Top 10 Best Men's Hair Styling Products For Thin Hair | Male Products For Thicker Hair & More Volume

Top 10 Best Men's Hair Styling Products For Thin Hair | Male Products For Thicker Hair & More Volume

Ben Arthur

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@Joe.8671 - 11.11.2021 08:55

How about hair restoration laboratories shampoo

@douchebagpatrol7237 - 25.12.2021 01:59

problem with me is that without something like gel the wind blows my hair style all over the place :|

i have thin hair as well

@Arctic513 - 05.01.2022 02:15

Wonderful. Thanks

@SL-zn9oh - 06.01.2022 06:19

Finasteride + Minoxidil gents 👌

@Aquriez - 13.02.2022 14:23

Thanks for this. It is so hard to find products that work well on fine hair. I've gone through so many that either look terrible, greasy/crispy or work for 30 minutes before failing and letting my hair fall into its naturaly limp state. I've certainly never found a product that helps my hair stand up to a slight breeze, wind is the enemy!
This is the first video I've seen where someone really has hair texture very close to mine (most I've seen have enviably thick hair that stands up by itself to start with), so I will be trying some of these products for sure.

@frankrizzo9521 - 04.03.2022 04:30

Best pre styler for thin/fine hair and looking to do a slick back?

@UnformedBog - 05.03.2022 03:22

Jesus loves you ❤️

@mayrarico769 - 14.03.2022 19:05

Your hair looks fantastic! I will try this methods in my husband.

@roscomcfarland204 - 24.03.2022 21:45

Very hard to find a video where anyone knows the difference between thin and find hair. I have fine, dense hair. That means. The hair strands themselves are thinner than normal, however the amount per square inch of those thin hairs are a lot.

@imtoosmartformyself - 30.03.2022 02:40

should I use a prestyler with a styler? like I was considering getting the Vilain Sidekick Zero

but also Da' wax. newbie to haircare!

@joellanden8739 - 10.04.2022 21:07

You have very nice eye brows. Im jealous. Mine are blonde and almost see thorugh haha

@jesush.christ6184 - 16.04.2022 20:48

God bless you, dude

@Ben-yw8be - 19.04.2022 21:00

Sumo Clay is my favorite by Bumble and Bumble.

@Harz77 - 25.04.2022 10:14

I can’t find a shampoo similar to Aussie man keep it thick and I’m gutted

@jonathanmedina2700 - 13.05.2022 15:32

Da Wax must have changed their formula but it used to be a hard waxy product now it's a liquidy paste almost

@azarealbheri6876 - 13.05.2022 22:14

Great video!!

@digitalmop - 16.05.2022 22:19

Very helpful! Thanks for looking after your follicularly-challenged brothers!!

@thewb8329 - 28.05.2022 19:57

Great practical guidelines! Thanks

@bladebitten2766 - 14.06.2022 02:18

Nice video, dude. I went from having long hair which was always in a ponytail, to short just over a year ago, and I've never had more bad hair days! Trying to find a style that suits, products that work etc. These are all good suggestions. Thanks 👍🏻

@bryanwalker678 - 22.06.2022 04:54

Great video!!

@garydow1540 - 01.07.2022 20:02

but which is the healthiest for the hair!? i'm worried about the damage products will cause as i'm using finestride.

@JackHjobber - 01.07.2022 20:32

Are there any good alternatives for da powder as they no longer stock in the UK well at least I can't seem to find any

@KiaTia09 - 06.07.2022 15:01

Great video can you update now that Bed Head Press Up is no longer available

@dazzzdelux - 23.07.2022 23:31

Can't find the powders anymore

@PaintersVoyage - 19.10.2022 12:04

It's been said and I have to say it too. You're a genuine guy who's not trying to present in this lately very popular lowrider or overenergetic way, yet it's more than informational.
Thanks for that 🙏

@L1cktySplit - 14.12.2022 13:20

Finally a guy with the same type of hair as mine telling things 👌

@AnnaleeBelle - 02.03.2023 21:08

As a pro MUA, I can’t tell you how much I value this video. I recently got a new male client with thin hair in a couple areas and was coming to research products for him when I found your video. SOOO much information all in one place! Thank you very much! 😃

@vishwajeetpawar3009 - 16.03.2023 07:26

Do we have to use pre stylers and styling products combined or any one of them ?

@glenng - 30.03.2023 19:07

Guys, avoid this BS. All the products he mentions are either no longer available or are very expensive, hence the reason nobody is buying them and he is making money from promoting them.

@rajjogi - 28.04.2023 03:05

lets all appreciate how many times this gentleman had to wash his hair for this video. appreciate this content!!

@beanstealer1712 - 15.05.2023 05:08

As a 16 year old with thin hair, i appreciate this video!!

@tannergrinzel1835 - 19.06.2023 21:46

Nylon bristle round brushes catch and drag

@jayyemm69 - 26.07.2023 04:12

The link to the hair dryer isn't the same as in the video 😢

@danielkassu9914 - 04.08.2023 09:10

Which of this hair products that have very effective result by transform to thicker hair

@williamcanizales7622 - 23.08.2023 12:51

The Problem is that one good blow and my hair style is DUN

@Zetec5s - 05.09.2023 21:44

Thank you so much for this! I used your tips and tricks and finally happy with how I look again.

Been in a huge battle with self confidence and my hair was a big thing, but I’ve gotten there with this video.

Can’t thank you enough!!!!

@FinalDestinationDeepspace - 17.10.2023 02:01

I have full thick hair. Gel works best.

@capo4ever334 - 25.10.2023 19:09

Mpb is kicking my behind. Meds have stopped it but in 3 years no regrowth 😢

@logiclock9483 - 21.11.2023 04:47

great video

@paramthummar8965 - 03.01.2024 22:18

Can you make another video like this for 2023 year. Because this video is 4 years old.

@johnconstable8512 - 10.02.2024 06:16

best hair video ever. tyvm

@maxsokolow - 30.03.2024 11:51

I wouldn’t recommend using sea salt spray on thin fine hair. It dries the hair too much.

@anotheryoutuberperson38 - 01.07.2024 20:07

Thank you for making this video. My boyfriend is so bummed out about his hair density and this is helpful so I can help him :)

@m4ND_M - 28.07.2024 09:29

Oh my god ! U literally made me realize my issues when it comes to styling my hair 🎉 thank you so much for this information 😊

@UnrealTalent - 27.12.2024 08:12

You have almost exactly same thinning as me wow thx for this video!

@robertzee4799 - 06.01.2025 04:14

Thanks for your great advice. Especially on hair wax.

@abdulazeez.98 - 12.01.2025 12:23

Thank you for making this video
