️ Riding After My Crash… I Lost My Confidence in Corners!  (Watch This!)

️ Riding After My Crash… I Lost My Confidence in Corners! (Watch This!)

Rembo USMC

1 месяц назад

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@sailingyemaya9781 - 17.02.2025 06:28

At least your out on your bike again. May take some time to get comfortable again. A lot of guys get out of riding after a crash.

@ArmyOfZin - 17.02.2025 06:34

I've watched your crash video several times. I really feel like it was a freak event. You had very little lean. There were no obvious road hazards. It's always the crashes where we can't figure out what happened that fuck with our minds the most.

@VeraArms-tk3ru - 17.02.2025 06:37

definitely the age Rembo.

@FullThrottleJunkie - 17.02.2025 06:46

Sometimes you just have to slow down and enjoy the ride. I haven't ridden in months and today I stayed at the back of the pack and had a blast going slower than normal

@keithkeller6509 - 17.02.2025 06:50

I think you hit upon a solution. Get back to the track and work your way up to speed, regaining your confidence.

@steveramirez8270 - 17.02.2025 07:26

I am new to corners and act the way you're talking. Your accident happened on the Scrambler of my Speed 400 made me want to ride with gear. I am dirt bike guy learning street bikes watch you, I love empty roads.

@aeroman5239 - 17.02.2025 10:05

New bike w/cheap NEW & COLD tires on a test ride. You should always be careful for the 1st 100 miles on new tires because the release compound from the manufacture of the tire makes it a bit greasy for traction. Combined the release compound with cold tires and some contaminated pavement (i.e., oil dropping from cars) in the corner, the Swiss Cheese model was in-play.

Glad to see you back on your PP. It will take time, but you'll get your confidence back. Good luck!

@mengaw-yong2490 - 17.02.2025 11:49

Take your time go out with someone who can feed back and ride at your pace. Had issues with right handers after my rt shoulder op, lots or injuries change your body dynamics as well. Try EMDR to sort the mind out

@BIGGGESTAL - 17.02.2025 12:40

I ripped out two fingernails and took the skin off to the bone when I was 15 or 16.
I'm now 69 and still riding. It still comes back to haunt me occasionally. The mind is a strange, powerful thing.

@morganzola100 - 17.02.2025 14:20

I'm 72 now and live in England.I've ridden from the age of 17 and for about 10 years I was a track day instructor and I've had a gold level advanced riding qualification..so a fair bit of experience. I have watched your crash over and over, and I can only conclude the lack of adhesion either from fluids on the road or slippery substance on the tyres(tyre mould release agent if new tyres). Even if the tyres were overinflated I don't believe you could have crashed at that speed on a dry road. Here in the UK we see fluids spilled from vehicles on our roads a lot.. usually diesel oil from unsecured fuel caps...we have to build it into our riding plan/observations, especially on roundabouts. I've crashed on fluids dropped from other vehicles and basically you can't save it because it's so rapid... your only defence is to spot it and avoid it. I think to get confident to lean again you want a cheap track day bike with some expensive race tyres (not sports tyres) get on track just for one day should do it, and don't try going too fast..just concentrate on getting on the race line, and turn in points and hitting the apex... the speed and lean angle will come back by the end of the day. I guarantee it ! Assuming it's not raining of course 😅. In the UK we have track bike hire companies...I imagine you also have them in the USA.

@davidneven4093 - 17.02.2025 14:21

60mph freeways with traffic lights 😮....... yeah, I don't trust city roads either......oil, diesel, nutters, it will take time so enjoy the heightened awareness because it's real. Maybe before the crash you just blanked out the risks, now you are more aware.......it'll make a smarter rider out of you......🫡

@dvenohy1 - 17.02.2025 15:50

I had 3 accidents on motorbike so I know how you feel. I simly reduced the speed and now I am simply going slower at every corner. Instead of the adrenaline rush from knee down, I now enjoy traveling long distances and exploring new countries and places. So you will have to adjust and find something else what you enjoy on the bike, if not than you will just stop riding. P.S as I see those roads in Florida, I do not wonder you have no fun riding there…..

