USA Number 1 Lily Zhang! | TTDCast #20

USA Number 1 Lily Zhang! | TTDCast #20

TableTennisDaily Cast

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@ilonkaona7918 - 15.11.2024 19:03

@torogoz2001 - 15.11.2024 19:25

We want to see your faces better... pls move the microphones out of the way. Especially Dan... your mouth was completely hidden. These interviews are very good, and a bit better technical proficiency in the production would help.

@f-i-l1485 - 15.11.2024 21:36

Thanks for the podcast and keep up the good work!

@lugburz7539 - 15.11.2024 23:17

Loved this episode, Lily's amazing! Adriana episode was great too.
When talking about growing TT in the US, I thought you'd mention MLTT. It's been awesome so far.

@actuallyja - 16.11.2024 00:52

Thank you for the video!

@fzambetta75 - 16.11.2024 02:45

Wow, I did not know Lily was now Down Under!

Amazing episode fellas and greetings from Melbourne (the best city in Australia, really) 🤣

PS: It is always fun to see how much people from outside Australia freak out about redbacks. They are my university's sport teams mascotte (RMIT Redbacks) 😅😅

@ATReaves - 16.11.2024 03:28

Our sports need more podcasts like this. Thank you so much!

@Wole58 - 16.11.2024 05:57

I like Lily's personality! :) She's always smiling and positive, and she's a real fighter!
Thanks for the podcast guys, love the format. Always a pleasure to hear these guys and gals on a more "human" atmosphere than on the court.
I'd love to see our blondie french brothers on your mic, but the poor kids are overwhelmed with media, everyone is pestering them from France to China. Suffering from success lol! Next year at Montpellier perhaps!

@Moonymanman - 16.11.2024 07:35

Another great one! Well done TTD🎉Lily is such a bubbly and intelligent young girl and she sure is going to have a bright future no matter what her career choice will be 😊 (P.S. No idea Joe is a BMTH fan😂)

@fredrikboberg9308 - 16.11.2024 09:09

@Exile29 - 16.11.2024 17:17

Bring Me The Horizon reference on the pod, holy shit lads. My worlds are colliding. 🤯

Lily is such a great representative for us in the States, can’t wait for this sport to continue to grow bigger and bigger over here!

@marktannertt - 16.11.2024 20:21

Monksey should go through a t-shirt every game! But he only has one old TTD t-shirt from the early 2000s - you need to send him a few 😅

@gdounito - 18.11.2024 02:46

keep them coming boys! you are doing a fantastic job !!

@kamyarzojaji3526 - 18.11.2024 17:07

thank you guys... love seeing and hearing TT players

@Megaboyd - 18.11.2024 23:52

Lily Z! Bronze medalist at the World Championships!

@LosAngelesTableTennis - 19.11.2024 01:50

great interviews TTD. I love this series.

@filthymutt7392 - 19.11.2024 13:45

Oh sick didnt know she's living in Sydney

@yuhani123 - 16.12.2024 01:08

Thanks for the podcast! I learned something new from her shared experiences about table tennis. I really hope your podcast continues to grow bigger and bigger

@TableTennisDailyCast - 15.11.2024 18:02

We hope you enjoyed this one, it was great to have Lily on the show! Let us know who you like to see next on the TTDCast 🎙🎙🎙
