Superhot Chili Review : Big Yellow Mama Chili Pepper

Superhot Chili Review : Big Yellow Mama Chili Pepper

Weird Explorer

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@CandyRayne - 22.02.2020 04:58


@PowerTom286 - 22.02.2020 04:59

Hi Jared.
A friend told me it's only hot if it burns three times.
I asked what's the third time?
He said : in the eyes of the worker down in the sewer ; - )))

@TheWeirdestOfBugs - 22.02.2020 05:00

Dude, even though I love your videos, I feel terrible whenever it's a hot pepper vid. All I can think of is "damn, poor Jared!"

@ice9tom - 22.02.2020 05:47

Pointless. This isn’t why your audience comes to the channel. Thumbs up regardless because I love the channel.

@punksnotdeadbutiam4659 - 22.02.2020 06:05

Should of just ate the whole thing that’s what I came here to see

@foreverjim5240 - 22.02.2020 07:15

Awesome review. I was so nervous when you keep touching your glasses. Please keep hands well away from face in the future!!

@Diggsworth - 22.02.2020 07:54


@richardbaker1400 - 22.02.2020 08:16

That just doesn’t look or sound like fun. I once read that in a patch of the same kind of peppers some will be sweet and some hot.

@keetrandling4530 - 22.02.2020 08:27

I'm an old person. Old people have a special word they use when people ask them to do something unpleasant.
The word is "No".

@Awesomeficationify - 22.02.2020 08:38

i mean maybe diluting it with something near flavourless like tofu might help with reviewing them and not just dying

@jefftangen6755 - 22.02.2020 09:17

Hahahahaha if I lived near you I would support you any time you want to eat the hot peppers 🌶.

@ADeadlierSnake - 22.02.2020 10:03

This is gonna sound crazy, but one of the best spicy "fire extinguishers" that I've found is simple Pepsi. I'm not the type to go out and try hot peppers (anymore) though, so ymmv with those, but when it comes to spicy Mexican, Indian, or Thai food, it seems to work much, much better than milk for me. Maybe give it a shot? I've been using the real sugar variety of Pepsi. Not sure if that's relevant, but it could be.

@DeDraconis - 22.02.2020 10:47

♫ Capsaicin Harassment, Panda ♫

@DeDraconis - 22.02.2020 10:50

Fire extinguisher suggestion for later (I doubt you'll get it before you review all of these though).

Heavy Cream with Simple Syrup/sugar in it.

@dfpguitar - 22.02.2020 11:18

I admire your bravery, but as an experienced hot chilli lover who literally grew up eating ghost peppers as a child. The piece you ate was way too big.

People from the region ghost peppers (Naga morich) come from (north Bangladesh and Assam) eat them raw with their meals. The way you do this is take tiny tiny fragments with a mouthful of food.
The sign of a good ghost pepper is getting heaps of the smokey flavour even with the tiniest piece. If it doesn't have good aroma we don't bother to eat it. The same goes for the other habanero shaped peppers. The good ones have so much aroma you don't need big pieces.

You progress to larger pieces like the one you took once accustomed to the heat.

It is also essential to have a belly full of food when eating hot peppers because the irritation to your digestive tract can be much worse than to your mouth. And that way you can spend the whole 15 minutes of your mealtime enjoying the pepper flavour without dying from the burn.

@dataquester - 22.02.2020 11:54

Whoa I wonder if ur nasal drips would b spicy... Yeah I know its gross but inquiring minds wanna .. just a joke...

@yummyapplestroodle - 22.02.2020 12:02

I had 1mil scoville sauce a while back, only a fingertip of it, now I know why they make steam come out of characters ears in cartoons when they eat something spicy. I could feel it and my eyes and mouth were drooling. It was INSANE.

@mrsenstitz - 22.02.2020 12:09

Greek yoghurt would be best as it coats your mouth. Oh Jared, your face of anticipation..the fear.

@organicgrow4440 - 22.02.2020 13:02

Came here to watch you cry

@richardportman8912 - 22.02.2020 13:11

Those chilis are way too hot but they do smell and taste good. But they are too hot and picoso. Too much! If you even eat one, that will be your whole day.
I grew a few plants of these and they made buckets full of fruit, but they are too picoso to eat in raw condition. I think they are meant to be processed and made into salsa or dried flakes.
If you all still have that "oh I'm so tough hot chilis don't hurt me" kinda thing going on, oh well. From my experience they are pretty serious.

