Please try Ghanaian Fanta compared to British Fanta
ОтветитьMexican vernors is the biggest improvement of all the sodas.
ОтветитьHow are you going to do a comparison video like this and not mention the container difference? What a plant!
ОтветитьThis dude was one default reaction
ОтветитьGlass bottle > than plastic. Even if both are same country of origin.
Ответитьmexi version is gross
ОтветитьThat bottle sprite looks like the one we had in USA back in the days.
ОтветитьMexican coke and sprite are both 1000× better then US.
ОтветитьMexican Sprite? Meh, not a fan
Mexican Coke? Life giving elixir
Yeah dude mexico uses cane sugar literally everyone knows this
ОтветитьUSA soda is garbage man
Real Sugar Pepsi is good but the usa has poison pop
Mexican soda always the best no cap
ОтветитьDont act like you never tried original sprite
ОтветитьEverything in Mexico is better than us and luckily I’m Mexican
ОтветитьWe are probably the only country with such garbage corn syrup filled sodas, despite being the birthplace of many of these drinks
ОтветитьTht bottle opener 😂
ОтветитьIt's the green bottle it doesn't let in as much light the clear bottle gets too much light changes the flavor
ОтветитьIt’s a given if you were a bottle it American into the Sprite bottle. It was still taste better just because of how cold the bottle is the way it served makes all the difference doesn’t matter what you’re drinking it. Everything tastes better when it’s cold and a fresh glass.
ОтветитьThe secrets is the sugar cane and the bottle not plastic.
ОтветитьNeed to go back to glass bottles even if the sodas cost $10 a bottle. =3
ОтветитьApparently it's not cane sugar that makes it taste better, but Mexico adds more sodium to their Cola products. It's been scientifically proven that cane sugar ie Cucross turns into Glucross and Frutcross when carbonated so flavor wise it shouldn't change anything. So it's something else that do that makes it taste better, some assume it's the additional "Salt" in the products.
ОтветитьI actually don't agree at all lol. Everybody always says the Mexican Coke tastes better for the Mexican spray or the Mexican Fanta is better. I completely disagree I think that the American one taste so much better. No difference in Coke though. Don't taste the difference at all.
ОтветитьI personally like both😅
ОтветитьThe US finding out they actually suck at literally everything:
ОтветитьIts something the those 3rd world countries food soft drinks are better than US version
ОтветитьPlus the fact that the Mexican Sprite is in glass! Glass tastes cleaner than plastic in my opinion
ОтветитьPeanut butter taste better from a glass jar
Ответить😮 Avoid corn syrup !🌎 Your Body will Thank You
ОтветитьMexican sodas always taste better due to them not containing any artificial sweeteners, only all natural cane sugar
ОтветитьIn a glass bottle to. That matters
ОтветитьAgree. Also glass vs plastic
I dig your bottle opener
Where'd you get it!
NZ version is the best
ОтветитьTry the Coke
ОтветитьHey what can I say
ОтветитьThat's when sprite was healthy
ОтветитьGlass bottled allways better
ОтветитьWeird how blind tests show a different outcome
ОтветитьOla amigo 🇲🇽🌮🏜🌯
ОтветитьAmerican beer versus german beer 🍻
ОтветитьYou vs the guy she tells you not to worry about
ОтветитьThe Mexican version has double the sodium, that’s why it has more taste! Read the sodium amount on each bottle.
Add a little salt to the American version and you’ll have a lot more flavor.
Could it be because it’s in a glass bottle ?
ОтветитьPure Cane Sugar vs High Fructose Corn Syrup. Duh. 😬🙄
ОтветитьWhat’ up with the purple lips 😅
ОтветитьMex soda is wayyyy better....coke too...cane sugar n not high fructose corn syrup
ОтветитьThe Mexican version is better because of the glass as well.
ОтветитьBut what about McDonald’s sprite??????