I Tried These Security Camera At 199 INR! Ft. Airtel Xsafe

I Tried These Security Camera At 199 INR! Ft. Airtel Xsafe


6 месяцев назад

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@Svds4280 - 03.09.2024 13:36


@manavspolia - 03.09.2024 13:58

Airtel fiber broadband service is becoming trash day by day in jammu

@VivekSharma-ip5ey - 03.09.2024 14:12

If you want better security, consider using wired security cameras. Wi-Fi cameras are easier to access and may not provide the same level of security. This is due to potential vulnerabilities in the software and less reliability.

@KaifHazarika - 03.09.2024 14:47

Mi camera gives free 7 day cloud storage 🎉🎉😂

@TheLegendSpeaks - 03.09.2024 14:48

Dude.. lot of security camera offers to link your cloud storage and allows you to save the footage directly yo cloud.

@vyankateshbongoniwarvmb - 03.09.2024 15:18

I saw so many comments about adwiser. Don’t like content, unsubscribe and move on. Why vomit in comment section. And if you find the information to be false or wrong. Please explain how that is wrong instead of simply copy pasting adwiser. And don’t know who told the masses that tech channels are for charity. They do collabs and is mentioned in title. So why cry ?

@botplaysguitar - 03.09.2024 15:22

Another Privacy nightmare. Turning off notifications wasn't enough. Unsubscribed!

@_Joyboy1 - 03.09.2024 15:44

Better to use Xiaomi security cam😌

@rejishvijayan5534 - 03.09.2024 15:51

don't commit beebom mistake!

@saurav02sahu - 03.09.2024 16:03

Adwiser is back guyzz

@LEGITBOi__xd - 03.09.2024 16:49

Tip - If you planning for more than 2 cameras never goes to this type of subscription plan they just are useless 😅 even for 1 to 2 cameras you can also check cctv like tp-link,hiki vision, they support storage like box and Google drive also their not any subscription like that

@sougaaat - 03.09.2024 16:53


@himanshuchhabra1942 - 03.09.2024 17:21

I don't want another subscription.

Also, I am damn sure they will double subscription price after 1-2 years. Rs 200/month is just a lock in price

@VishantPre - 03.09.2024 17:38

I think it's better to use an offline camera and then maybe do a weekly or daily backup to your own cloud storage or NAS.
It's a bit of a hassle, but it's better in terms of privacy and security.

@sumitroushan5621 - 03.09.2024 17:47

Never trust Airtel .. they will harass you if you don’t

@krsingh.shubham - 03.09.2024 17:55

Someone can just cut out your fibre optic cable from the other Street.

@swapnilbagde1756 - 03.09.2024 18:26

Please make a video on fitness devices, like recently my Apple Watch broke not broke exactly thats another story, but now I am wearing a traditional watch and I like it, but I miss my fitness tracking stuff that my apple watch used to provide, now I am looking for a fitness tracker, my first preference would be a whoop band but I don’t like the subscription payment, so something similar like a fitness band(fitbit) or fitness ring or anything similar that can be worn alongside the traditional watch.

@HiHello-cu1eo - 03.09.2024 18:41

What about privacy?

@sanjoysarkar2189 - 03.09.2024 18:43

Comment box is fun

@friendsamin - 03.09.2024 18:46

Worst evert colab

@bhanuchandar6923 - 03.09.2024 19:54

very vague, no details of how much camera rent or installation cost stupid video

@ashutoshgupta224 - 03.09.2024 20:02

Best is TAPO and EZVIZ

@lifeismirror - 03.09.2024 20:22

Bro wakeup you so late people already know this because current society is so nightmare 😂

@Joseph_kamura - 03.09.2024 20:43

Nothing spectacular. Ezviz does offer same features too with similar price.

@chinmaeK - 03.09.2024 20:52

LOL, sponsorblock has flagged this whole video as sponsored adn saying me not to watch...
I guess sucks to be you TechWiser, or should I say SponsorWiser

@sreejith5966 - 03.09.2024 21:42


@sreejith5966 - 03.09.2024 21:42


@sreejith5966 - 03.09.2024 21:47

Adwiser ia back i think this cahannel is not worth it now only paid shit coming

@AllisterRebelloYT - 03.09.2024 22:09

who pays the money if airtel's camera is stolen ? me or the company?

