, someone like yourself could do a Good Video on This GBP. I Currently Own one from winning it from NP magazine when I was a child. It has been in its Bubble wrap and in Climate Control for its entire Life. lol
ОтветитьI could easily see the gold going for more than 10k
ОтветитьInteresting and cool
Ответитьi own a Game Boy NES Retrovision cartridge. Technically unofficial though it uses DMG2 board. About 50 were produced.
ОтветитьI have one of the charizard ones, but it is pretty worn
ОтветитьI wish Emulation handhelds would bring some of these designs back. Charizard and Pikachu is badass...
ОтветитьI probably ruined my gold gameboy with a wireless charging mod and screen mod... shit... as far as i was concerned it was just my childhood toy... the gold plating has also decided to start rubbing off over all these years.... oh well
ОтветитьOnly 18K views this video is soo underrated
ОтветитьWhat are your thoughts on the Seibu Lions variant of the Gameboy Pocket?
ОтветитьGive it 2 years maybe 4. Mr be@st is gonna be outed as a r@pist argue or not. He's a creep
ОтветитьThe golden "gamboy advanced sp" was sold for 95k dollars . Crazy
Ответитьid give a liver for the gold sp
ОтветитьI'm just saying, I can electroplate a gameboy SP shell. It's not a particularly complicated process.
ОтветитьMr beast gon fuck the gb game up 😪 all the noobs gonna cop non stop
ОтветитьThanks! Great video
Ответитьmy dream collectible gameboy is a black gameboy with the FIAT logo on it, but there are absolutely no records on any value or history, apart from that it was won in a contest. please, if you could bring any more details about this gameboy to light through a video, would be greatly appreciated and a very cool vid!
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