After Dark: Hu Tao cover

After Dark: Hu Tao cover


7 месяцев назад

975 Просмотров

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@PLKrisPL - 13.05.2024 20:41

Very nice 👍

@tezcatlipoca7121 - 15.05.2024 18:36

I look good on you my friend, hey sibnobes bother, do you think you can make one of nobara?

@FruitJuice862 - 15.05.2024 21:20

I have some constructive criticism, if you don’t mind.

First of all, the words are all actually clear, they sound pretty human. However, I think it would sound better if the voice was slightly lower pitched. 
I know Hu Tao has a pretty high pitched voice, but slightly lower would probably sound better with the sound track. Also, using lower harmonies can really make beats such as these sound really cool, as shown in the original song.

Overall, a pretty good cover, well done!
I’m sorry if I sounded rude, feel free to delete this comment if you want :)
