Why I Joined The Republican Party

Why I Joined The Republican Party

Tulsi Gabbard

4 месяца назад

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@junyajax - 15.11.2024 08:56

You joined the Republican party because you are way too hot to be a liberal 😂😂

@bogdan2551 - 15.11.2024 18:20

Uhm...i don't know...i think it's concerning this woman keeps pushing blatant russiаn рrораganda...trust my words, you do no want russians to be involved in your politics...

@Hercules_0P - 15.11.2024 19:54

We want to see Tulsi as the First Female President ❤

@50shadesofskittles9 - 16.11.2024 01:12

How does it feel to WIN Tulsi? 🙂

@ottiemyer2604 - 16.11.2024 02:20

I would Vote for you for president

@benstanfill363 - 16.11.2024 03:27

Crazy that the only 2 democrats I’d considered voting for both became republicans 😂. If she runs for president again she likely has my vote.

@svenmoros4701 - 16.11.2024 07:50

Take care of America. LFG.

@VraeliaValkyria - 16.11.2024 10:25

I'm happy and thrilled that Trump chose Tulsi to be on his cabinet for Director of National Intelligence. If she runs for president in 2028, I'm voting for her. She is such a powerful, kind, smart person. She would get the job done.

I am also proud to Kennedy. As a long term Democrat coming to Republican party, is history. Kennedy's are Democrats at heart. It's rooted in their blood.

The world is changing. And this is the type of change we need to make America great again. And to make the world better.

@justgymthings9281 - 16.11.2024 12:32

Tulsi, you're a beautiful, brave, hardworking, intelligent, and charismatic human being. I would be proud to cast my vote for you and call you president someday. <3

@markgoodley2450 - 17.11.2024 16:00

Ukraine.. sorry Wrong.. just Wrong...a sovereign country was forcefully invaded by a bigger bear in an unprovoked existential attack.. We as Americans have ALWAYS defended the defenseless.. Putin HAS TO pull every soldier out and LEAVE UKR ... And pay for everything he destroyed... Putin launched COUNTLESS BOMBINGS against civilian population. He is a coward AND a bully that NEEDs to see a bloody nose and black eyes in his own mirror...

@V3RAC1TY - 17.11.2024 18:52

So my grampa would have never gone to nam if they didn't kill JFK, never had his hands mangled by a grenade, would never be diagnosed with ptsd from people and friend's he couldn't save, my grampa was a medic, he did not carry a gun, and when he came back he became a nurse to do what he always did. even with his hands that way. he is still living but is struggling with ptsd.

@JD_Washington - 18.11.2024 23:18

the turncoat,tulsi, colored her hair "once" again

@Nightmare-eo4io - 19.11.2024 20:22

I would totally vote Tulsi in 2028

@Nightmare-eo4io - 19.11.2024 20:24

Kinda insane how Trump has collected this coalition of people all of whom could be president in their own right under his tent. This os either a recipe for stuff getting done, or a recipe for the most crowded opinionated board room in history

@nikosmoustaklis5162 - 20.11.2024 10:51

You are very intelligent!

@THEDonnyB - 23.11.2024 06:00

Kennedy-Gabbard was the last shot the Democratic Party had in 2024. If those two were nominated even my dad, a lifelong Republican, would have voted Democrat. And if they run together in 2028 they will have my vote regardless of whose name is atop the ticket.

@matthewestrada5217 - 23.11.2024 14:44

This woman nailed it

@bgill7475 - 23.11.2024 15:21

She's so cool 🙂

@JoyfulSaturn-cz2ui - 24.11.2024 05:57

The new face of leadership actual.

@JoyfulSaturn-cz2ui - 24.11.2024 06:03

Three fold awesome...ultra smart, ultra beautiful, ultra strong.

@JoyfulSaturn-cz2ui - 24.11.2024 06:13

I love the Kennedys too. Always caring people. The Grandmother, Rose Kennedy raised them to be dedicated servants to the common man. Robert Kennedy and his wife Ethel worked to maintain that heart and mindset in their children too. Caroline is still my favorite and John-John was a hero of mine. When I was young, I dreamed of being a writer and publisher too...well a journalist in some capacity. Robert Jr. favors his Dad and Mom so much. Good people. Good for this Nation. Let me add, their uncle Ted was good for America also. Talk about a long-term Senator who continued to be an effective law maker throughout the decades. They were actually the Democratic Party that Tulsi Gabbard speaks concerning. The Clinton/Soros/Wasserman-Schultz Disillusionment Machine...what a mess for us in the rack and file.

