Space Maker Method

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@mai_world - 02.03.2025 20:33

😆😅😂 the bags is so me too 😅😆😂

@MK-ex2vt - 02.03.2025 20:40

Van Gogh, just a note, Americans call him [when go] but the rest of the world doesnt know who you are talking about :D [Fun Ghogh]

@jfife4211 - 02.03.2025 20:56

I have several grandchildren. I have a frame for each child, and as they give me a new art piece, i put it in the frame on top of the old piece. Works great

@luizalivinginthegray6353 - 02.03.2025 20:58

I think a binder with clear plastic sleeves is perfect for receipts and easy to flip through and find things you need or don’t ❤

@jmb2202 - 02.03.2025 21:02

Over de schoenen als je het op vinted wilde verkopen Ik had het ook een keer dat ze zeiden dat het fake was. En toen heb ik het nog een keer geprobeerd en toen ging het wel

@jmb2202 - 02.03.2025 21:03

I keep watching your videos I don’t know why but I like your method of organizing it makes sense.

@dawn4224 - 02.03.2025 21:16

All of us have similarities in our clutter. Love her personal clothes style. I declutter regularly but have items which give me pleasure to see in my home. I also keep a pretty declutter basket in sight that I regularly put items in. When full, it goes to my fav donation center. I also regularly declutter items to family members but do ask if they would like it first. Sometimes I take a photo and send it to them asking if they want whatever I am discarding. If they say no, I put in my donation basket. Decluttering is an ongoing process.

- 02.03.2025 21:51

Good progress today lady. Bedroom looking better already 😊

@stallion0975 - 02.03.2025 22:03

She is beautiful and has a great style and her collection are cool

@cathyferguson1590 - 02.03.2025 22:04

Beautiful bedroom❤

@mwcmwc8768 - 02.03.2025 22:04

I am Esther!! Creatives and those with ADHD just think differently. There is beauty in it for sure! Society tells us it is a “problem”/something to “fix”, but it takes all kinds to make the world a beautiful and successful place. Every person has things to learn, strategies to help make them more efficient when necessary, etc. I’m so excited for you Esther!!🌟 I need you in my life April!! I need an April-bestie to help me in such a respectful and nonjudgmental way!💜

@sinkintostillness - 02.03.2025 22:34

Scarves make really good reusable wrap for gifts!

@sillymamacita3854 - 02.03.2025 22:37

I don't know why but I haven't been getting your new video notifications even though I keep checking to see it's all. Luckily I know how I like to drink my coffee on Sundays so I keep checking anyway! 😊❤

@JennyHanlon - 02.03.2025 22:47

Re the Docs. The criss cross pattern on the arch of the sole of real docs (any model) has a ‘+’ pattern, these have an ‘x’ pattern. The real insoles are black with yellow writing (this one is opposite) and the real soles are one piece, whereas this one is clearly two joined together. The real Pascal Nappa 1460 zipped boots have a zip on the inside as well as the front. There are a few different styles of those Pascal 1460 zipped boots. Definitely worth bringing them to a reseller to have checked ❤

@Lucinda_Jackson - 02.03.2025 23:05

Esther is an absolute doll! She's so sweet and she has reasons for many of the things she keeps. She just needs help deciding how to store them and arrange them. And she's learning that there are things she can like and admire, but doesn't need to keep. She's doing really well!

@contempl8ive - 02.03.2025 23:11

It’s quite sweet how thoughtful Esther is with her gift giving. I think her love language might be gift giving.😘

@missj6806 - 02.03.2025 23:12

Just go to a Dr Marten store and ask them, grtz from a fellow Dutchy

@kimberlymiller655 - 02.03.2025 23:13

Did the series before Ester finish? I like that couple where you were before. Just curious.

@crimsonrose51 - 02.03.2025 23:14

I have an idea for books that look like clutter that I’ve wanted to try myself. I want to cover my books with matching paper dust covers. Either using wrapping paper or wall paper. And then hand write or print out the titles in the same font.

@Lucinda_Jackson - 02.03.2025 23:15

I really appreciate April and her ability to stick to her role here. I think Esther might be easier than some to "push" into decluttering some things, just because of her personality. But April is careful to never do this. Encourage, yes. Push, never. Maybe nudge to take a second look very occasionally, but never giving off any vibes of disapproval.

You do such a great job, April!

@RiRisWorld4Eva - 02.03.2025 23:23

The stitching looks off on the docs.

