What is Antimatter Explained

What is Antimatter Explained

Insane Curiosity

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@yanni246 - 23.07.2022 02:14

Is this where other dimensions are????

@haniabuhijleh1634 - 24.07.2022 19:03

Just a theory.. why wont dark matter be involved in the mitigation of our universe’s decay into matterless light

@jtour2784 - 29.07.2022 13:15

where is Bob Lasar?

@bananaboy4947 - 02.08.2022 00:07

Rule 1 . Anti matter devours matter but given enough matter anti matter ceases to exist

So technically if you could concentrate anti matter you could make a virus, a bomb which could devour planets and stars in seconds

@RomanMakovetskiy - 08.08.2022 07:58

Anti-Scales on sale ! eBay ! Can weigh now anti-positrons, anti-neutrons anti-electrons and such small things like that !
Being used, good condition, $19.99 only one left ! Hurry up !

@fercastaneda1979 - 21.08.2022 22:41

So this mean out there somewhere in the universe is my antimatter atoms flying around waiting for my to find

@brannonogle6611 - 02.09.2022 18:51

If you are not a physicist, go ahead and watch a different video.

@Yourmom-ks3gz - 21.09.2022 19:47

So if matter can't be created nor destroyed then antimatter can be created and destoryed

@ambientsoda106 - 22.09.2022 02:32

I have the impression light configuration...is anti-matter, it tge alternative to matter...also frequency is antimatter meaning a proton oscillation at value 10 will move together firming a area if space at value 10, inferring expansion, gravity, contractions and space separated by frequency not just opposite space...

Frequency a metaphor for trans-dimensional spacetime...however there's no limit to life, so a higher dimensional life maybe light based morphic abilities...possibly...

@ambientsoda106 - 22.09.2022 02:40

My udea is antimatter is since time too explaining gravity...this would balance out reality...

@ambientsoda106 - 22.09.2022 02:42

Also in thus udea antimatter means objects can be digitised and closed...meaning gold or biologirs have a digital signature that an antenna can recreate turning antimatter into matter...

@jors3834 - 04.10.2022 03:26

When Erwin Schrödinger derived the equation that now bears his name, he expected to be able to eliminate the i, because there is an i in that equation. Physicists have never been entirely sure how to interpret that
But it is that imaginary numbers are essential to describe reality.
And it is that there should be a mirror world, a reflection of ours formed of antimatter. Where each atom of matter must have its associated antimatter antiatom, our universe is the image reflected in a mirror, of a universe of antimatter, which we cannot access because we are made of matter.
Where any physical process stays the same if time is reversed, space is reversed and antiparticles are replaced by particles. We could even be talking about two states of matter.
because everything depends on the reference system in which each observer is located. (Galileo's relative motion)

