What FOREIGN BRANDS Russians WANT BACK Most of All

What FOREIGN BRANDS Russians WANT BACK Most of All

Different Russia

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@signal98 - 24.02.2025 01:45


@GregoryBamber - 24.02.2025 01:47

THE ONLY THING THAT MAKES RUSSIAN FAST FOOD BETTER IS NO GMOs. Fast food in western countries is poisonous garbage !!!

@stephaniegamble3571 - 24.02.2025 01:48

I hope things come back too my friend. The world has enough problems without all these other things happening. We are praying for you, for America and for the world.

@GregoryBamber - 24.02.2025 01:50

Money transfers are the most important.

@clarkmadrosen1780 - 24.02.2025 01:56

Mr Handsome is busy sniffing things today. 😊😊😊

@archieolmstead6688 - 24.02.2025 02:01

Russia looks like a beautiful country and the people seem very nice. I wish I could visit.

@AndreaDeLu78 - 24.02.2025 02:05

🇮🇹❤️🇷🇺 🤗🤗

@HAROLDSIMMONS-m6f - 24.02.2025 02:19

Valerie, you can have all of them. They are in my neighborhood. Around the corner and many more.😮😊 Half yhe time, akways so crowded any way

@tesselaynes5428 - 24.02.2025 02:20

You were lucky to get rid of McDonalds

@Bill-d7g - 24.02.2025 02:24

Blue jeans and a T-shirt, I'm good to go. Hug for Sheffy.

@somedudeRyan - 24.02.2025 02:50

Someone should open a Vkusno & tochka in the USA

@hxhdfjifzirstc894 - 24.02.2025 02:58

Thank you and please keep us updated on the progress of all related matters...

For example, travel restrictions, money transfers, or any sanctions.

@liuwang2201 - 24.02.2025 03:08

your TVs seems to me will go down in price, in the states there so inexpensive, I would like a 75 incher

@evamarie6090 - 24.02.2025 03:28

I sell on E-Bay and had Russian customers especially for craft kits and ornaments. Hope they can work out something to include Russia in their platform again. I would rather have Russian McDonalds it looks healthier. Sheffie is adorable, I had a girl Labrador his twin, broke my heart when she passed, such a wonderful breed they are.

@quasar6959 - 24.02.2025 03:31

People outside Russia have a different information bubble all I can say is don’t get your hopes up

@carolynsilvers9999 - 24.02.2025 03:40

lol… I live in USA and never eat at McDonalds

@carolynsilvers9999 - 24.02.2025 03:43

Do you have or have ever had the Italian chain, Olive Garden?

@lawrenceveinotte - 24.02.2025 04:08

The only time I go to McDonalds is when I'm feeling constipated, your better off if it never returns.

@TheresaPowers - 24.02.2025 04:40

I hope that our President Trump can urge American businesses to resume doing business in your area.

@TubaBuddha - 24.02.2025 05:18


@GEORGEJETSONJONES - 24.02.2025 07:02

....hmmm...deleting/blocking comments...why am I not surprised...

@kevinerose - 24.02.2025 07:12

Snow is about to melt here in southern Ohio and we won't get much more after that so I am getting happy now.

@Roy_Gaber - 24.02.2025 07:20


@teestees1115 - 24.02.2025 08:11

brands are not coming back
wishful thinking
companies lost millions
they wont risk it

@wendysherbert3257 - 24.02.2025 08:58

McDonald’s has gone down in quality recently…sadly. I don’t know why, but not as good these days.

@visionunblurred - 24.02.2025 09:46

We have had no news in the United States about sanctions being removed from Russia. I think someone is lying to you.

@RusGirlVlog - 24.02.2025 11:48

Я больше всего хочу, чтобы вернулся NYX cosmetics, на остальные мне без разницы.

@StevenHatt - 24.02.2025 14:14

Alex is a very greedy boy, Go back to work Alex .

@HurricaneWeasel - 24.02.2025 18:00

You described it perfectly: you know, what to expect of the food at McD.