@Kel_Rod - 02.03.2025 23:35

Did she say that she will go away for few days and leave the cat alone with an automated feeder???? I really hope she does not leave her cat alone for few days with no one minding the cat. This is animal abuse. This is very serious. What the heck!!??

@crimsonrose51 - 02.03.2025 23:38

I had an idea for the journals. You could use them as decor and use them for writing. You could put a ribbon bookmark in the one you’re using one for writing in and then display them all together. That way you know which one to grab.

@user-js6zx1kl1x - 02.03.2025 23:56

The purses inside the purses was hilarious!

@wineinside - 03.03.2025 00:11

I lived in the Netherlands for almost two years and just love Esther's apartment. It reminds me of the wonderful time there! Kind regards❤

@matemarika86 - 03.03.2025 00:38

She doesn't need all the ikea receipts if she has ikea family card and she always use it to pay. Ikea collects all the receipts for you so you dont have to keep them to return stuff.

@kebergify - 03.03.2025 00:50

Esther is so sweet! I love her artistic and giving nature. Organizing her space will make her so happy. Can't wait to see the final result- lots of great work here!

@NancyTawil-c3h - 03.03.2025 01:21

Esther, you did great! 😍

@fred-hl9bp - 03.03.2025 01:26

Thank you April and Esther 👍.
Gosh what a difference in those 2 days...Esther is definitely being carefully given confidence to exercise her Space Maker muscles 💪...well done both of you 😀.

@Dashzap - 03.03.2025 01:29

I had some Raichle boots like those in the 1970s! They were great.

@margaritadiaz3779 - 03.03.2025 02:02

April, you can always ask the right questions and get the desired answer or response. I love your respect for your clients. ❤❤❤❤

@SHA-3210 - 03.03.2025 02:23

I’m not sure why, but I’ve never seen a cluttered, or hoarded, house that doesn’t have a cat, or multiple cats. 🤔

@bobbysharp842 - 03.03.2025 02:48

You are my favorite you tuber. I love your show. You are such a kind help to so many and somehow you manage to entertain as well. 😊😊

@brendakelly6965 - 03.03.2025 03:05

@nettie8060 - 03.03.2025 03:10


@donnahilton8924 - 03.03.2025 03:24

Thank you for another gentle decluttering video, complete with a lovely pet.

@pama.6410 - 03.03.2025 03:51

So much progress for one day! Way to go!

@absinthemindedcat - 03.03.2025 04:24

as someone with over 100 scarves i find those scarf rings get way too bulky instead i have a couple long towel rails i have mounted on tne wall to not only hand my scarves but display them too.

@cantocant2346 - 03.03.2025 04:39

She has a beautiful home with beautiful taste. It's always hard for artists to turn loose of things.

@mlkothman4205 - 03.03.2025 05:21

Great job! Even though she kept a lot you were able to make it look so nice

@Shiryone - 03.03.2025 05:35

little by little, bit by bit. Hopefully there will be a mind shift occurring.

@Ladythyme - 03.03.2025 06:03

I live in America & My home is small. People come into my home and see hutches, bookcases and wall units and say “wow! you have a lot of stuff”…what they don’t realize is that I only have two very small closets (one for clothes and one is a pantry area) in the whole house and everything else I have is out and seen..there are no hide-away places to store anything …so I can completely relate to not having storage areas.

@LO-gp3bv - 03.03.2025 06:27

You can always donate older cat items and food to shelters

@amandamartelli8811 - 03.03.2025 06:31

It’s illegal to sell fakes here where I live, even if you note that they are/might be fakes.

@Caemen87B - 03.03.2025 06:34

Her place is going to look and feel amazing once it's all done! Hello from Arizona 🏜

@trishhorton6514 - 03.03.2025 06:46


@CleaningHeroSquad - 03.03.2025 07:21

April, you’re basically a decluttering wizard! 🪄✨ Watching you guide Esther without pressure is like seeing a cat expertly avoid stepping in a puddle—graceful and effective. 🐱💃 Also, black walls + black furniture? Total vibe! And shoutout to everyone donating pet supplies—cats everywhere approve. 😻👏💯💯💯❤❤❤

@valarievogel2658 - 03.03.2025 07:24

This was just what I needed - I had to pause it several times because I was inspired to go and do a quick task or put something in it's proper spot. :)

@joericesgirl - 03.03.2025 09:56

I’m disturbed by how much I have in common with this girl. I’m getting ready to declutter my craft room I needed to see this. The crazy thing is I have a daughter who does this for a living professional organization. Tragically I’m her failure project.
