Bose QuietComfort Headphones Review in FIVE MINUTES!

Bose QuietComfort Headphones Review in FIVE MINUTES!


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@everyonesfavoritesidechara3816 - 24.01.2024 19:28

I have these headphones and i really like them.

@Impulv1 - 06.02.2024 02:44

Completely agree on the sound quality. Honestly thinking of returning these because of the weird sound characteristics, first pair of Bose headphones too😬

@perfectlysureunknown - 09.02.2024 14:48

My problem with buying the old headphones is the degradation of the battery.

@jeremytheoneofdestiny8691 - 13.02.2024 05:54

I think you should spend a lot less time harping on price, because even just 4 months later they’re already $100 cheaper, which changes the entire equation here. So I think you could future-proof these videos better if you focused more on sound/features, and fixate less on price

@60beats44 - 18.02.2024 07:46

What a fascinating choice of background 'music'.

@tastyham - 21.02.2024 07:15

no mention about the shitty ass delay while clicking the action button, the shitty custom profiles, equalizer not syncing to the bose but device only, turning on/off awful sound effects and so on? come on, Micro USB is trash but i'd give up the usb-c for a better experience of the QC 35 (the description I gave is from the QuietComfort, idk about the other shit with bose's shitty branding onto 45 / 45 ... SE? whatever that means / QuietComfort

@blame001 - 26.02.2024 18:52

QC45's randomly started blinking orange and white, was out of warranty by two months and they still sent me these for free. Thanks for the review.

@JuanMartinez-bi3rx - 01.03.2024 04:04

The Bose quietcomfort wireless is not very reliable. I bought these from Amazon new and I have had problems with them almost from the beginning. They were fine at first but then they just starting cutting off. I also had problems with their earbuds. I tried twice to like Bose but I just seem to have problems with them. I think I'll just have to get the Sony wh-1000xm5. I do not have problems with Sony.

@LowIQTrumpSupporter - 18.03.2024 09:35

Just bought some Quiet Comfort Headphones for $249

@adamr8628 - 04.04.2024 18:47

Better to buy QC25 And run it through a quality bluetooth adapter/amp. You will have a massive increase in sound quality and a huge drop in price. And it even has a replaceable AAA battery, for longitivity and convenience. QC25 is the real upgrade, and many people miss that point.

@jaywhite1141 - 28.04.2024 09:12

I’ve got the QC45s I’m thinking about upgrading to the new ultra ones or the quiet comfort ones.

@akki015 - 07.05.2024 06:10

I am getting Sennheiser momentum 4 and Bose new QuietComfort for the same price. Which one is better?

@DroidLocks6971 - 11.05.2024 06:53

....We must just buy for ourselves since no 2 reciewers agree on sound quality....

@aylorpaul39 - 16.05.2024 23:19

They are not quiet the same . QC 45 doesn't have windblown and in-line microphone, but agree if ANC not deal breaker Momentum 4 Wireless are better value

@oliverstemp9132 - 21.05.2024 02:02

The new qc sounds better,

@Fishing-WithMike - 30.05.2024 20:08

Sound leakage is terrible

@etrenome6717 - 01.06.2024 21:22

Bose quiet comfort is weak. I bought it today and it didn't noise cancel much of anything and the sound quality was okay at best.😔

@superblue5871 - 02.06.2024 02:59

I have them they are crap.

@kaibeh - 03.06.2024 14:47

Bought the new ones for $320 aud on sale so around $212 usd great value for that price

@annettehurd9391 - 08.06.2024 06:58

These also choke you when they are around your neck and I am a female, can’t imagine what they would be like in a guy. I got mine at Costco.

@jordandavis2495 - 11.06.2024 03:04

That was the most pessimistic review I’ve ever seen. Good work.

@Jorge.O85 - 24.06.2024 03:30

Where can i get those sennhiser momentum 4 for 229.95 dlls ? 🤔

@Charlydx21 - 07.08.2024 06:43

Do you know is the QC45 can play music with the 3.5 mm cable and no battery charge like the Beats Solo? I never charged my solo 3 for two years and it still had power when I used the 3.5 mm cable.

@bcheo890 - 16.08.2024 15:36

My wife just got these gifted to her and I feel bad cause they sound like crap. She will continue using sound core lol

@nicholasgearhart7597 - 19.08.2024 18:36

Straight up just compared a refurbished price to a brand new price and thought we wouldn't notice

@An.Individual - 27.08.2024 20:17

is he showing the quietcomfort or quietcomfort ultra?

@ashishbahure3578 - 02.10.2024 11:25

I am getting them for $160 in India.
Should I go for them?