@RalphNicolais - 17.02.2025 16:21

It’s good to be cautious. Years ago I only enjoyed riding if I turned it up. I don’t have to do that anymore. Okay sometimes I’ll turn it up. Old habits are hard to break 😂. I learned something a long time ago , nobody knows how to put air in tires !

@jacatijagago1233 - 17.02.2025 16:29

Go back to that corner and walk it and relive the incident from start to end, the incident is charged and thus reactive as such it restimulates and has an influence or an effect on you, once you relive it a few times the charge dissipates and the incident no longer has influence! Also by recou ting the incident you will come across new information which is occluded

@theavidmoto5480 - 17.02.2025 17:04

Give yourself some grace. You had a get off that caused some major injuries. It will take time but if you work at it, your confidence will come back.

@johnlewis5330 - 17.02.2025 18:04

To be honest, if you weren't being a little cautious after what you've been through you'd be crazy...as some have said a lot of folk wouldn't ride again... at some stage we'll all take our last ride one way or another.
I hope you start enjoying it again because i like your videos!

@stevesane800 - 17.02.2025 22:20

Hey Rembo, you've got to give it time. I seriously find the straight roads you take absolutely boring. I wouldn't bother riding a motorcycle made for a million curves. You regaining confidence isn't going to happen on a straight road. Take 2 weeks off and go where there are endless curves. Please.

@travis-bickle-84 - 18.02.2025 02:53

Back on the PP ❤

@travis-bickle-84 - 18.02.2025 02:54

I'm going out tomorrow for the first time since my accident in August.
Wish me luck!

@KiwiMoto72 - 18.02.2025 18:08

Like I said in my comment on your last video. If this was your first crash, then it is natural for you to feel this way. You mentioned getting your knee down. I drag knee all day long on the TRACK. No one should be dragging knee on the street! If this was your first crash, that’s part of why you feel this way. It’s all in your head.. trust me.

@jamesmelendez4549 - 18.02.2025 19:11

Your feelings about riding are completely understandable. Baby steps, brother. Go slow and work your way back into riding on the street. I do the same thing when I cross intersections. I always check both ways. Here in Greenville, SC, where I live, drivers have been known to run a red light or two. 😅😅😅

@miatika - 21.02.2025 08:28

If you were getting a knee down you’re probably riding too fast for on the road, especially in a city. If you’re nervous post crash I would recommend riding a dirt bike if possible. You can learn how to control loss of tire traction at much lower speeds. Going into a corner slow and accelerating on the way out is good practice in general and especially on the road where you don’t know if the entire corner is clean and safe. Go in slow and accelerate out. Plus this makes it more likely that, if you are riding on the edge of traction, it will be the back tire that slips out and not the front. Those crashes usually don’t hit as hard as losing the front

@yz8096 - 22.02.2025 01:53

I saw the other video on your crash. I'm about your age and I think that your fear is constructive in that it is keeping you safe. You are on a very capable machine and have skills but maybe after this incident you are asking yourself if you can still enjoy riding, while not pushing it to the limits you did previously. I think you can, and I think that there is nothing wrong with riding in your comfort zone. As we get older, we second guess partaking in all kinds of activities, knowing that we are not as resilient as we once were and that we won't "bounce back" like we used to. Adjust your ride and "ride your own ride". There is nothing wrong with slowing down if you are still having fun.

@PezRaider - 22.02.2025 05:35

You should NOT be putting a knee down on the road.

@davidrawle3076 - 23.02.2025 21:52

Hey. I would take it easy on yourself and not over analyse too much. It makes zero difference if you take a bend 10, 20 or 50 Mph slower. Who’s counting ! I ride the same routes often and have no idea what speed I take bends at. ( to be fair - here in the UK the roads are so busy you’re often stuck behind something so its impossible to be consistent).
So glad your physical injuries have healed well. Look after yourself and really enjoy your content.

@RemboUSMC - 17.02.2025 06:18

Sorry about the audio. I am trying to find all of my audio equipment since the accident. Thanks for being here.
