truly speaking julius try to drag the country dow
ОтветитьNo bra, we sa people are now like Israelites, when moses want to liberate him they keep on coplaaining that moses want the to starve to death.Now look EFF is here lets not be like Israelites.
Ответитьi say lets give him chance , lets not hate the player but the game
ОтветитьI'm voting EFF this time. We must institute change unless we will be like Zimbabwe.
ОтветитьI rather vote for EFF than to pretend that everything in SA is right. ANC is an oppressor than the previous oppressor. The different is that the previous oppressor was white now the current oppressor(ANC) is non-white. ANC got power because of strikes now when people strike they got arrested and killed nothing has change still chain poverty.
ОтветитьViva JuJu
ОтветитьThere is no rainbow nation.. Black SAfrican, not the elite, live in slums.. Have you ever been to the townships?
ОтветитьThank you!! We are all Africans!!
ОтветитьViva E.F.F
Ответитьthis guy is madness
Ответитьmy vote belong to eff
ОтветитьThe economic problems in Zimbabwe was caused by the sanctions the racist western powers put on Zimbabwe.Robert Mugabe was still able to improve the economy of Zimbabwe by giving Zimbabweans the farms to produce crops on.Jacub Zuma is a puppet for the western powers which is why you didn`t see any improvement under his presidency.
ОтветитьWhites stole the land in South Africa from the natives so get your story straight.
ОтветитьYou better support EFF,cause the ANC is a puppet of the white western powers and we all know how racist the DA is.
ОтветитьIng,v .
Ответить3)just a front for whites,to target countries they want to to exploit.The Sanctions that was put on Zimbabwe caused Zimbabweans not to be able to sell their products to most other countries,caused Zimbabweans not to be able to buy products from most other countries,and it also caused a credit freeze on Zimbabwe.So how is that helping the Zimbabweans from so-called big bad Mugabe?The purpose of the sanctions was to starve the Zimbabweans,so the west can blame Mugabe for it by saying Mugabe is
Ответить4)oppressing the people,so Mugabe would lose popular support from the people,so that the white western powers would be able to install a puppet in Zimbabwe, to take back the land and resources,and continue to enrich themselves while the Africans starve to death.But it didn`t work cause most of the people did`nt buy the propaganda,which is why Mugabe was reelected hahaha.And yes the farms was taken by force cause whites stole the farms from the natives.And the farms are now in production,and is
Ответить5)bringing money into the Zimbabwean economy.And the past couple of years the Zimbabwean economy has grown despite the sanctions,and you can Google it.Mugabe was able to adapt to the sanctions to a certain degree.So your the dum and crazy one for believing the lies white controlled media sources spread.You want to see what you want to see anyway,so it don`t matter what white controlled media sources say.
Ответить1)GTFOH!When Mugabe got in power,the British promised Mugabe that they would buy the land from whites in Zimbabwe,and give it back to the natives.The British never carried out on that promise,so Mugabe by force,took the land that whites stole and gave it back to the natives.Then white controlled media sources began calling Mugabe black Hitler,and claimed that Mugabe took all the land for himself,then the white western powers put economic sanctions on Mugabe which caused Zimbabwe`s economic
Ответить4)perm their hair to make it straighter or to make it curly.And your people go to the beach to get suntans to look like people of color.Your women put lipstick all over their lips and outside their lips to make their lips appear big like a Black women`s lips. A lot of white women get Botox injections to make their lips bigger.A lot of white women get butt surgery to make their butt round like a black women butt.And i`m proud of my skin,Black people`s skin ages better then any other race;White
Ответить3)themselves white.Because evil spirits do not like to see themselves or anything that resemble themselves.Latinas got their full lips from their black blood,they are a mixture of Black,European and Native.But still in a lot of cases white women are trying to have lips like a black women,I`ve actually seen white women compliment black women on their lips.And some whites wear dread-locks and braids which originated in Africa.And i never said black don`t get Botox and but implants,your the one
ОтветитьThis is not cool
ОтветитьThis guy is quite intelligent. I like his approach.
ОтветитьWe will sit back and watch how the EFF AND ANC destroy each other ha ha!!! Malema is such an idiot he don't realize he is actually helping the white people. The whole Africa is proof that Africans can't share , viva malema you fucking waste of sperm!!!
Ответитьlian Maree Oh shut up you piggy, EFF and ANC are more likely to negotiate than destroy each other. You should be on the web looking for property in Europe.
ОтветитьThe only thing a plaas boer can do is throw insults without substance......... Shame
ОтветитьThe world is at end, many people will die after EFF take over SA
ОтветитьI am afraid when Julius Malema become a president (changing of constitution will cause confusion in SA), I pray to God to go to heaven before EFF get into power bcoz people are abt to suffer even worse lk Zimbabwe
Ответить'Should there be any obstacle, even if it is the constitution, then [w]e need to change the constitution..'
'People need to learn to grow their own food..'
Not even Stalin applauded him here, Mao did! You natives ought to know Mao's attitude was exactly the same as Malema's here. Except the "Great Leap Forward".. we all know how that one turned out! Unless you get a proper, hard consensus (not necessarily a democratic one) where it matters on statecrafting, you're not going to achieve anything. 0. Nada. Zilch. In the best case scenario you'll be looking at becoming another Nigeria, but South Africa is far too big a deal to get that kind of fate so easily.
Where is he getting " Money " Is being backed by those with Money and a lot of it , EFF are already spending on Fancy cars - his support is from the ranks of the unemployed ,homeless and facing a very bleak future , In life there is no free Lunch !
ОтветитьThis is textbook propaganda. That's all I'm saying.
ОтветитьA true revolutionary indeed, the castro of mzansi.
ОтветитьGo forward juju
ОтветитьThe white man has planted a colonist seed in Mashele's mind. He does not understand decolonization, land first.
ОтветитьJuju!!!!!! Asijiki
Ответить5 years later Julius's promises are becoming a reality
ОтветитьDeal with all the differences. All We are AS 1,IF We can.
Ответить2021 8 years later, I’m here to reminisce
ОтветитьEFF strategies have worked 👏
Ответитьwhy they give this man a stand, and the journalist put him on the stand and gives him a interview. Why do they just ignore him please. Hy praat met kak.
Ответитьyes Julius move to Zimbabwe, there you can make your mark.
ОтветитьThe stupidity in the comment section on this show... I bet their minds changed now.
ОтветитьVote for EFF
ОтветитьVote for eff , vuka vela voltage for eff 2024 May 29
ОтветитьThank you once again our president
Ответить11 yrs later EFF is breaking apart by MK
Ответить2024 is so bad
ОтветитьMr Malema still looks Healthy in this Video............. I Like Prince Very Much. He is Very Knowledgeable.