@Ralphgtx280 - 22.02.2020 15:31

BYM is pretty rare. BBM is the one that is more readily available nice to see a review of it.

@JuanGomez-mv1qx - 22.02.2020 16:12

Jeez man you are tuff i would honestly be too afraid haha

@duragdan2000 - 22.02.2020 21:21

I like hot peppers.But at some point I just cant taste anything anymore. Its just like chewing razor blades.

@garbleduser - 22.02.2020 22:58

If you want more flavor with less heat, use a micro-plane grater to isolate the outer flesh, like you would use to harvest zest from a citrus fruit. If you want something better than milk to wash away capsaicin, use milk with added casein powder. For even better results use type 1 reagent grade lab water ($300/L.)

@garbleduser - 22.02.2020 23:02

Capsaicin doesn't burn on the way out. It is alkaline pancreatic excretions that cause that "my ass is on fire sensation." These are only experienced due to the capsaicin causing the GI tract to speed up in order to get it out.

@GolosinasArgentinas - 23.02.2020 01:43

Tell Michael that he has let us down.

@LeanandG13 - 23.02.2020 02:04

Its fire going in and fire going out youre getting 2x for your $😂

@Roman-kk1ic - 23.02.2020 03:45

You gotta try Tyan Shan Aport apple they get over 1kg and most delicious (picked in late november early december) and Uzbekistani cantaloupe they get up to 10kg oval shaped best tasting melons ever

@tubulartuber - 23.02.2020 06:24

how do you afford to travel so much?

@onebackzach - 23.02.2020 06:38

You should try coconut milk or peanut butter to kill the heat

@Cutlerylover4life1 - 23.02.2020 09:20

I like the review of peppers that are more "mild" because its somthing i'd actually try...unlike this one lol

@Cutlerylover4life1 - 23.02.2020 09:31

I've heard that activated charcoal will remove the heat in your mouth almost completely

@Shane_O.5158 - 23.02.2020 13:26

milk full cream milk , soaked in bread. eat the bread. bread acts like a sponge to hold the milk.

@Shane_O.5158 - 23.02.2020 13:27

touches his eye. LOL

@Betty-qd8st - 23.02.2020 19:42

Heavy cream may be better 😂🤷‍♀️

@spearrodnet - 23.02.2020 20:28

That yellow one looks kinda like a little baby elephant

@mmmhorsesteaks - 24.02.2020 03:01

Coca cola! Phosphoric acid should help.

@GHumpty1965 - 24.02.2020 21:59

I use Orange wedges to stop the heat, works fine.

@topperaussie856 - 25.02.2020 10:43

I use vintage cheese helps the ring burner as well

@mamabear6990 - 26.02.2020 03:33

Hey love your videos. I have one super simple request. Just for the safety of all the kiddos out there don't eat directly from the knife

@nucks93 - 11.03.2020 07:58

Thanks a lot Michael. 😒

@hannakinn - 14.03.2020 04:01

Ken might not be a true fan or friend, lol. That's the Panda of Pain!

@JohnnnyJohn - 02.04.2020 13:30

What was that teeny tiny little bite?!

@RetrogradeBeats - 01.09.2020 04:54

I eat 2 raw habaneros a day!

@MistressOnyaCox - 09.11.2020 02:54

I specialize in hot peppers at my micro urban Homestead in Las Vegas. So it's definitely enjoyable to watch others KEEP EATING TILL YOU HALUCINATE 😂🤣🤣😂😂⚰️💀💀⚰️🤣🤣🔥🔥🧯🧯🧯🥵🥵🥵🧯🔥🔥

@Keith14428 - 16.12.2020 03:47

Has anyone tried swishing and gargling with vodka. The compounds responsible are supposedly alcohol soluble.

@wykydwyrm - 05.10.2021 03:15

I love your videos. As a horticulturist by trade, I appreciate your attention to detail

@frankmacleod2565 - 04.04.2023 10:37

that was totally hot

@DudokX - 09.09.2023 14:46

holy crap that was a big piece!