@mdwahabuddin5723 - 04.09.2024 00:56

Subscription was fine, data in the cloud everything is fine but if the camera is stolen who will pay for it...😆

@chaithuchowdhary - 04.09.2024 03:45

Stop complaining guys. Even it's a sponsored at least it's informative.

@hemantagrawal1122 - 04.09.2024 21:20

Adviser.. paid review

@Hackerzx - 05.09.2024 00:31

Lol sponsoring the fraud company

@ratnadeepsaha7675 - 05.09.2024 22:56

Prices of the different cameras?

@YaseenKabir - 06.09.2024 02:03

Before accessing the video
I have watched unskipable ad of 45 sec
Later got to know there is another 5 min ad
And end of the ad I couldn't figure out why I was here 😢😂

@JaiShreeRam_901 - 06.09.2024 07:28


@NmD-no3vo - 06.09.2024 15:11

Without sponser Techwiser isn't techy

@REHAN_ShAikhh - 06.09.2024 21:09

©hinaalo jaisi body language kabse adopt kiya tuney ❤reya???

@RahulGupta-xv5px - 07.09.2024 17:30

Just too much sponsored and non-genuine consent.

@ankurotaku - 08.09.2024 06:49

His jokes getting cringe more and more day by day

@prihulentertainment3056 - 10.09.2024 18:31

Not good video and recommendation

@vedpratap8113 - 08.10.2024 11:48

Dont buy these cameras its waste of money. I have faced alot of issue. Its not worth buying in adverse climate condition it wont work at all. Better to buy an offline with wifi connectivity with dvr and access to two way talk live.

@Krantiwarrior - 19.10.2024 10:23

Im an airtel black member and an Airtel fan for a long time but my trust is shattering in them i don't trust them, in short
I installed these cameras- they charged a lot from us (had to pay some of the amount upfront while on the call with an xsafe employee) then the rest of amount including cloud and installation was included in postpaid billing and it was a lot in total
there service was abysmal- the camera took forever to buffer including the one that was right next to the wifi!
When we removed the xsafe connection from our airtel account no one came for the cameras( been 2 months now )
Complained numerous times no hope
Now when we asked them to reactivate our account back they told us it cannot happen on a post paid connection.

@sarangvarma - 06.11.2024 16:35

Airtel has horrible services. I am regretting buying this product. If you want to throw away your money please go ahead.

@KatcutCoffee - 22.11.2024 18:14

You need to buy subscription, no matter what -ripping off the customers

@KidsGigglesGrins - 26.11.2024 15:11

Isse accha tapo ka camera lelo jo isse 2x better he or same plans ke sath 2599 me

@coolls007 - 03.01.2025 09:24

You can use dual lens cams for 1200 from market duh..which comes with wifi motion night vision alert mode alarm mode

@samirsinghrajpoot487 - 11.01.2025 08:25

I am writing to express my profound dissatisfaction with the Xsafe camera I purchased through your app, and particularly with the customer service I received when I sought assistance.

Firstly, I would like to mention that the camera stopped functioning within just 2-3 days of use, which raises serious concerns about its reliability. I invested Rs 1500 for what I assumed would be a quality product, only to experience immediate disappointment. It is disheartening to think that a reputable company like Airtel would offer such subpar equipment.

Furthermore, my interactions with your customer care representative were nothing short of frustrating. The lady who assisted me exhibited behavior that I can only describe as unprofessional. Not only did she fail to acknowledge the issue with my camera, but she also insisted that I had not made the payment, which was incredibly frustrating. I wondered how Airtel trains its employees to handle customer complaints, as my experience was far from satisfactory.

When I requested to speak to another representative, she refused outright, which further exacerbated the situation. I felt as if my concerns were being dismissed and that my time was being wasted. The entire experience felt like a nightmare, and I now regret choosing Airtel as my service provider.

Thank you for your attention.

@Prameya-wo9nf - 13.01.2025 16:03

Airtel is the worst.....never ever ever take their services