E^2=m^2*C^4 c^2=c and -C
-C^2=ci and -Ci.
m=1kg. -mci^2,mci^2
-m=-1 kg. mc^2,-mc^2.
It is like an image reflected in a mirror From our frame of reference we will see the antielectron rotate clockwise but from the frame of reference of antimatter the antielectron is rotating counterclockwise and vice versa.
-Ci<=== Mirror. ==>👀-C reflected ray
Spin <-- --> m*C² and -m*C²
Ci===>:0:|empty |:0: <===C incident ray
t=-1. ±t=0. t=1
Ci^2 ±C C^2
the antiparticle
view from
our perspective:
And it is that the hypothetical mirror universe would not be independent of ours, but could even influence our reality. And we his but also has influence on the particles of our reality.
Some physicists claim that the same photon could be in several states at the same time photon-antiphoton, even Some scientists suggest that another self could exist where the two of us could be the same person.
They even suggest that in the universe there is more matter than antimatter. This explanation makes sense given the overwhelming and unexplained abundance of matter versus antimatter in the universe. but the theory says that antimatter is not found in the observable universe but in a mirror world parallel to ours where there should be the same number of particle-antiparticle. All matter has its associated antiparticle and vice versa. Where Matter and antimatter coexist at the same time and you can't get one without the other.
When a particle of matter joins its corresponding antiparticle, both are destroyed, releasing an energy equivalent to 2E. These 2 masses are not two masses of ordinary matter, but are two masses of opposite sign:
±m*c^2=±E. ±E=2E
m*c^2+-m^C2=0=====>mc^2=mc^2===>-mc^2=-mc^2 generated energy
During the reaction, particle-antiparticle pairs could be generated. And high energy photons and antiphons.
Where nuclear fission of heavy atomic nuclei into lighter elements could occur by releasing particles of ordinary matter that would break the nuclei of heavier atoms and releasing energy during the division of the atom.
Like the energy that is released in nuclear reactions when the division of the atom happens.
While the antiparticles would annihilate with their opposites, again generating particle-antiparticle pairs and repeating the process.
In an analogous way. If a body is negatively charged it is because it has an excess of electrons. If a body is positively charged it is because it has a defect of electrons. A characteristic of charges is that charges with the same sign repel each other, while charges with different signs attract each other. Now if these two charges were to come into contact, a short circuit would occur due to a potential difference. Due to an excess and a decay of electrons between two points. And it is that nature only tends to recover its equilibrium state and to achieve this, the atoms tend to recover their neutral charge.
Antimatter, are atoms whose subatomic particles are of opposite sign (-m) to ordinary matter (m)
We do not know if a kilo of matter weighs the same as a kilo of antimatter, but theoretically they should weigh the same, a kilo of antimatter would weigh the same as a kilo of matter but in the opposite direction, if you put a kilo of antimatter on a scale the weight would not generate downward pressure, but rather the weight would pull the scale upwards.
. If gravity is a force F=G* -m*M/r^2= -m*a, the theory says that the force exerted is the same but in the opposite direction.
just as all objects fall at the same time regardless of their mass due to the attraction exerted by the Earth on all matter, antimatter would suffer a repulsion acceleration of 9.8 newtons regardless of its mass.
Where at higher altitude the acceleration decreases. Since the repulsive force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance.
But this theory contradicts some of the theories of relativity for einstein gravity is not a force.(F=G*m*M/r ^2) it is an acceleration that is caused by a deformation of space time.(Rμv-1 /2Rgμv=(8piG/c^4)*Tμv).
Although the einstein equation is more used to describe massive objects such as the movements of the planets and the newton equation is more used to describe the movement of smaller objects such as those that occur here on earth.
The Schrödinger equation problem.
It is precisely that there is absolutely nothing that prevents a material particle from traveling at the speed of light or even at a higher speed, and it is based on the mechanical energy of classical non-relativistic newton physics, this definition being a quantity that will always be positive at all times.:
Total energy=Ec+Ep
Em=Ec+Ep=m*v^2=m*c^2 where c^2= c and -c
m=1. 1/E0*μ0 =C^2
While the dirac and klein gordon equation is based on Einstein's relativistic energy and yields both positive and negative results and thus predicts the existence of antimatter.
E^2=m^2*C^4 c^2=c and -C
-C^2=ci and -Ci
Einstein's physics is not a break with Newton's, but a continuation of it where they only differ at speeds close to the speed of light
For very small speeds compared to the speed of light, such as those in our ordinary world, the relativistic force becomes
F = m a /√(1-v2/c2)= F = m a
In quantum mechanics more of the same happens, we can expect some result that we had previously obtained with the non-relativistic Schrödinger wave equation.
And the Pauli equation is the non-relativistic limit of the Dirac equation and can be expressed for particles of spin 1/2.
the equation E=mc² is incomplete, since it only applies to define the energy at rest, but when defining the "relativistic energy" of a body in motion, it is necessary to include the linear momentum p (p=mv, mass times speed); furthermore, according to the equation, rest energy depends on mass, so it does not apply for massless particles, such as light or photons, which must have energy. The equation that solves all these problems is the full version of E=mc², E²=p²c²+m²c⁴,
For a massless body like a footòn, the equation would be more or less like this: E²=p²c²=pc (photon)

