Why'd I Make A Channel?

Why'd I Make A Channel?

Ah Lecks

3 года назад

25,297 Просмотров

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@ahmadhaziq7939 - 07.07.2022 07:26

Just bingewatched your channel and subscribed! Love your content

@livyblair6327 - 07.07.2022 15:35

Man I just found you earlier today and god you are so amazing at what you do, all your videos so far have enticed me and I’ve read and will read so many more good manga because of your channel. Also, I’m so happy someone else’s loves chainsaw man as much as I do, whenever I try to recommend it to someone they never read it, and I don’t know why. Anyways, thank you for making such good content.

@m0gi - 08.07.2022 22:44

as someone who also has created highly edited essay content. Your channel fucking rocks. and I just wanna see more uploads

@dansaavedra3808 - 10.07.2022 23:51

The last month I discovered your channel and you quickly become one of my favorites, you’re great man

@diogomota3940 - 12.07.2022 04:11

Every single vídeo in this channel is a work of art

@ksong8454 - 12.07.2022 14:56

Love the channel. Looking forward to it!

@waz_fx357 - 14.07.2022 13:15

No wonder your video format felt familiar, getting a lot of scamboli vibes 🔥❣️

@Accel07 - 14.07.2022 18:36

I found out about your channel a few weeks ago and I've literally rewatched every single one of your videos atleast twice... Your content, voice, editing, everything is top-notch... I already foresee you turning crazy famous soon...

@tjobrien96 - 18.07.2022 20:18

I found this channel a couple of days ago and I think it's really great

@notherealdealshmeel6044 - 19.07.2022 01:14

I can't believe the content you put out man, I know I came late to the party but bruh, I'm here to stay. Keep up the good work and never stop improving.
Also do you use after effects at all or just premiere?

@Mr-pt5hz - 19.07.2022 02:49

Good vibes

@falube808 - 21.07.2022 21:57

ive watched your recent videos and kept the name of the channel to rewatch it sporadically because i got hoocked right off the bat. Just watched this, instantly subscribed. Ill follow your career with great interest

@its_a_me_pickle - 26.07.2022 14:02

Well well well, guess who's on a success streak :)

@jaygrengs9449 - 27.07.2022 03:15

Bro ur literally me

@dire9619 - 28.07.2022 12:13

Watching this video after you've got 50K! Your channel is amazing. Thank you for all of the lovely manga recommendations mate.

@user-qh9us1hn5d - 28.07.2022 19:34

You're gonna be a GOAT

@celfhelp - 03.08.2022 16:50

i have a habit of late-pass commenting on videos, but what the dick, who cares

just wanted to say that you should always hold on to that feeling. my personal hot take is that you can't make one thing explaining your feelings about those two manga, however, your entire body of work will explain the feeling

to give an example, as a musician, i'll never be able to fully articulate with words how things like Belle, Your Lie in April, Carole and Tuesday, or fucking any work by Keiichi Okabe make me feel. however, i can certainly express the feeling itself through myself and my creative work(s)

anyway spiritual bullshit over, carry on carrying on, bud. you're great

@srensen9948sander - 09.10.2022 15:03

great video, keep going

@heyisa7med - 12.10.2022 13:09

bro idc what u say about ur self u r so fkin funny ur videos are so fun to watch i never liked anime or manga channels until i discoverd scamboli then u, and its not just that u even made me read mashle and i thought i am not into mangas and stuff but now i am addicted

@robsonchagas2984 - 13.10.2022 05:47

I like you.

@namestillonprogress739 - 19.10.2022 14:07

Bro you deserve more and more subs.
whenever i watch your vids i feel like i'm just chilling and talking to a friend, it feels so comfortable and makes me feel at ease.

though i dont have "true friends" but i feel like i have a friend that i can just go back and talk to when i watch you videos.
Keep up the good work man.
I wish you'll have more subs in the future. stay safe and see you on the next video.

@atakoranodonbrachiosaurus1209 - 21.10.2022 21:57

You're there mate, well done! I second the two comments before mine

@yogurtyo833 - 24.10.2022 09:49


@flyguyjoey - 26.10.2022 05:25

Damn dude I like this

@eliman63 - 29.10.2022 03:25

I respect it

@cheesynachoman - 29.10.2022 05:20

holy shit the algorithm blessed me

@_d0ser - 07.11.2022 22:59

Dude got 40k views on his first ever video? Averaging 10-15k on every subsequent video? One of your first ten videos almost has a million views? WTF is your secret?

@Gard - 12.11.2022 11:59

You’re inspiring me to do the same thing man

@wakasama-32 - 30.11.2022 19:26

Thanks dude for your honest and i appreciate so i subscrid your Chanel

@Winter_Blood - 19.12.2022 10:26

I just found your channel and I freaking love your content. I quickly subbed after like two vids. Keep up the awesome stuff dude ✌🏼💜

@Danielmilkboi0122. - 24.12.2022 11:31

I Feel you Man.

@epicmickey1983 - 02.01.2023 11:44

this video i think has finally given me the motivation to try this out. thank you

@iuna2167 - 12.01.2023 11:08

In just one year growing like that, wow. Also, your video on chainsaw man, i watched it just like 4 times entirely, like you waste my time, damn i love you tho

@jojoes64 - 28.04.2023 05:56

I Dislike disliking Ah Lecks

@sandro8838 - 22.06.2023 22:19

I’ve been binge watching your vids for the past 2 hours and i think im slowly becoming a fan

@Ves93 - 05.08.2023 20:11

Your channel is awesome, man. The first video of yours that I watched was the Claymore Manga one, and afterwards I found out that it actually was your very first video! Keep up the great work, man!

@ITFLIPPY - 23.11.2023 15:08

U must read pokemon festival of champion!!!!! Or I will find you....

@faeriswheel_ - 30.01.2024 10:54

i discovered you literally yesterday, and i watched your videos from the latest one, all the way through to this one. and watching what you've achieved from this video, wanting to show just how much manga and the stories and art mean to you, and now seeing that you've done that with csm, bro i cant even begin to say how proud of you i am. you're doing fucking amazing, keep it up ❤❤

@stevesketches - 21.07.2024 09:42

As a creator, this is my favorite thing.

@kaet.r8281 - 22.07.2024 00:40

Dude, the reason i read csm was becus the art style was beautiful. i cried sm when i saw makima hug denji idk why its not much but that moment was so beautiful

@Z3ROMyth - 28.08.2024 04:12

Saw your Claymore video, and it was amazing. Also, it's dope that you know about the homie, The Masked Man 💯.

@alpha.thedestroyer - 20.09.2024 05:25

awesome go read no home
