Can MrBeast Survive The Scandals?

Can MrBeast Survive The Scandals?

The Rest Is Entertainment

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@bernardcollier1226 - 17.10.2024 15:01

J Lo famously did not sing her own songs.

@darren2959 - 14.10.2024 13:23

I wonder was there as much scrutiny of Jack dorsey's & Zuckerberg's behaviour in suppressing news that benefited the left as there seems to be on Musk. As far as I can see musk wants free speech good & bad, previous guys wanted left wing free speech.

@tomwright9904 - 12.10.2024 12:39

The far right play a game... as do the far left and journalists

@siouzsie - 11.10.2024 09:00

Oh, the 31 bus was my local bus when I lived in London.

@AlanHamilton-j5i - 08.10.2024 19:05

The Oxbridge view is not everyone's. Just writing doesn't make the World go round; things must be made and exported. The North where things were made has be crushed to suit the overly-clean livers and ignored. Twitter is our only outlet even if no one listens. Elon's free-speech efforts should be lauded. CIA & FBI should not be twisting Twitters arm to suppress the facts on Young Biden or any other matter. You are correct in that's it's for the old, I'm 73. Only the comfortably off like Richard & Marina can afford the views they espoused.

@NicoleHumphry - 08.10.2024 10:53

Enough generations already 😅

@sianwarwick633 - 04.10.2024 00:29

Mr Beast set up a show in Toronto. And it crashed. The chocolate bars are in a losing 📉 supermarket chain. More crash. It's about to domino

@davewilliams5357 - 01.10.2024 08:14

i remember when mr beast was making very large donations to low watching streamers on twitch to the point many refused what he donated and sent monies back and banned him

@agin1519 - 15.09.2024 04:44


@Susieq26754 - 04.09.2024 23:00

Babbling nonsense

@Nomoreanons - 02.09.2024 18:47

1 - 4 - 3 is "code" for I love you

@portland-182 - 01.09.2024 20:42

143 = I Love You - the number of letters in each word...

@HughMaclean-b4r - 27.08.2024 13:21

Trump ran the country via Twitter. I think it is a powerful political tool.

@SlapCabbage08 - 26.08.2024 00:58

It really funny how, certain people imply Twitter was all roses before Musk... anyone trying to reasonably suggest it’s not a good idea that men to self identify as women or kids shouldn’t be sterilised ... know that it was full of vitriol ... now it’s even handed vitriol. As for the advertisers ... this podcast is obviously is not blacklisted by people with an agenda... step on someone’s toes & the money is pulled, by gate keeping agencies. (A soviet capitalist society is nearly as bad as full blown Communism).

@Hexon66 - 25.08.2024 14:39

Exactly why am I meant to trust the views expressed as honest opinions?' I'm sorry, I didn't catch the part about Sky. Are they good programs or bad?

@procrastnwriter - 24.08.2024 19:39

I will never use 'X' again. It's trash now.

@johnthekeane - 23.08.2024 12:05

I've never been on twatter

@BooksWeCanRead - 21.08.2024 00:26

Twitter was always for politics though. Reason being, functionally it is text based but you can add as much context as you like you can add articles, images, videos, go into detail with information. That’s why it was uniquely useful. When people say they prefer tiktok for political discourse, where replies in comments are about 4 characters long, out of order, no ability to add articles images, heavily over policed by bots, what they are saying is that they preferred living in a bubble where they receive zero pushback to anything they are saying. The fact is the tiktok educated are a huge problem too, and they have no understanding of the echo chambers they have created for themselves. The trolls are awful of course, but unfortunately too many have grown too accustomed to being the only ones allowed to speak, and too fragile to ever question themselves, preferring instead to reject an entire platform for fear they may contaminate themselves with the perspectives of the great unwashed.

@virtualal - 18.08.2024 10:51

You have proved the whole point about the left by saying “look at the places where X / Twitter has been banned”. Indeed - but the left love the idea of banning things in order that only their way of thinking has airtime. That attitude is shared by Russia China Venezuela - all left wing dictatorships.