@jaynosowsky9708 - 09.10.2024 07:22

Are these worth $200 new? Just got them on sale

@lenovox1carbon664 - 01.11.2024 08:21

I bought momentum 4 its very buggy, dont buy it i am returning it and buying quiet comfort as qc45 are not available in my country

@ianc9358 - 06.11.2024 06:38

So now that every retailer has drop down the price to $199, is it a great buy now?

@hobbyguy79 - 12.11.2024 19:50

I'm looking for over the ear hearing protection that will allow me to listen to music or podcast as well as talk on the phone while working. Typical background noise would be lawnmowers and leaf blowers. My current pair have zero noise canceling and therefore I have to stop work to take a phone call.

Do the Bose fit this bill or am I looking for a unicorn?

@assordante2205 - 18.11.2024 05:58

I got these on sale today for $180 and they sound incredible and the 3 section eq is perfectly fine. The fuck you whining about? Been too long since you ate some candy or a donut?

@hey_perception - 22.11.2024 00:45

Yeah these definitely ain’t it

@apfelfreund6859 - 24.11.2024 02:43

Why the hell sod they think it is smart to remove the model number!?!? I would thought they are sti the 45 just without the ... 45...

@D4n21 - 24.11.2024 18:06

Just picked these up (Bose quiet comfort) from from Costco for $170 USD!! The price has dropped a ton

@kevin.itruth6880 - 27.11.2024 22:33

Are there any great noise cancelling headphones that work with the wire?

@TUONOv4 - 03.12.2024 03:14

I just picked up a set of the Bose QCs for $200 in the awesome green so, winwin 🎧

@Allium_369 - 10.12.2024 01:45

160 at Costco right now

@barndad28 - 14.12.2024 20:24

$160 at Costco right now

@jopalolive - 19.12.2024 10:36

Bose headphones are overpriced and annoying as FCK
Do not buy!

@nicvanorton6795 - 26.12.2024 02:03

I got these on sale for $160 at Costco, worth every penny!

@Fullhouse0056y6 - 30.12.2024 03:52

Here is a comparison of the driver frequency range and impedance (independence) for the Bose QuietComfort 45 and Sony WH-1000XM3:


Key Differences:

Frequency Response:

Sony WH-1000XM3 has a broader frequency range (4 Hz to 40,000 Hz) compared to the Bose QC 45, which is 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. This means the Sony headphones are capable of reproducing both lower and higher frequencies, especially in the ultra-low and ultra-high ends, although the human ear can typically hear between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz.


The Sony WH-1000XM3 has an impedance of 47 ohms, which is common for headphones designed for more dynamic sound reproduction and better overall sound clarity, especially when used with higher-powered devices.

Bose QC 45 does not officially list the impedance, but it’s designed to be easily driven by a wide range of devices, including smartphones and laptops, suggesting that it is likely lower than the Sony’s.

If you're looking for the most detailed and dynamic sound, the Sony WH-1000XM3 offers a wider frequency range and higher impedance, which could theoretically provide richer, more expansive sound, especially for audiophiles. However, Bose typically focuses more on delivering balanced and clear sound with comfort and active noise cancellation as a priority.

@colealexanders - 05.01.2025 19:02

I'm sorry, but this review seems very biased

@rosteika915osteika7 - 06.01.2025 06:10

I got this headset and love em

@thoughtfulsd - 07.01.2025 02:13

Do they support stereo audio or it’s only mono audio ?

@nickhernandez2558 - 15.01.2025 22:57

Bought these for $150 brand new so i think price aside will be great pair of headphones for the money if you get a deal.

@rickmcdixon2675 - 21.02.2025 16:25

To get full use of these Bose Headphones, you need the iOS /Android App. However, their Privacy provision is terrible. Apparently, Bose need a HUGE amount of irrelevant data in order to get Audio from device to Ear. But why !? One small excerpt /example quoted here. And there's a lot more, much of it worse. For this reason, I need to reconsider the purchase /recommendation of Bose devices. Eg.

Information about the devices and network you connect to your Bose product or software, such as your Internet connection type and service provider, IP address, SSID, wireless connection quality/signal strength, error logs, unique identifiers associated with the computer, tablet, or mobile device used with your Bose product or software, and its device operating system and browser type.

Information about the services and content you access via your Bose product or software, such as media, external sources, and third-party services you connect to your Bose product or software, user IDs service tokens that allow you to access and sync to your third-party accounts, and content accessed via your product or software (e.g. sleep tracks, stations, playlists, artists, albums, songs, or podcasts).

Location information. In addition to general location information (e.g. town/city/region) which may be collected or derived from your IP address, some of our mobile applications will request your precise location information via GPS-based functionality to allow certain features to work. Etc.

@Silent-1983 - 04.03.2025 11:15

Thank you!
I purchased them for 120 euros, so at that price, I can't refuse.
I also have the Ultra; I'm curious to observe the difference in ANC.
