Which mod are you using for the perk tree? I could see myself using that for gate to sovngarde
ОтветитьThis is just incredible mod 😳 I am truly amazed.. feels like a new elder scrolls geme, hats of to the creator 🫡
And of course, great video by Formerly Blue !
I don't know why it didn't show up in my feed, but this was a great way to spend an hour and a half. Now I have yet another mod I want to try 😅
ОтветитьI would've liked to see abit more backstoey and notes for the guilds. Like what happened to the thieves guild and winter hold students in some notes.
ОтветитьSurprised you’re not bigger tbh. It feels like you’d have 1M+ subs
Ответитьwhy do you aim at their hips
ОтветитьNot a fan of whatever the heck this combination of mods did to the game's lighting!
Ответитьdid you make an ai voice copy to read your script for you? the cadence of it all is getting at me i can tell the difference when you switch to the live reactions
Ответитьthis is what legendary difficulty should have been
ОтветитьDidn't Alduin want to enslave/control mankind rather than destroy it?
Ответитьwht is this graphic mod called/
ОтветитьWhy does your game have next to no lighting? or at least it looks very off...
ОтветитьLiked the scripting but it was odd to me everytime you brought up the "AI" or "AI BRAIN" if you want to immerse us with a script, maybe dont bring these things up
ОтветитьIs the voice AI? I can't tell lmao
ОтветитьThis man has played Skyrim for as long as he has and didn't know what a Daedroth was.
Not his fault, its just Skyrim's enemy variation is comparatively low.
I'm calling bull about 4 and a half minutes in. Picking locks is incredibly easy even in real life. As long as you have a lock pick. I barely even know what I'm doing and I can pick most locks at this point.
Ответитьlove your style of narration man! the video was entertaining the entire way through
ОтветитьWhat mod was that that lets him choose which skill advances on each level up like oblivion
ОтветитьSkyrim, but it’s dark souls, lol.
ОтветитьIf there ever was a mod that went perfectly with the now lost to time Fist of the North star mod, this would be it. Although the normal skyrim setting of getting ambushed by bandits, intimated by imperials and Thalmor did blend so well with that mod. Still an apocalypse play-though as Kenshiro gibbing everyone would have been great with this
ОтветитьPersonally I find it hilarious that Tullius was this super difficult multi phase boss while Ulfric is downgraded to a regular zombie dead in one hit. The jarl really is a fraud.
ОтветитьThe clinical way you talk during most of the video had me half-sure it was an AI voice until the Complete Shambles bit, lol
Great video, btw
Why your voice sounds ai like? Lmao
ОтветитьRip greybeards they will be missied of their centuries of teaching dragonborns
Ответитьgreat , now do this without the stealth archer build
ОтветитьI actually love the (albeit unintentional) characterization of the Riften Overseer
Spends most of it's time posturing and intimidating: deliberately leaving it's victims for other survivors to find, flying by and roaring to frighten and terrorize but not striking
But the moment it finally swoops in to fight you, it reveals itself as a pragmatic coward, only fighting you when it possess overwhelming odds, and fleeing the instant it loses that, frequently resorting to dirty tactics
Cool mods, but jesus christ your game is so goddamn ugly.
ОтветитьMod list name?
ОтветитьSounds like an AI voice
Ответитьok but is there a way to team up with Alduin, get to summerset and burn the fuck out of every high elves ?
ОтветитьCool video but why does your script & voiceover sound..... ai generated? I had to go back & watch an older video to double check & it sounds weirdly different almost lifeless
Ответитьah yes i too love the elder scrolls 5: adventures of the stealth archer
ОтветитьWhat's the thing with lives? You only have one life in Skyrim.
ОтветитьIn normal Skyrim hiting a dragon in the head while shouting stuns it and cancel the shout, was this changed in the mod?
ОтветитьOkay what is that POV mod for combat called, I've been looking for AGES
ОтветитьMy favorite boss was John Deere the Silent
Ответитьlocal riften lizard not playing by the rules, jarl and guards not surprised
ОтветитьSo this is ai? Wack and wild
ОтветитьIs it just me or does it go from AI to real voice then back to AI?
Ответитьwhy use exploits like on Sidgeirr?
Ответитьyou sound very gay in your streams bro wtf
Ответитьif you did this all with a pickaxe it would just be better minecraft xD
ОтветитьMan it looks like sht not Skyrim
ОтветитьIs it me or does he sound like ai voice?
ОтветитьYou're playing Skyrim with a controller...?
come on man