SonicLAB: Adam Audio D3V Desktop Monitors Review

SonicLAB: Adam Audio D3V Desktop Monitors Review


3 дня назад

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@markoahokangas - 20.03.2025 10:54

I bought these and like them a lot. They work really well when using nearfield monitor. Lots of bass for the size but I still wish that Adam Audio would do a sub for these as well.
The USB feature works really well. Mixing with these gives great results. But like we all know monitors are difficult one because we all have different ears and rooms.

@billybartcody3591 - 19.03.2025 18:13

These remind me a bit of my iLoud MicroMonitors - super solid, big sound in a small package. The mic mount on one gave way pretty quick (they're heavier than they look), but I do beat the sh1t out of them, and I glued it, so not so bad. These may be better, about the same price, but a bit larger, so probably not as portable. TLDR: you'd likely be surprised by the quality of smaller monitors these days.

@robertidonotsharemyfullnam496 - 19.03.2025 17:24

how long is the cable between the two exactly ?

@vincewatson_official - 19.03.2025 15:27

Bought the white ones last week...sounded very nice at low levels, but if your playing anything sub heavy, they just start to distort at decent be expected I guess, but as long as you dont wanna play loud, they are lovely.

@ChrisP3000x - 19.03.2025 05:24

Does they fart with kick drum?
What about the 10" sub they pair with? How connect with usb?

@darwiniandude - 19.03.2025 05:01

These look great. Big fan of the larger Adam’s but I’d have more use for much smaller speakers at the moment. Shall consider…

@cordlesswire - 18.03.2025 19:59

i have mine connected right to my modx via balanced cables and i need to crank the volume knob above 60% on both the adams and the modx to get decent volume. am i missing something or? before i forget. if you get them do not, i repeat do not forget about the woofers or whatevers on the sides when you move them. trust me. you will forget about them and bury your fingers into them things, lol.

@Plushworxxmusic - 18.03.2025 14:20

Bought these 3 months ago. The week they came out. They have improved my mixes immensely ❤ Plushworxx

@plasmaforce1 - 18.03.2025 14:11

Tempting 😉

@JustinValer - 18.03.2025 12:45

PWM amplifiers 😅

@Dimensione_X - 18.03.2025 10:05

How sad the industrial market is... All it takes is for a company to invent a model and everyone follows like sheep to imitate it... This easily shows how companies are not interested in sound but are only interested in sales...

@theinvisibleman-e8v - 18.03.2025 02:46

Sound bad

@ZozillaThaGreat - 18.03.2025 02:14

I m sceptical with the fact that they re supposed to sound identical while one unit has an amp on and the other nope ... unless they compensated this by building some5ing similar to the amp material and room it takes ... both speake will sound diff specially in bass and low mid

@Ra_Sharpness - 18.03.2025 00:35

These are great for an mpc or whatever

@Mamotreco - 17.03.2025 23:16

Thanks for the review

@echodub81 - 17.03.2025 22:28

They are really great for the size

@magicalsynthadventure3216 - 17.03.2025 21:54

The cake stand! Take a chug!

@Milo-UK - 17.03.2025 21:23

Bought these a couple of months ago.. they really do pack quite a punch
