I completely cured my autoimmune by adopting a 100% carnivore diet for 2 months. Meat, and Fish. After 2 months I brought milk and eggs back into my diet; 2 things that I had suspected of causing a problem. But no more problems. It seems that something in plants was causing the severe problems. I learn that plants contain Lectins, Oxalates and Alkaloids. And the idea is that because plants cannot run away they tend to have chemical defences which inhibit them being eaten. I attribute my cure to a end to these chemicals and cessation of sugar and carbs (the small amounts in dairy were okay) There were several other benefits end of fatty liver disease, athletes foot, skin tags. Lost 50lbs, and contol of hunger. I'm still overweight but only by a small amount. And don't laugh - but cleaner, smaller poos!! So saving on toilet paper too LOL. I feel happier too. Used to get depresssed. You figure it out, but I'm staying carnivore
ОтветитьHaving listened to literally hundreds of legit testimonials on boths sides of the dietary spectrum ie. WFPB and Carnivore...the conclusion for me is to choose which one seems to bring the results for your body type and keep on checking bloods and your commonsense.
When your are already dying from morbid obesity, metabolic disorders , immune diseases or other , you've got to try .
There are so many naysayers out there on both sides of the argument. Lots of angry principled people who aren't even suffering giving advice.
Do your own work and take personal responsibility.😊
I did a food sensitivity test. Tomatoes (off the charts), olive, and yes, olive oil, scallops and wheat are my body's enemy. I cut them out and pray for an improved ANA test for lupus. I also did a Dutch (hormone) test. My hormones were in the tank. I also did 4 colonics, electrolymphatic treatments, ozone therapy, a parasite cleanse and I'm now on the Wahl protocol diet.
ОтветитьWith these herbal remedies your immunity problems will surely vanish - Planet Ayurveda's Vikramprash, Immune Booster Capsules, Immuno Plan Syrup can work together in harmony to remove toxins from body tissues and generate new and strong cells.
ОтветитьAlmost all that I eat make things worse, I only get better when I'm not eating at all. The only thing helps me is whole corns.
ОтветитьNo one wants to go 10 days with just water! That's torture...
ОтветитьWhat can I do for celiac. Thank you in advance
ОтветитьDoc, I had Ulcerative colitis, Psoriasis and was pre-diabetic. I researched and discovered probiotics for the Colitis. After taking a probiotic supplement the bleeding stopped immediately. For the Psoriasis my doc put me on prescription medication of Methotrexate for 5 years with no improvement until i discovered the Carnivore diet. Within 1 year most of the Psoriasis has cleared and I'm hoping to be totally clear soon. Cutting carbs out of my diet and eating high fat Carnivore has changed my life. This is my testimony.
ОтветитьDoes ginsing work ? Audoimmune
ОтветитьYou need to talk to Dr Brooke Goldner from "good bye lupus"
Contrarian here. Can I gain 10lbs a month, starting at 145? Also, is my scale lying to me saying I have 18% fat when I look like I couldn't be bonier and skinnier? (44%muscle, 14%bone, male). It was a cheap scale. (I am here for the auto-immune thing. I'm trying vit d and quercetin for relief of subtle histamine effects, I think).
ОтветитьI am auto-immune case and beef-only clears me completely. Even strawberries are no no. But recently I have added to beef-only some fruit - i.e. melon, pineapple, mango are fine. So that's my diet - ground beef, melon, pineapple and mango. Not bad eh? A carnivore-fruit person.
Supplements are OK as far as auto-immune is concerned but can be negative for other reasons. Like B6 gives me neuropathic hand cramps, but P5P is OK. Iron tablets makes me ill, choline is good - I could go on and on about supplements. Some good some not good.
Excellent interview 👏
ОтветитьUgh, the ending of this clip really spoke to me haha. I lost over 100 pounds, but gained back some and even though I've stabilized since then, my inflammation is basically on fire, psoriasis, carpal tunnel, tendonitis all really acting up.
Basically I went from 330 to 200 but gained back 20, I keep trying to lose the 20 again but I'm failing every time, the fluctuations are crazy from 5-10 pounds a day when I'm trying to lose weight now.
I'm whole food (for health) vegan (for the animals) but I also have an eating disorder because I quit drinking and smoking and doing other drugs like weed, food is my only vice and even though I don't binge on junk food like I used to, I'll eat a whole bag of nuts or I'll just eat a whole bar of 90% chocolate (probably some other naughty things in there, like Spicey peanuts or too much maple syrup in my oatmeal lol), and have huge meals, I suspect my leptin or whatever is out of balance, but when I'm not full after eating, it's like a pit of dispare, and I understand the harms of over eating, but I can't sustain the one meal a day diet I was on with my new labour intensive job, but that is when I was feeling my best, but that could be because I was losing weight.
I've been following Dr Furman for over 15 years. I now also eat a small amount of fish and eggs. I still eat 90% his way
ОтветитьI appreciate Dr Fuhrman saying that a 100% vegan diet may not be the best choice. On the other hand, I also appreciate him saying that a plant based diet plus supplements may be the healthiest (no 'appeal to nature' arguments against this). Advice by someone like John Mcdougall (90% carbohydrate, tons of potatoes, no worries about protein, fat, w3, vitamin D...) is starting to seem rather out of touch.