@mattking68 - 17.08.2024 11:04

Richard loves charlie, Marina's never tried it.

@Greaseball01 - 17.08.2024 03:34

I actually deleted my twitter roughly 18 months ago? Maybe longer? Like fully deleted my account.

@ticketyboo2456 - 16.08.2024 15:43

Why does it seem mandatory for us to hate Elon Musk? Am I really that unusual in my high opinion of him?

@marial8415 - 16.08.2024 01:36

I always thought it was Marina stifling her need to control the narrative, frustrated that the masses weren't all buying what her beloved guardian and bbc were selling and that Richard was the more reasonable one. Now I realise that Richard is just as bad if not worse denigrating the one platform that is defending free speech just because people he doesn't like are now posting on it. Laughingly he then tries to gaslight us by saying that X/Twitter is irrelevant and Facebook is the way to go. Okay Goebbels but the muslim grooming gangs still happened even if your approved mediums refused to report on it for 30 years and the working class - the group you and Marina not so secretly abhor, are still the ones dealing with the problems created by your lovey friends. Also Marina's wanna be Taylor Swift moments are kind of amusing.

@morganthedruid1 - 16.08.2024 00:41

I love this show and I have no problem with them getting sponsorship from Sky if it helps the channel but the lofty comment from Marina while taking Murdoch's money is a bit clumsy

@chrisglaister9303 - 15.08.2024 17:30

On the subject of Twitter, Richard sounds like one of those staunch 'I'm a smoker, I like smoking and have no intentions of giving it up' types who you don't see for a while and then found out they gave up 6 months ago.

@markieveeYT - 15.08.2024 15:04

Marina banging on about Charlie XCX is like your Gran banging on about Madonna’s new pop disc 😂

@thelovelyseamus - 15.08.2024 14:44

A Tina Turner style comeback would require an incredibly stellar voice singing some big hits, so that's never happening for Perry! Shouldn't have given up the day job.

@vaughanscott4580 - 15.08.2024 12:38

I'm still on twitter mostly because of entering competitions. 😁

@SwedeSav - 15.08.2024 11:29

Did not enjoy this episode. These two talk nonstop about how traditional media (newspaper, tv etc) is dead and how everyone is online. but then they spend the whole thing laughing at the idea twitter has any real world impact or that people take it seriously. The recent race riots were coordinated and fuelled almost entirely by online discourse, particuarly twitter. So yes of course you can mock the terminally online posting about their salad or ranting about trump etc, but it clearly has huge real world impacts, hence its banning in those listed countries. young people are still very much using twitter and similar platforms hence the constant studies about the radicalising effects of algorithms on young men in particular,

@mother2bach - 15.08.2024 11:13

For the musicians and performers transformed into global mega-entities by the miracle of brand stretching, it’s no longer about the music or the ‘message’. It’s only about maintaining brand visibility in order to sell more tequila, ketchup, shoes… whatever. There’s no room for genuine creativity and authenticity when an artist has been reduced to a commodity.

@kevinsoutham - 15.08.2024 09:54

On Katy Perry/JLo, Marina touched on this - one of the byproducts of Taylor Swifts rise to be the pre eminent musical artist of our era is its created an arena where real and authentic are what people want. It has been done with such authenticity and is so “real” that it’s shone an awkward spotlight on to people like JLo, Katy, and others and made them look rather clunky. That’s why Charli XCX etc is so popular (apart from the great music!) she is real. American Idol is about as fake as you can get in the music industry and having been associated with that for 7 years, and now to come back into a new musical landscape where she’s not seen as genuine, I guess it’s no suprise she hasn’t hit this time around.

@buyselltraderepeat2619 - 15.08.2024 07:41

You haven't done your proper research on the whole Mr Beast situation.

@MrOtistetrax - 15.08.2024 05:44

An Amazon show is “legacy media” now?

