aftersound review

2 года назад

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@ashflame6888 - 05.08.2022 05:49

So you like this more then the IER-M9? You gave that a glowing review and im just days away from deciding between this and the M9.... I almost ordered the M9 today and then I saw this video and realized I had already watched your M9 video...... The IE600 and the IER-M9 are the two that im really considering. So I really need to know man, IE600 or IER-M9? Im dying to know what your comparisons between these two.... Any help would really be appreciated! EDIT I wrote this when I was watching the video I just saw you compare them right at the end. Well.... Im still stuck! I still cant make a decision!! I like the build of the M9 more... but I always like DD sound. So Im still struggling with my decision

@realaudioreviews - 05.08.2022 07:14

Great review

@Erdein - 05.08.2022 08:47

the end game target for me, for now i must save a lot of money 🤣

@lunchbreak1792 - 05.08.2022 09:06

Damn it. Now I need to justify the purchase of a new expensive iem

@ddmareo - 05.08.2022 09:42

is that yuan li eartips that you use on the m9?

@Winsentc - 05.08.2022 11:42

Thanks for the review.I was going to buy a Sony m9, but many are just as happy with the ie600, it will be a tough choice

@mangodoy1144 - 05.08.2022 12:49

800 usd sennheiser earphone.......

@jaroslavfricek7772 - 05.08.2022 12:55

Great review Michael, Thank you … as for the drivers type, I have O2 love it completely agree about the naturalness, Timeless love it… really love listening to metal, Alice in chains, Faith no more and so, but my favourite IEM is Blessing 2 I love the decent beautiful kick of the drum and the etherial fragile nature of the BA drivers… so I don’t mind the hybrids… but what I found out gets me is the frequency respons … and Blessing 2 is from heaven as for that for me✌️😁 Anyway, great review❗️👌🏼

@yukita4720 - 06.08.2022 07:04

Liked! Akhirnya keluar juga reviewnya. Gak ada komen dimana kalo di drive dengan hape aja? Apakah butuh power gede? Harusnya ngga ya soalnya 1 driver aja.

@nelsonkirstein2529 - 06.08.2022 10:51

Bang review earbuds kgis 20k dong

@AndrewYouTubehandle - 29.08.2022 22:10

Great review, really appreciate all your thoughts and comments.
I'm just deciding whether to go for the ie300 for $146 (reduced quite a lot) and dace up for something else like the Elysian Diva or Monarch mk2.
The ie300 seems like it's something very different for base (currently I have a 7hz Timeless and very old but excellent shure 846. The ie300 seems like they would be be something very different.
However, it sounds like the ie600 is something special...

@iblackyful - 01.09.2022 19:31

Relatively to the cable, did you find some replacement one compatible with the sennheiser's connectors?
I am looking for one in hifigo, preferably a modular one, but maybe they are not compatible.

@yooanto9465 - 15.09.2022 00:15

Hi can you compare it to U12t or Sony ier z1r?

@ashbydav - 19.09.2022 15:01

I like how you make direct a comparison and don’t hold back your opinion about other models , it helps a lot to decide between so many options out there. Many other reviewers i notice, they resist naming and calling out a direct comparisons. I never understand why they do this ?apart from being very helpful comparing , isn’t it also half the fun ?

@jaroslavfricek7772 - 05.10.2022 09:51

Now you have to try also Softears Twiglight

@zenboy863 - 18.10.2022 00:51

Great review, I was hoping to find useage impressions of this IEM more then measurements and I think you've conveyed them pretty well.

@dazewithadrian - 04.11.2022 09:08

Have you had a chance to try out the Sony IER M9? I'm wondering how these hold up in comparison to those. The M9 are my current IEMs but I'm looking at potentially switching...

@lsdislove420 - 02.02.2023 22:40

Best ie600 review yet

@jellysmith4350 - 29.09.2024 07:31

What about a years time when the left one stops working?
