Woke movie written by AI
ОтветитьThe practical effects were so well used, this is one of the most beautiful and faithful to the franchise movies of 2024
ОтветитьDidnt make any damn sense
ОтветитьIt was alright. Decent enough but I wouldnt call it great or even memorable
Ответитьi watched it twice...still cant like it
Ответитьthis is a great movie wow i havent watched in a long time a good movie this is like a 90s movie thats realy good not the bullshit now
Ответитьrealy like the lead mantress she is great
Ответитьwhen the girl gave birth to the alien wtf so gross
Ответитьits such a good movie that i will watch it again and thats rare
ОтветитьIt was meh for me, tbh. The constant cribbing of camerawork and iconic shots from other Alien movies was cringe; they weren't a wink of tribute, they were grab-your-face-and-scream "see what I did there? That was my homage, audience!!" Nostalgia-bait dialogue even more so. Bringing back Ian Holmes was puke worthy, especially when you remember that androids in the franchise were different every time. The profit motive, as usual, was so blatant.
And they weren't even brave enough to give us the underpants shots in this one. Sigourney Weaver had one, so did Katherine Waterston. And no, it's not a coomer thing; it's actually part of the theme—look it up.
I guess this was for a newer audience who are easily won-over by any amount of nostalgia, no matter how ham-fisted it's doled out.
It was absolutely awful
ОтветитьA big steamy pile of poo. Alien has been reduced to the level of teenage horror movie. They have yet to make a worthy sequel to the first two Alien movies.
ОтветитьWell I'll rain on the parade. I thought the acting was bad, the story was mediocre and everything felt rushed. The fearlessness they acted around the Xenomorphs really broke it for me.
ОтветитьNo chance. Saw it last night. 5 out of 10, being generous
ОтветитьWow bit of a outlier this take, everyone else seemed to hate it
ОтветитьParts were great but overall it was lacking a little
ОтветитьWaited for the Hulu release to watch this, and I'm giving it 8 out 10, I felt I already knew each character by giving little info of there backstory (great)just wanted more alien horror./gore give to us in Remulus
ОтветитьThis film was absolute tripe. The plot was stupid, the characters were terrible, the acting awful. Shameless nostalgia bait, with characters spewing iconic lines from the real films in the franchise for some godawful reason, and a third act so utterly disjointed and nonsensical it makes the entire experience a waste of time. The only thing redeemable about this shameless fan fiction is the character of Andy, who was actually compelling. Amd the shoddy cgi resurrection of Ian Holmes was disgraceful.
ОтветитьAlien Romulus was good, but it's past due for some USCM action, come on with it.
ОтветитьU ppl are mad to say this is anything but garbage...honestly, I prefer to acknowledge resurrection more than this piece of shit
ОтветитьTrue, but the bar so so low, it was still pretty awful
ОтветитьI must be the only person who thinks the movie was Trash, from the beginning.
ОтветитьOh. Come. On. The absolute visual and ethical atrocity of putting Ian Holm's face into this movie caused me to instantly turn it off. Couldn't possibly have been implemented any worse.
ОтветитьA dumb movie for dumb people
Ответить🤣🤣🤣. This hasn’t worn well. Absolutely trash of a film.
ОтветитьI’m so glad people loved this movie. I wanted to like this movie so much and after watching it three times I absolutely hated this one.
ОтветитьWeird thinking about the fears from movies face huggers never really scared me …..jeepers kreepers on the other hand I’d be outside while it’s night time start geeking looking up and shit scared he finna swoop on ya boy
ОтветитьSame problem as with ‘prey’. It’s good entertainment but don’t search for any deep meaning, it is almost entirely surface level. Like someone mad libbed the scripts from previous movies and called it done.
Ответитьone of the worse alien movies i have seen for a long while...
ОтветитьWho is paying you for this review Joe?
ОтветитьJust imagine what this could've been without Ridley Scott's meddling...
ОтветитьGreat alien film👑
ОтветитьId like to hear more from other Joe and Alex . Not 2/3 of video one person . Just friendly advice.
ОтветитьLmao what’s with all this hate
This movie was fucking great
Overall, it was just Alien and Aliens all over again. The Alien franchise is starting to get too repetitive. They all follow the same pattern.
ОтветитьSad to see how Joe's reviews turned from Angry to Ass-kissing with years, apparently sold his angryness to producers
Ответитьthis movie was beautiful looking trash....amazing visuals (except for the xenomorphs) and Horrible story
ОтветитьIt was garbage
ОтветитьThe first half was good but things went south fast. What a waste.
Ответить6/10 at best
ОтветитьIt wasn't good. It was stupid. Is every Aliens movie about a girl surviving because of plot reasons? That's so boring.
Ответитьseen it and put me to sleep, so I watched it again and TBH this sucks I'm tired of seeing this Alien franchise being Milked to death I'll stick with og Alien movies 1 &2
Ответитьcalling this the best film since Aliens is definitely ummm...a way to make a bad first impression of this channel because...Did we watch the same movie?
ОтветитьI must be the only mf who absolutely enjoyed Prometheus and Covenant
ОтветитьAlien and Dead Space had a child and I FUCKING LOVE IT!
ОтветитьThis movie was about as good as alien
ОтветитьCovenant is the best in the series imo
ОтветитьEveryone in this movie is soooooo dumb