Asmongold Gets Cancelled And Ethan vs Hasan's INSANE Fans

Asmongold Gets Cancelled And Ethan vs Hasan's INSANE Fans

Last Night On Destiny

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@Spruehwuerstl - 17.10.2024 10:53

Maybe the CIA asked Bezoz to not ban Hasan, so they can record more unhinged bs of him 😅

@sqronce - 17.10.2024 10:53

I hate jstlk's avatar thing. It's gross to look at.

@DMGJP - 17.10.2024 10:49

Bisexual right wingers are crazy 🤣

@josecezar7903 - 17.10.2024 10:46

Even tho Shroyer wouldn't answer about Dino's he DID say he didn't believe oil came from dinosaurs.

@ronishamay - 17.10.2024 10:44

turkish american cosplaying as a post holocaust germans vowing never to be nazis,
then kidnaping a plane to uganda and separating american jews to put them with the jewish hostages from the rest of the americans telling them they actually hate nazis.

@tm7517 - 17.10.2024 10:43

Oh so this isn’t about asmondgold at all. For destiny and this other person it’s about hasan supporting terrorism and somehow not being punished by social media platforms? Now it’s about some woman talking to hasan and him declining to be interviewed and her saying he is tall he is tall guys as she walks away as female empowerment and sexually harassing hasan. Like what is that clip supposed to be about? Nothing happened during that exchange. He just declined to be interviewed and she said he is very tall guys as she walked away.

@UndercoverGodzilla - 17.10.2024 10:41

I mean Asmon did say something insanly stupid.

@Kevvyn- - 17.10.2024 10:36

Listen to jstlk talk is like listening to a less smart destiny i guess makes it more relatable for young viewers

@gailforce - 17.10.2024 10:33

Asmon has went down a deep dark hole of gamergate types, DEI theorists, and tate heads the last few months. It's no surprise he felt comfortable saying the stupid shit he said in that environment. His apology video was pretty good. He'll recover from this to some extent. This video, though, jesus that guy is so desperate to downplay what zack said. The use of whataboutis is extreme.

@Kevvyn- - 17.10.2024 10:32

Jstlk needs his own brain, hes too big of a destiny simp ( i am jelous ) ( i hope he is doing it on purpose )

@minoo1160 - 17.10.2024 10:30

Guys you can be mad at Hasan not getting banned. But you have to still agree Asmongolds statement was reaaly bad

@ErneMart - 17.10.2024 10:29

🔥HOT TAKE: Asmon apologized to cover for his friend's company and to step back from so many responsibilities. I actually prefer it this way, so he can focus on himself and streaming. He knows his apology doesn't convince the left; he's just being intentionally hypocritical and smart about it.. LOVE BALDY STILL

@kualajdm - 17.10.2024 10:02

Oil is technically renewable, but not in the perspective of humans. Virtually a finite resource.

@tm7517 - 17.10.2024 10:00

In America you’ll frequently get people saying black Americans have an inferior culture, but when discussing what they mean, they’ll say things like crime, oow births, lack of valuing education and marriage, or gangs, but those are just American social issues that impact 10’s of millions of Americans.

Americans commit crime. Americans have oow births. Americans don’t value education. Americans don’t value marriage etc. are those social issues or are they reflective of American culture? I don’t think the answer is very clear.
Anyway how does that mean black American culture and how is it different from American culture? Also black American culture transcends places? Are their “cultural” differences between certain regions of America? Certain states? Certain areas within a state? And if yes how does black American culture over come living in Cali vs living in rural Georgia vs living in Michigan to end up still staying the same all over America no matter where black people live? And if there are all these variations of black American culture that is heavily influenced by region of the nation, what the fck do these black Americans have inferior culture people even mean? Again I think they feel it’s self explanatory what they mean by inferior black American culture but it’s definitely not.

It’s seems likely they have racial prejudices about black Americans and are transferring those prejudices onto cultural differences that map onto American social issues.

Is that what Asmondgold is doing when he says this group of people currently being killed a lot has an inferior culture to the nation currently killing a lot of them? Or does Asmondgold have a great understanding and can accurately define those two cultures?

@karnanhbk - 17.10.2024 09:53

Pretty sure asmon was referring to hamas not all of Palestine. Right

@kinalbrien6357 - 17.10.2024 09:43

D is actually cooked. What the hell is he even talking about concerning asmongold? Like the argument seems to be well yeah he said geynociide of palestinians was good, but he meant it slightly differently to what the word commonly means, and anyway people are getting upset about this for the wrong reasons thus.................? Everything hes saying is simply said because he doesnt like "pro-Palestinians" its like he cant evaluate these things for what they are because he hates Hassan and co so much. To an honest person it should be possible to just say "yeah thats pretty disgusting" and leave it at that. but instead there are these stupid qualifiers and BuT HaSSaAaAAaAnNN everywhere.