@irmavalkeapaa5928 - 24.02.2025 18:30

Kiitti paljon, Valeria ja Alex,venäläiset ovat mukavia iloisia,ja tyytyväisen oloisia,maataan rakastavia ja arvostavia.👍❤❤🎂☕🕊🕊

@yellowboot6629 - 24.02.2025 18:41

Thanks 🇷🇺! ❣️❣️, 🤗

@hardclimate - 24.02.2025 18:57

It's not just the food you might be missing but McDonalds also has contests to play from time to time.

@patticallihan8515 - 24.02.2025 19:13

Hello Valerie I am very sorry that I am late watching your video. I enjoyed your video so much Valeria. I pray that the Russian people will get back to normal again before the sanctions.. Then everyone could be happy again. Alex will have McDonald’s and you will get the money transferring again. Hopefully Our President Trump will urge New Business to Open in Russia where you are moving too. Sheffield will get all the medical help also. I pray for you 🙏💖Valeria, Alex, Sheffield 🐕‍🦺🐈🐢have a wonderful day and keep warm. Sending lots of love to you . Have a good evening ☕️🍰 together.😊. Good night stay warm and cozy💖☕️🍪⏰🛏️🥱😴💤 XXX

@random2829 - 24.02.2025 19:32

A Happy Maslenitsa to you!

@rudfil - 24.02.2025 19:43

To tell you the truth, your Russian McDonalds looks better as far as food choices go, than our American McDonalds.

@sharonbartoszak9159 - 24.02.2025 23:05

I think that some firms who disappeared found a way to get there products back on sale in Russian stores. I read that they import into Turkey and then from there into Russia

@loredanadincu4300 - 24.02.2025 23:58

You want back the crappiest fast food chain, a chain that sell crappy furniture at high prices, and a chain of clothes that uses poor labor from poor countries to make their garments. Speechless

@SherrieGary - 25.02.2025 00:40

Why are you and some others have masks ?

@evpalfy2464 - 25.02.2025 00:57

Thanks for a very interesting video. You are awesome.

@Conflictinator - 25.02.2025 01:47

I am avoiding McDonald's until they go back to using beef tallow to cook their fries.

@felixalbion - 25.02.2025 02:04

I cant see many foreign companies being in a hurry to return to Russia. There is no trust. The companies remember how the Kremlin stole from them. Also many companies left because they had morals.

@eevee_themeanie5883 - 25.02.2025 10:41

Tell Mr. Handsome Hi and Best Wishes to you guys 😊😊😊😊

@Jess-C - 25.02.2025 12:01

I hope it's all over soon, it really all should never have happened it's always the ordinary people who pay for silly politicians ideologies! Sheffield looks great! ❤🇮🇪

@MikeF186 - 26.02.2025 00:18

As long as I like what I wear and feel good in it I don't care what brand it is,so yeah,true.

@VX7-y1k - 26.02.2025 12:04

Trump is realizing loosing Russian business is not good business in his books. I hope to see Delta Airlines linking Detroit to Moscow DME in the not too distant future.

@sjh60633 - 27.02.2025 22:15

Trump will bring stability to the world. Peace thru strength.

@shelak61 - 28.02.2025 02:46

I’m sure your McDonalds was much healthier than ours (USA), but I’m glad things will be getting back to normal for you over there soon. Americans love Russians, and were always wanting to learn more about your life there. I especially love how your country has a deep respect for our Christian faiths, that’s one of many things we do have in common with you, besides McDonalds lol

@MaryWehmeier - 28.02.2025 15:46

Val, Are you saying PayPal is working between Russia and the USA?

@raquelmanalansan8905 - 03.03.2025 04:23

Sheffield is a cutie boy ❤

@calrateriro4005 - 11.03.2025 04:26

As an American, I would not recommend any American food brands at all. I understand some of the ingredients might be a little less,,, let’s just say...noxious. My question is, do you have any True Organic brands of “Fast” food chains.
