Business Ideas: Top 17 Businesses You Can Start Now (from Paul Akers) Pt. 1

Business Ideas: Top 17 Businesses You Can Start Now (from Paul Akers) Pt. 1


4 года назад

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@treveille - 22.05.2022 23:00

everything I think has already been done 😤

@jaredakers5764 - 25.05.2022 22:23

I wonder if we’re related

@Robert-zx2df - 01.06.2022 04:31

How are you not infringing on the patent rights of the honey bottle with the glue?

@Ken-bh3ed - 03.06.2022 02:24

I love so much ..😅😅😅🤙🤙🤙

@harrison6082 - 26.06.2022 03:36

I wonder how he gets these products to stores and customers in general?
Competition can easily copy these ideas or make cheaper or better alternatives.
And unfortunately I doubt intellectual property will be able to protect him here.

If a bigger company copies his ideas,
they can probably sell them for way cheaper and convince store owners to put their products in their stores.

@Joefest99 - 27.06.2022 20:14

Soooo...AFTER you have the idea, what do you do with it???

@sharonburton9663 - 02.07.2022 01:13

Bc of your channel iam launching my business. Iam doing the steps and almost ready to begin.even switched my shift to midnight so I can fully be in my business during the days. Iam already getting great feedback and orders and haven't even started yet. 🙂 but thr orders are coming from ppl that realize it's in the first stages of plans so it's ok

@jesb333 - 03.07.2022 07:49

20 minute infomercial for this guys products

@Yayan_596 - 05.07.2022 19:42

Does Paul have patents for the things he produced and sold?

@robertdoust7547 - 09.07.2022 12:51

Hi this is "Shit" got it ,!!! Cheers

@Keith2080Keith - 13.07.2022 04:16

so travel to other countries and bring home their inventions?
im sure every average person can do that
not 1 business idea

@ephremhailu4744 - 15.07.2022 22:23

Wow this guy is amazing great idea 💡 👏 good hert and open minded thank you for share bro

@southsoundhomepros861 - 18.07.2022 18:40

Loved this!

@AlJoshuaDiaz - 19.07.2022 08:41

Hello! If you are reading this comment, I want you to know that you will be successful one day! Keep it up! You are doing really great!!

@mounirabeauty2726 - 21.07.2022 11:34

Thank you

@gustavomarrero4826 - 23.07.2022 12:17

Thank you for all the tips!!!

@damien7881 - 29.07.2022 22:48

Good Afternoon guys Have you guys done OWNING A RV PARK or MOBILE HOME PARK as a business?? If so can you attach the link Because I can't seem to find that one. ?

@ralstonsmith5677 - 03.08.2022 12:15

Hi Paul I am a inventor with a alot of great ideas and I think that you are the right person who can help me.

@mig_0929 - 22.08.2022 23:14


@daleflaherty - 24.08.2022 15:32

yeah but id be put in prison if i fixed what bugged me ha ha

@scalethewallnow - 29.09.2022 14:17

Such a valuable way to spend my time. Love watching and being inspired by the people you interview on this show.

@MoOdaso - 16.10.2022 11:30

Well.. the 98% people are your customers...and you need them either way

@komnaik - 20.10.2022 10:11

Thanks - very insightful

@LenLovesChrist - 23.10.2022 22:39

awesome thanks

@thetruth3322 - 05.11.2022 09:48

Superb superb superb 💖💖

@Masyaroundtheworld - 28.11.2022 06:03

Luckily I found this video. This is incredibly well presented. The man presents his idea in a simple way, making it easily digested and understood. The concept he delivers is not only theoretically acceptable but also realistically applicable. He sees things more clearly than average people could due to his observant nature and sense of problem solver. Hardly anybody would be able to build this capacity unless he doesn't complicate things. Be observant regardless where you are, identify what won't work and make it simpler, be a lean thinker and execute ideas once you know it's highly in need. Besides, customers will tell you what products they really need, yet you need to teach them how to be lean thinkers. Absolutely amazing!

@brokenscalez3446 - 24.12.2022 22:37

This isn’t business ideas this guy more of a innovator which just so happen to manifest into some great business that’s awesome 🔥

@gingerriviera3654 - 04.01.2023 17:20

If you make it simple people will comply! Yes...I really wish more of this mentality existed in business. That needs to be on a Tshirt. I am a new sub- amazing channel. Thank you.

@chrislundgren9360 - 05.01.2023 02:28

Love this channel..reminds me that anything is possible!!!! Thank you.

@vidili68 - 14.01.2023 03:27

Hi there
You talk too much

@jthombs7494 - 14.01.2023 18:07

He way uner sells him self dude is a genius

@doronuzan - 14.01.2023 19:39

Great stories, good inspiration to learn from others

@leepyle1188 - 15.01.2023 07:37

When I watch flip videos I see… giant bag of hot air.

@testingstudionideas3620 - 31.01.2023 00:02

the key was always in the coffee man

@Mechaniclyfe - 31.01.2023 05:04

So go to Japan steal other peoples ideas and make money off of them got it ✍🏻

@LakeAllfredLuigi - 08.02.2023 20:06

Love it!!!

@manjusthia - 16.02.2023 16:36

wow I'm gonna try some of these ideas now!!!

@jattinvegas3650 - 24.02.2023 07:02

Most of time
U always show next level businesses
Could u show more business ideas like candle lady. So a normal human being can start with small risks

@ianagar868 - 27.02.2023 16:35

takes so long to get to the point!!!!

@jakedangler612 - 10.03.2023 01:07

these videos sometime turn me off with the condescending questions... love the channel reagardless but sometimes the responses are very NPC lmfao

@naioane740 - 21.03.2023 12:18

Hes an All Blacks fan🏆

@matthart4465 - 29.06.2023 22:32

Hot Georgia coffee from a vending machine in Japan is so freaking good!

@TheUnofficialMaker - 02.09.2023 06:19

Now if we could just get government to implement lean, instead of overwhelming waste of time and resources.

@marloncatamora2761 - 05.01.2024 13:38

Salamat po

@PedroSevero-sv5en - 22.03.2024 18:09

Great video keep it going

@EmilyGloeggler7984 - 23.04.2024 13:26

None of those are interesting for me.

@SPICEMAN1055 - 13.05.2024 11:26

Thank you for posting such valuable videos

@30dayride67 - 23.12.2024 03:43

I had to laugh at his take on the vacuum. A few years ago, I bought a vacuum that I actually loved and one of the best features was the switch on the detachable handle so whether you were using it as an upright or the hose with attachments the switch was right where you needed it. That vac died and I immediately ordered their newer model. The idiots moved the switch back to the main unit. Same thing happened with my refrigerator. I loved my ice/water on the outside of the door. It worked great on the old one. On the new one they "improved it" so you could fill a water pitcher as well as a glass. Ok, that's a good idea except now almost every time you try to add ice to a cup it activates the water too and there's no way to just shut the water switch off. I could list product after product with issues like these. Companies seem to think they have to improve their products constantly, even if it makes the product function worse or causes a new problem. People today seem to hyper focus on a single "problem" and then address it without considering how their "solution" can affect the function of the whole device. Just like our government "fixes" things. Let's fixate on a climate issue and improve it by getting rid of food production. What does it matter if they solve their climate issue for humans if there aren't any humans left?