Klein gordon wave equation:
∇²φ-1/c²×∂²φ/∂t²=k² compton wavelength
Maxwell's electromanetic wave equation:

Mass in relativistic motion:
E^2=m^2*c^4+p^2c^2 E=± (E^2=m^2*c^4+p^2c^2)^1/2=m*c^2/ (1-(c^2/v^2))^1/2
Rest mass or non-relativistic velocities like that of our ordinary world:
E^2=m^2*C^4 E=mc^2
E=± (m^2*C^4)^1/2=mc^2y-m*c^2

E=±(m^2*c^4+p^2*c^4)^1/2(square root)=alpha*p*c+beta*m*c^2
it is known that a photon has no mass but it has an equivalent mass that depends on its speed c and its frequency by a constant of proportionality h where the equivalent mass of the photon m=hf/c^2=E/c^2 =p/c
The energy of a photon depends on its frequency h*f=h/2pi*f*2pi=hω
The energy of a wave depends on its amplitude.
And the energy of the matter of its massE=m*c^2
The + or - sign means that there is an incident wave and a reflected wave or two things going in opposite directions.
In a parallel mirror the only axis that is inverted is the Z axis forward and backward which is the length,
the x and y axis remain the same.
Where x is right and left which is the width and where y-axis is up and down which is the height).
and and
Z. Z
X. X
Something impossible to do in real life because we do not invert our position together with space we only invert our position with respect to space

@thompsonbrian8791 - 19.10.2022 04:58


@boozieyt - 05.12.2022 23:35

Great video, now I can clear my accountancy paper tomorrow.

@jamesstpatrick8493 - 13.12.2022 04:08

Math is insane. Human are amazing

@martyxxl6751 - 27.01.2023 00:23

We humans haven't got a clue what surrounds us(LOL)

@AnthonyAtencio - 01.02.2023 23:15

100 years from now this will be either common kindergarten stuff or the dumbest thing ever, but it sure is entertaining to me now. Thank you ;p

@Spling-kw1xn - 04.03.2023 00:07

1 gram of antimatter cost $62 trillion dollars and the worlds economy is $88 trillion dollars

@moltoniron633 - 06.03.2023 11:16

We need antimatter powerplant in future

@nichollusschwier4685 - 16.03.2023 02:10

I dont believe in cults or this shit...its theory not fact.

@mo2clean795 - 04.04.2023 08:57

The only thing I understood was zero

@atwodollarnote - 01.05.2023 07:00

ok im still confused but im less confused.

@janaknshuklashukla3320 - 09.05.2023 06:17

In univers every moliculuous.have matter, antimatter & static matter.though his charges may be High or low rate , position, & dimensions .

@eggy7346 - 03.07.2023 01:44

I always thought it was matter, but evil

@KartikPatel-nt4ff - 19.07.2023 08:31

😅😅😅well information good show 😅

@hasnainmalik3888 - 17.08.2023 10:43

as biochemistry students , anti anti anti

@LordSalazarsRevenge - 19.08.2023 23:04

Crisis on Infinite Earths is looking pretty good

@boshkash2000 - 19.11.2023 06:56

What does it mean that the ani matter disappeared

@eel908 - 03.12.2023 01:17

Yeah matter don't matter yeah anyway energy life spirit anyway chanel children spirit from war now so so sorry now war still going on for ever it seems i try evey so so often no matter what why who when peace soon will be done infinity chapter 8 tod

@eel908 - 03.12.2023 01:22

Forget about the science of matter think of it in a different way like a living life form of energy spirit life decay into infinity chapter 8 tod

@eel908 - 03.12.2023 01:32

i enjoy learning about everything thank you remember apply what you know show how high we can go tod infinity chapter 8

@DavyErni-y6c - 27.12.2023 13:47

Anti matters are those that felt they didn,t matter so they got stuck running circles in their minds about why. 😊 they always mattered . 💝🥰🥰

@VladimirBeregovoy-hi8gu - 08.01.2024 23:10

How about any dark matter?