@tm7517 - 17.10.2024 09:40

The assumption seems to be that’s it’s self explanatory what one means when they say oh this group of people have an inferior culture than this other group of people by comparing the “cultures” of a nation currently killing a lot people and the group of people currently being killed a lot.
But I have no idea what either culture is. I have no idea what one means when they say this culture is inferior in the real world. People in America will discuss inferior black American culture and they have no idea what they are discussing by black American culture. They are just saying black people are inferior by way of saying black American culture is inferior. That’s very clear to me.

But I guess in this hypothetical world it’s an ok discussion amongst people who have some parameters of what they mean by culture, and what they aren’t saying, but in reality in the real world people don’t know what they are talking about when they discuss culture and are using generic religious, racial, or ethnic prejudices to arrive at their conclusions about inferior cultures. They 100% almost always mean inferior people. I have never seen it applied any other way. Mfers in America will say American culture was better in the 1950’s than today. Whatever they are discussing these people aren’t discussing some objective measurement of better culture.

So if you are going to be on someone else’s social media platform and you agree hey I’ll operate under these TOS, and you start getting very very very close to violating those TOS by saying some group of people currently being killed a lot has an inferior culture to the nation that is killing them…. You should really really not do that because you don’t know what you are talking about and are just saying bigoted dumb shyt, but if you do, you should use extremely accurate language and explain this is what you mean and what I don’t mean.

And if you do get banned to the extent that you can focus on did I violate the TOS and How? My understanding is that many social media companies don’t always make it clear what was violated. So I know it maybe difficult but don’t go the conspiracy insane right wing route by focusing on faceless nameless leftists as being the cause of your being banned or how the social media company that banned you is filled with these radical leftists hell bent on destroying your social media career because you don’t kowtow to their radical leftist narrative about Palestine and Israel.

@Juel92 - 17.10.2024 09:39

Oil comes from fossils just not dinosaurs. Generally it comes from fossilized plankton and algea.

@cherechesalexdaniel811 - 17.10.2024 09:36

Was Asmongold really refering to general arab culture with the “inferior culture comment”? Correct me if im wrong but when i watched it i thought he was refering to the weird Iran backed terrorist ran countries.

@patmacrotch5611 - 17.10.2024 09:32

Why didn’t you finish your commentary on the Ethan post in the beginning? Also why not explain the Asmon story?

@spectrex176 - 17.10.2024 09:30

Is it just me or does everyone mimic destinys tone when they talk to him

@Raziel699 - 17.10.2024 09:28

funny watching a bunch of capitalists calling people racists while denying the root of the problem which is capitalist image neurosis. so they are comfortable in their image tied to money yet yell "youre a racist" while participating in an economic system that produces racism. hypocrites! try addressing the root of the problem. and yes religion is one of the problems. so are 3 other institutions in the US.
also, litereally israel/palestine fighting over their respective cultures. stop supporting sharia law AND dont support christians. religion is at the root of the problems in most countrys. it dictates immoral behaviors which can not be supported
also, stop virtual signaling in your statements Destiny. state the truth without being soft about it. step on those toes!

@BeGayDoCrimez - 17.10.2024 09:22

I find it so ironic because asmonghoul is a far right grifter who himself has a lot in common with radical islamists due to his hatred of women, minorities and gay people when they are being represented in media. Dude literally never shuts up about "wokeness" and never accepts anyone's identity unless it's a straight white male. Such a great "ally" who uses the community he constantly publicly bashes to cover his ass.

@tm7517 - 17.10.2024 09:13

I don’t know asmondgold. I don’t know exactly what he said. But here we go again white people “using” Black enslaved people and made up hypotheticals about how other white people they are mad at would feel if they compared x nation and its culture to American culture during slavery. It’s all a fcking pretend phony discussion.

This discussion between destiny and this other person isn’t real because whatever social media company or companies that have supposedly canceled/banned asmondgold are making their decision on whatever asmondgold said today or yesterday or a few days ago about an ongoing current military attack between a certain nation currently killing a lot of members of another group of people. And that nation has been accused of being an apartheid nation committing genocide by some international and human rights organizations. The social media company/companies are looking at what asmondgold said yesterday or a few days ago about those people having an inferior culture whatever he means by that. could asmondgold accurately define that group of people’s culture? could he accurately define the culture of the nation that is currently killing a lot of that group of people? did he do that last night? Did he explain ok when I say this group of people who are currently being killed a lot and that some international human rights groups say are living under apartheid by this other nation has an inferior culture this is what I mean? Or are destiny and this other person going to imagine what he meant?
Did asmondgold when he said he didn’t care about committing genocide against this group of people accurately define why he used the term genocide when some international human rights organizations say this group of people are facing a genocide? Or are destiny and this other person going to make up what asmondgold really thought? And did all of what asmondgold said violate whatever platform that he voluntarily is on TOS? See if destiny was having a real discussion that’s what he could be exploring. Instead it’s right wing tactics mode focusing on some faceless nameless group of angry white leftists being upset at asmondgold and what they’d think about comparing American culture during slavery vs another nation’s culture.