@MrOtistetrax - 15.08.2024 05:24

Hearing journalist hand-wave away the effects of foreign social media meddling on politics was frankly baffling. A whole bunch of bad takes from Marina on this one.

One minute she’s talking about the insidious effects of the platforms attempts to keep you onboard by keeping you angry, the next she’s saying that foreign meddling doesn’t make a difference to people’s opinions. Evidence of huge numbers of bot accounts and troll farms on FB and Twitter aiming to do just that.

Frankly,the whole first half of this episode was a lot of rambling nonsense from both of them. I don’t think either of these two have a great understanding of this subject. Consider sticking to talking about game shows and the charts.

Also getting increasingly hard to trust their opinions as real when they’re flogging you Sky or HBO every five minutes in between bits.

@reggycide - 15.08.2024 03:57

Titanium? That's one Katy passed on. Sia made the David Guetta song a hit. But as least Katy will get to perform at the AFL Grand Final this year! Lifetime achievement award for that.

@whoareyou8167x - 15.08.2024 03:23

After todays pod cast and can clearly see you are sponsored by Sky and therefore can only say “approved “ lines and comments and as in this cast false information that can easily be proved false by anyone I now have to unfollow. 😢

@whoareyou8167x - 15.08.2024 03:10

So many facts wrong guys. Very surprised by you both. You sound like typical main stream media. Disappointed. The value of twitter did not crash 75% since the take over, it was at least 50% over priced to start and Elon was forced by corrupt judge in Delaware to purchase it at full price. X is the faster growing platform, it has improved so much and THE only place you will find REAL news which gets fact checked or quickly proved correct or wrong by other posts again unlike old legacy news outlets that all have their own agenda. Yes X has lots of crap and hate posts but these can easily be filtered out. Where has other platforms promote and allow child trafficking as did twitter until Elon stopped it. If you want to know what’s going on in the world it will be on X way before anything else. Shame you tried to crap on Elon (like all other media outlets) when he and his companies has done so much. EVs (worlds best selling cars, solar, battery tech, boring company, Space X, world wide internet Starlink) but yea just pick holes in the one company he didn’t start but purchased for way over value by corrupt directors of twitter.
The comment X is used only by old people! You are SO wrong on that. Think you are thinking of Facebook which is just mainly old users left. Tick-tock yes very young mainly on that.
Legacy media should just be left to die quietly in the corner.

@2smokindukes - 15.08.2024 02:56

Do comedians on panel shows chat beforehand to set up their best/favourite one liners? Not sure I want to know the answer, could spoil the magic

@joeharding5881 - 15.08.2024 02:42

BBC reports that vote leave spent 2.7m on targeted ads on social media during the Brexit campaign. These two really saying that didn’t impact the vote?

No social media, no Trump, no Brexit, and the populist wave doesn’t happen.

Every populist the world over leverages social media as a key mechanism for narrative control, suppression, and, in extreme cases, mobilisation and violence.

What is that? An accident? 😂🤷‍♂️. They all just happen to use similar strategies which all coincidentally leverage social media because it doesn’t work? Really?

Also, denying social media’s impact on political opinion right after a speech on how it successfully keeps people engaged through arguments is just bizarre.

Engaged, highly addictive but not impactful? Riiiiiiiiight….😂👀

@Cryten0 - 15.08.2024 02:39

Didnt even cover the accusations of awarding prizes to friends and family and rigging competitions about Mr Beast.

@michealoflaherty1265 - 15.08.2024 00:15

Great for Richard that he can turn up to work in his vest.

@biercenator - 15.08.2024 00:03

I dunno. I find the entire concept behind these game show extravaganzas to be completely abhorrent.

@Pininfarina81 - 14.08.2024 23:58

These 2 are so funny. Claiming that X is unpopular & that only old people using whilst simultaneously talking about the phenomenon Mr Beast who is so popular amongst youngsters. And has over 30 million followers on X.
