He probably got promoted and was given a raise for “experience based training”.
Ответитьhe went full Serpico
ОтветитьThey know hes always high thats why he went for the Narcan immediatly
ОтветитьThis is from 2023. People be commenting like it just happened….
ОтветитьThis corrupt bastard should lose his badge and go to jail
ОтветитьImagine putting people in jail for this substance and you doing it behind closed doors. The hypocrisy of the justice system is baffling
ОтветитьI find the end of this video to be fascinating. The officers in the hospital room know their body cameras are running and they are actively trying to provide cover for this drug addicted officer after the discovery of the drugs, by suggesting that he simply handled the fentanyl without his gloves and it penetrated his pores which made him OD. That may have worked if the other officer who found him hadn’t immediately retrieved his Narcan instead of trying to provide CPR. Nice try, guys.
ОтветитьYou know Mark is getting out of the hospital and headed straight to that dealer to get some more.
ОтветитьThe cop that found him was coming to join him. That’s how he knew what was wrong immediately. No one else would have even assumed drugs but this guy knew immediately. Bet no real investigation takes place
ОтветитьWith his pants down too? Jesus christ that would be mortifying. I guess it prob saved his life that he couldn’t even wait to get out of there. If he had left he prob would have pulled in a dark lot or alley to hit that and wouldn’t have been found. I just cannot imagine want to put Fent in my body
ОтветитьLooks like they all been doing it
ОтветитьWhat this video isn't telling you is that he clamed he was trying to commit suicide, because work was stressful, but a report came out that this was not the case, because of his dishonesty about lying about the drugs. I guess people that are suicidal don't lie. What the video also doesn't say is that he tried to resign, which would mean that he would be able to be a cop somewhere else. The Sheriff's office fired him 4 days later. This is how your Gov't union works. They told him to say he was smoking the drugs to commit suicide, so he'd have a chance of keeping his job, and would get treatment, and time of, and back pay. THEN the Union tried to tell him to resign, so the Union could get him another cop job somewhere else.
ОтветитьWild. Tough job and the guy is lucky to be alive… but they’re acting like he didn’t smoke that sh*t… c’mon.
ОтветитьI've been there
ОтветитьObviously other cops new he was a drug user. Soon as he saw him on the floor he knew he knew what he had overdosed , he was pry on his way in there to get a hit himself
ОтветитьThe police officer saved the other guy's (arrested) life. The police officer has definitely health insurance. Go to a psychiatrist. Those drugs are dirty, dirty.
ОтветитьEveryone is calling in sick tm!
ОтветитьRagdolled by the same dragon.
ОтветитьLoL Banana Republic
ОтветитьYesterday I hesitated taking a store bought sandwich from a co worker but this guy smokes drugs found on random people. Thats next level
ОтветитьPower rangers at there Jobs protecting us the people there is no law for justice and equality, just look at Donald duck trump best of friends with Jeffrey Empstain and Ghaslain Maxwell the world's biggest child abusers and the people voted for him,God protect are children,
ОтветитьGot them bent legs mastered!
ОтветитьAs a former drug user he got excited when he said chasing the dragon boy he knew what he was going to do after. lol crazy cop 😂
ОтветитьI read a Facebook post about this situation like a day or two ago. Now I find this video. This event took place in 2023? Wonder why we just hearing about it now
ОтветитьThe fact they tryed to hide this is ridiculous
ОтветитьFor those that don't know, the other officer probably assumed a fent OD because he was handling fent. Even getting fent on your skin can cause an OD. 🌈The more you know 🌈
ОтветитьThis stations motto: “we get drugs off the streets and into our needles”
ОтветитьAnother POS who gets to keep his badge. The system is dirty
ОтветитьWhat a goof
ОтветитьThat’s pcp Jake..
ОтветитьCop: l don't always do fentanyl, but when I do, I make sure I'm on duty, in uniform, at the police station, and on camera.
ОтветитьHe deadass robbed dude🤣🤣🤣🤣 so crazy
ОтветитьThe film Bad lieutenant 😵
ОтветитьThis is almost as bad as the cop that had sex with a arrested hooker in the back seat of his police cruiser, locked himself in and had to be rescued by his colleague.
ОтветитьNow, that's a dedicated officer. Test the contraband for purity before turning it in as evidence.
ОтветитьStop doing drugs that you got off a criminal. He had no business taking that mess back out of the truck and pur it in your pocket
Ответитьwhen watching the officer handle the meth and fentinal I noticed he was not very careful....He could easily have contaminated his hands.
ОтветитьThose cops are looking for drugs that dude already smoked lol
ОтветитьHe caught someone else's hot-dose.
Ответить😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 how dopey can you be
ОтветитьMakes little sense to get high at work hes not a gas station clerk
ОтветитьYeah, the other officers knew what he was gonna do. He let one go first, and then the other one comes after they both be tested for drugs and time to give up that badge.
ОтветитьThe officer who found him knew exactly what had happened. He didn’t even approach him. He literally stopped and went for the narcan. He had to have known that he was using drugs or else he most likely would’ve ran up to him to try to see what was going on.
ОтветитьВот это его вынесло.... Он видимо впервой решил так накуриться, чуть н умер, хорошо, что спасли. Напарники молодцом. ✊👊✊👊✊👊👊✊
ОтветитьI feel horrible for that man. What a way to have your addiction come to light. He may have lost his job, but at least he escaped with his life. Many people don't, and it's so f*ckin sad.
Ответитьthat's sad; it's best not to take any Drugs at all unless your Doctor gives you the thumbs up
Ответитьwhen your mom checks on you and you pretend you are sleeping