@happyandhealthy888 - 17.01.2024 08:23

Where the babies came from.

@dawithabteselassie7116 - 24.01.2024 18:44

According to my critical observation, Matter and Antimatter could be explained by this formula: Matter = +(MV)DxDyDZ *t Anti Matter = -(MV)TxTyTz * d; Here: D= 3 Dimension and t is 1 dimensional time entity, + =positive Charge ; T = 3 dimensional time in antimatter form and d is one dimensional space entity and -= negative Charge. (Matter) -(Anti-matter) = (+(MV)DxDyDZ *t) - (--(MV)TxTyTz * d) = 0. Shortly, the negative energy found in living things that wear (decay) the age of it that could be considered as Anti matter. It might be the demonic spirit found in this material world. We can observe it but we can not produce or handle it since it is quite opposite to the material form that we are found that annihilate us.

@ar-visions - 02.02.2024 10:38

There has to be asymmetry or shape to your data to have code, effectively. The Universe is, in reflection of code. The modeling is one thing, but we cant easily guess the code. So why is there asymmetric distribution you’d have to see the input code.

I think its an upper universe blackhole collapse event, so quite a lot of code..

@ramontaveras7967 - 04.03.2024 05:16

I are crazy. What big band u are talking about. Universe was created by God...jesus

@saadnan_slash - 12.03.2024 01:46

I didn't understand anything because I'm a dumb uneducated person 😢

@EdgarMallari-n3r - 13.04.2024 02:30

Anti matter and sub anti matter, are both ghost of the matter.
Anti matter cannot be seen by naked eye, nor can't be touch by hand or feel.
Unless you sensitive enough to feel magnetic flux.
Matter presenting our conscious mind it's our flesh
Anti matter presenting instinct it's the soul.
Sub anti matter presenting sub conscious mind it is the spirit.

@Aeizium - 27.05.2024 13:03

The story of humanity involves God pushing Antimatter away from our world and Jesus says that he is the beginning and the end because He will return all antimtter back to this world; ending it with only the souls of wicked humans to be judged.

@user-on9vh1cs2x - 02.06.2024 10:54

What is the universe making antimatter and dark matter

Fucking universe

Making antimatter
And shit

@NancyPayba - 21.08.2024 07:20

Dan Brown's novel "Angels & Demons" made me watch this...❤

@PrincePakiso - 06.09.2024 19:36

Antimatter is like a mirror image of regular matter. It has the same mass, but opposite charges. When antimatter meets regular matter, they cancel each other out, releasing a lot of energy.

Think of it like:

Matter = Positive (+)
Antimatter = Negative (-)

When + and - meet, they become 0, releasing energy in the process.

Antimatter is rare in the universe, but scientists find it in some extreme places, like:

- High-energy particles from space
- Exploding stars
- Black holes

That's antimatter in simple terms!

@PrincePakiso - 06.09.2024 19:36

Exactly! Antimatter is the opposite of matter in the universe. It has opposite charges, and when it meets regular matter, they cancel each other out. This opposition is what makes antimatter so fascinating and important for scientists to study.

Here's a simple summary:


- Has positive charges (like protons)
- Makes up everything around us
- Common in the universe


- Has negative charges (like antiprotons)
- Rare in the universe
- Cancels out matter when they meet

The opposition between matter and antimatter helps us understand the fundamental laws of physics and the universe's origins. Great job summarizing!

@sourcetext - 06.10.2024 07:16

It's antimatter because it doesn't matter, it doesn't care no matter what you say.

@jarvistech7408 - 07.10.2024 11:59

Wow. It's pretty obvious there was no big bang. Now look at it based on the facts, and it will make more sense.

@InsaneCuriosity - 31.08.2024 03:42

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