@JoyfulSaturn-cz2ui - 24.11.2024 06:42

Kamala Harris was just dumb.

@totallynottrademarked5279 - 24.11.2024 14:38

Becasue they pay you more.

@ecsyntric - 25.11.2024 04:19

TLDR: both parties want to continue wars and support proxy wars
Tulsi wants to end them and thinks Trump is on the same page
Both will fail miserably because US citizens have no control over the DoD
Remember that's why JFK got killed because he tried to the same thing

@Foragedlegacy2025 - 25.11.2024 19:37

The party of peace is Trump. Thank you for being courageous. I have a feeling you'll be the first female president.

@aurvaroy6670 - 25.11.2024 23:03

As a liberal, I wouldn't mind voting for Gabbard if she runs for President even if she's now Republican

@52392daner - 25.11.2024 23:13

It's great that he decided to do a privately funded transition team and get a jumpstart on the work of being President. However, I think it was a major mistake to release his picks for different cabinet positions now. All it really does, is give the opposition a lot more time to dig up dirt, threaten, and otherwise block his choices and attempt to insert their own. Especially with this new RINO Senate Majority Leader who had the balls to tell Trump how it was going to be after Trump just won them the whole shebang.

@StephenThuggin - 26.11.2024 03:00

Russian loving commie traitor.

@stfulol420 - 26.11.2024 19:34

Russian Asset. people should return to their home country

@RightCross22 - 27.11.2024 00:16

If Tulsi ran for president (but trump wasn’t on the ticket) she would likely win or at the very least make it to the primaries.

@christopherbastiaan492 - 27.11.2024 15:59

The Rouge soldier!

@oogmastaa4 - 27.11.2024 20:24

I wanted more political power and risking the health and safety of others wasnt a deal breaker for me Fixed it for ya Tulsi

@Iamshazam123 - 28.11.2024 21:36

Am I the only person who thinks Tulsi is what Rogue from the X-men universe would look like if she was real?

@motorcitylady13 - 29.11.2024 02:22

My daughter did two deployments and how anyone can say anything about this young ladies courage, and paternalism is astounding to me. Tulsi, please stay strong and watch your and our six. Thank you for continuing to believe we are deserving of your guard.

@niravelniflheim1858 - 29.11.2024 08:19

I couldn't imagine being this hopeful for America, but here we are. God speed.

@JB-er8hk - 30.11.2024 14:48

She isn't much different than Kamala Harris? She is whatever she needs to be to get on the news

@JB-er8hk - 30.11.2024 14:49

Didn't she run for president against Trump? Seems thirsty like Kamala

@JB-er8hk - 30.11.2024 14:50

Why does Billionaire Elon get a pass? A popular billionaire what could go wrong...lol

@robertmartin995 - 01.12.2024 19:00

Democratic Party has always been the party against war except for that time they started a war to defend Salvery, or that time they started a war with Spain, or that time they got into a war in Europe with the Germans (Twice), or that time when they got in a 40 year cold war with the Russians. Other than that they were the party that was against war. Then again the war of 1812, the Mexican-American War (Whigs, Republicans is what happen to the Whigs) and the War in the Middle East were encouraged by Republicans mostly so . . . no one has clean hands. Neither will Trump. America cannot control the outside influences that will cause us to go to war, as hard as we try.

@JoseRamos-os8mv - 04.12.2024 02:57

I like her should be great for our president❤🙏😁🌷

@D.Forêt - 23.12.2024 02:46

Joyeux Noël Madame,

Vous allez être super fier du travail que nous avons accomplis en vous attendant.

Le Président Trump doit vraiment voir la Hyper Star que vous êtes pour vous choisir pour être le Général Eisenhower.

League of Legends

Bravo et joyeux Noël


@bluelithium9808 - 04.01.2025 10:29

So still in the Uniparty eh?

@DBENTLEY369ig - 30.01.2025 04:37


@DBENTLEY369ig - 30.01.2025 04:37

Hear myself

@cujemi55 - 16.02.2025 15:01

I want to see her as the first woman president

@krishnaadhikari2352 - 21.02.2025 14:24


@RafaelLudicanti - 25.02.2025 00:17

we kind of need a line.

@starrynights321 - 27.02.2025 14:56

How about the government and politicians speak truth to the public. They might as well be poisoning the well thought! That's about all I can ask or hope for.
