TEKKEN 7 Gameplay at 60 FPS (New Characters/Modes Trailer)

TEKKEN 7 Gameplay at 60 FPS (New Characters/Modes Trailer)

Maximilian Dood

10 лет назад

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@ipdddd - 02.04.2016 06:09

lol claudio's face looks like asian steve

@mikechang89 - 01.02.2016 12:21

may i know what music is playing in this video?

@kfishwick3 - 08.07.2015 02:07

Tekken 7 looks the same as T5, T6, TR and TTT2. I won't be buying another Tekken game until it changes.

@Vanzel93 - 01.06.2015 22:05

so little characters & costumes... bad music so disapponting

@clintdolor1923 - 01.04.2015 03:52

Hello my name is luca$ sjjkjjkjjdjjihihjkjjjkjkjnjjjjkmjjkkjnkllllljkjnjkkjkljkl

@LegendTomha - 19.02.2015 02:35

I will buy the game but should wish that is was more story behind the fighting game. Anyway i see people are mad that Jin is not the hero. In tekken 6 Lars was the hero and Jin was the bad guy. Jin started a war and in the game Nina knows that Jin has the devil blood. Lars is Kazuya`s half brother but looks like he is the same age as Jin.

@adrianbigboss5685 - 17.02.2015 23:41

I want to see Yoshimitsu!!! :D

@oussamavids9731 - 10.02.2015 01:51

i want "mokujin" back 

@TheShadowfist45 - 09.02.2015 08:12

Tekken 7 yyyyeeeessss!!!!!!!!!
I grew with tekken and it with me therefore i will be a fan of it forever!!!...

@bogdanceerski9243 - 30.01.2015 02:28

nice psytrance music.

@renanamagan8047 - 27.01.2015 05:45

tekken 7 is like streetfighter nowadays

@javiermeijer2811 - 21.01.2015 02:08

Where is jack and what is now his name gun jack again or jack 7

@SuperAhmedchannel - 10.01.2015 15:26

Where is Jin?

@timmaayy101 - 04.01.2015 18:49

Can someone tell me where is yoshimitsu

@TheNuNasty - 04.01.2015 13:28

i was dissapointed because this is like another version of soul caliber

@fireboy1126 - 02.01.2015 03:17

costumes still seems whacky as ever :) i hope they improve on that

@engels.a - 01.01.2015 18:31

They should at least change the characters' default outfit. Graphics looks the same with 5, 6, & TT2

@gameloverofalltime - 27.12.2014 07:51

I swear some people should just not play the game if they don't like it. Don't ruin it for the people who actually like the game. "We" who like the game don't care about anything else but how it is something new to play. That's it.

@LobotomyPatient - 22.12.2014 03:47

Thank God it said 60 Frames, I thought it was 5 fps

@BassBoostedHardstyleMusic - 19.12.2014 15:15

Is there Jinpachi for free as a new character?

@benwoo7536 - 18.12.2014 20:08

that new female character looks like Michiko from Michiko to Hatchin

@Xiaojiantou - 18.12.2014 19:31

Hmm if I can place the song, it's from the colourful fountain arena in Tekken 6. But none of the William sisters? Pity.

@BassBoostedHardstyleMusic - 17.12.2014 22:24

I need to have this game pleas, where can i buy it?

@BassBoostedHardstyleMusic - 17.12.2014 00:17

When we can buy this game for PSP?

@BassBoostedHardstyleMusic - 14.12.2014 23:58

Omg love this game! Its like TekkenDarkResourRection ( Tekken5 ) awesome! When is this game coming out for PSP?

@davyyeap82 - 14.12.2014 13:27

is it came out pc version

@YungKuroKami - 14.12.2014 01:42

So excited for this game! But where's Jin?

@InfiniteFramesGaming - 13.12.2014 05:47

none of the people making comments play tekken at a high level.

@PrishxYT - 11.12.2014 17:07

Blind people are blind.

Tekken 7 has way different lightning, way better and clean textures everywhere, new mechanics and it´s freaking clean compared to last gen(especially on PS3 it(TTT2, Tekken 6 and below) looks not so good.).

You seriously need some glasses.

@marvinsommer85 - 10.12.2014 19:11

Ps3 graphic -.-

@anyadatanyadat - 09.12.2014 17:10

Thats bs... All designers did was care about the littly ********* Americans and ruining the whole tekken franchise (sry for you Americans but the truth is the truth). The franchise was big in Europe and it was big with PSX and Tekken 3, later Tekken 5 was "OK". Its clearly a point that juggles are bs. People want a game like Virtua Fighter but with way easier controls and mechanics. The fu****** particles are way too much on the graphics side remove that crap. Think about the people who spend 6 hours in training mode can't watch that *********. Give the game a way to let people finally understand the game mechanics of the game, fluid motions and style is a thing. Talking about juggles, the wallcarry bs and those nonsense juggles are bs your opponent is even ***** than a punching bag, if you wanna keep the style cut down the ********** to half at least... or even to quads. Finally stop di***riding Americans or else you will fail like another company failed with SF x Tekken. Just go and work on your own ideas and your own style - the fans will play with what they have, you cant make everyone happy....

@jessicafoster1196 - 09.12.2014 05:56

They seriously need to stop adding new characters, or at least prune the roster.

@brookelee5188 - 08.12.2014 16:18

Where is my girls Nina and Anna?

@Kevtoz - 07.12.2014 19:05

i only want a good story mode back ! 

@Unbekannt203040 - 07.12.2014 15:25

What is about nina and anna ?

- 07.12.2014 04:31

where is Nina? omg

@superflyjerk3 - 07.12.2014 01:06

Looks fun

@ranithemonster303 - 06.12.2014 12:22

I hope that me not buying this game because Nina Williams isnt on it really messes up their sales.

@KelvinMMoore69 - 06.12.2014 06:50

I'm a Tekken Series fan - and I am NOT really digging those constant "The Last Dragon" sparking effects.... :-(

@nejdetbulbul40 - 06.12.2014 04:16

Some nigga pls tell me that if Jin is in the game or not.

@LORDofTHEwar505 - 05.12.2014 05:57

i am sooooooooooooooooo excited 

@duybankai - 05.12.2014 05:49

Yes! Virtue boobies at their best!

@Aualan - 04.12.2014 23:06

you are damn right
after tekken 6 everything changed
i miss the good (g)old times
i kepp playing tekken 5 on ps2 thats the best

@cloquendoc - 04.12.2014 19:59

new system sucks¡ graphics the same that ps3 , holy shit¡¡ -.-

@jcb6146 - 04.12.2014 04:36

I love Tekken, But sameness always let me boring. improved graphics and new characters are not enough. TEKKEN NEED EVOLVE QUICKLY !

@CBJames2149 - 04.12.2014 01:46

Biggest hope for this game is that king will retain his cobra clutch and stuff... love breaking peoples necks with him.

@MSTRPRFKT - 02.12.2014 23:26

I no longer have hope for Tekken Franchise... still buying Tekken 7 tho xD I think I may return to Mortal Kombat. Raiden, it's been a long time bro.

@maxi10379 - 01.12.2014 10:42

name song?