@JohnGolf-q1j - 17.10.2024 09:12

Whos a leftist politician that supports hamas? Literally kamala harris until she was chosen to run for president 🤣🤣🤣🤣

@d3adlyz3bra - 17.10.2024 09:06

Why is Jstlk copying Steves laugh

@jayl3366 - 17.10.2024 09:04

get asmon on AE

@nicholasg.5441 - 17.10.2024 08:56

The dinosaur thing is a religious view. If earth is 6000 years old of course dinosaurs couldnt exist

@Juel92 - 17.10.2024 08:54

Asmon is such a moron. I wish he would stick to gaming. And by gaming I mean actual gaming and not gaming politics because he sucks there too.

@cry-bully - 17.10.2024 08:45

Destiny's peggin' Nae Nae?

@jimmyramos1989 - 17.10.2024 08:44

Sometimes destiny is a great conversationalist. Sometimes destiny is a terrible conversationalist.

@cjpack - 17.10.2024 08:40

left wing media aint gonna report on this, you gotta frame it to the rightwing media and jewish anti semitism groups and hasan will be banned real quick

@nicholasg.5441 - 17.10.2024 08:40

Is asmon considered involved in politics yet?

@Dakkalistic - 17.10.2024 08:32

Man, if that's what it took to start the introspective arc, it was well worth it. As for the topic at hand, I know for a fact that individual believers are very much capable of compassion and positivity. But he's right, on a societal level, the slippery slope to good people committing atrocities becomes a slip & slide. I don't respect religion, I tolerate it. But I can absolutely respect someones personal relation to it. The Hadith is clear though, according to Abu Hurayra, The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him." – But the tree Gharqad will not say, for it is the tree of the Jews. So pointing to genocide being baked in was not even wrong, he just expressed it in an extreme way.

@jimmyramos1989 - 17.10.2024 08:32

Bro it’s Asmongold. Who takes any thing he says about politics seriously?

@mansnotprot1544 - 17.10.2024 08:28

Asmon said nothing wrong and shouldnt have been banned

@sagenod440 - 17.10.2024 08:25

I just watched the debate and you are misrepresenting how he was treating the dinosaur question to be fair, he said he wasn’t talking about dinosaurs or doesn’t know about a dinosaur conspiracy or w/e. He said plenty of stupid shit so idk why the attachment to dinosaurs

@Epictroll48 - 17.10.2024 08:24

I don’t feel bad for asmongold😂 he’s been having a weirdo groyper turn lately… but forgot that they are also actual nazis and hate Jews too

@amitavmostafa3180 - 17.10.2024 08:14

Imagine being a kid born into Palestine, seeing your people locked up, killed, treated like trash. And then some weirdos in America are justifying his death calling him anti semetic or terrorist. The duplicity is insane. You people should be subject to Palestinian conditions for a minute in your life. Just one minute. Have your country occupied by Russia. Have families killed, schools and hospitals bombed, as the other side of the world watches in glee and supplies arms to perpetrators who celebrate every blood they shed. Say again how one kid riddled with that amount of trauma standing up however he can is criminal

@wren4077 - 17.10.2024 08:07

Finally! Now I know what my strongly felt opinion about this issue is

@MMAGamblingTips - 17.10.2024 08:06

Destiny has lost the plot when he’s to the right of a dude named Jew Stalker. When it comes to Hasan and Israel/Palestine, he has a partition in his brain.

@RayTheomo - 17.10.2024 08:04

How the fuck did this end on Lav?

@wasserbrunner - 17.10.2024 08:03

The reason they are not arbitraged is because you can only buy like $800 on predictit and only 5000 participants. Polymarket is fully automated by blockchain smart contracts on ethereum polygon

@templarknight7 - 17.10.2024 08:02

Trump's billionaire status is what is keeping his cult around him. America has deified billionaires and it's why no one other than another billionaire can replace Trump.

@bena8805 - 17.10.2024 07:59

Destiny is caping so hard for Israel that he’s become a disingenuous hack, so disappointing

@woolzem - 17.10.2024 07:52

It is so refreshing that these conversations are happening. Especially today after Ethan got eaten alive for no gd his own audience. Fck Hasan

@giinganiinja9517 - 17.10.2024 07:50

W JSTLK hosting the drama D has dropped.

@isaacfrost9250 - 17.10.2024 07:47

So destiny is a V-tuber now? Weird pivot but OK.
