F1 Battles - Ayrton Senna vs Alain Prost - 1988 GP da França
A bela disputa entre Ayrton Senna e Alain Prost durante o Grande Prêmio da França de 1988, que terminou com a vitória de Prost. Senna ficou em segundo e Michele Alboreto em terceiro.
F1 Battles - Ayrton Senna vs. Alain Prost - 1988 French GP
The beautiful dispute between Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost during the French Grand Prix of 1988, which ended with Prost's victory. Senna was second and Michele Alboreto third.
#ayrton_senna #alain_prost #senna_vs_prost #senna_x_prost #gp_da_frança #french_gp