How to Build Peter Mckinnon's Photography Website using Wordpress

How to Build Peter Mckinnon's Photography Website using Wordpress

Jamie WP

1 год назад

13,315 Просмотров

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@catchnote2 - 02.12.2022 14:41

Love these videos, so clever, just subscribed. I'm grateful to learn more webdesign skills.

@davidjboozer - 02.12.2022 16:59

Love the video! More of a Nigel Danson and Mark Denney fan though, LOL!

@Line49Design - 02.12.2022 19:02

I would think it intuitive and desirable to use a block library plugin like Generate or Kadence, rather than fish around for one-off or CSS solutions to core block limitations. No?

@KenWanovichMusic - 02.12.2022 19:10

Awesome video, Jamie!

@SaR3News - 02.12.2022 22:05

Love from Egypt <3

@JAMcRae - 02.12.2022 23:45

I love watching this series of "recreate in 30 minutes". Am learning so many practical things

@gortime - 03.12.2022 11:21

Another great recreation video, thanks, Jamie! Which is your favorite tool for pulling the YT content?

@muhsinlk - 03.12.2022 12:38

My favorite Photographer channel + My favorite Gutenberger channel! Thanks for the lovely video, Jamie!

@avesendvrs - 03.12.2022 18:45

Thank you so much! These 30min videos are awesome!

@tomfraser3086 - 03.12.2022 23:10

For brilliant parallax effects I use the Greenshift animation blocks

@tomplayersong - 04.12.2022 14:16

Brilliant stuff!

@visualmodo - 09.12.2022 12:49

Top content!

@fiqihalfarizy4843 - 09.12.2022 20:23

Hey Jamie thanks for this tutorial, I just found your channel and I love it, subscribed!. I wonder, is it possible to design block theme using gutenberg builder such as cwicly or kadence and then export it as wp theme without having to instal cwicly?

@Hebhansen - 10.12.2022 01:18

Cool Tutorial 👍

@christopherwells7295 - 15.12.2022 05:12

Wow Jamie, 30 minutes, that is super fast, well done, loved the content and thank you for taking us through the process and steps as well.

@KrastyoKrastev - 09.01.2023 20:41

That's great. Please keep this series alive :) can't wait for the next video

@androidappmarkt3999 - 10.01.2023 17:00

Hi Jamie. Instead of the Parallax Section I try to use the Cover Block. However, the two columns for logo and navigation are not displayed full width when aligned top center. With the alignment middle center, however, they are. I do not know why? Kind regards, Markus

@mattisdaae8145 - 08.04.2023 16:43

This is The most useful wp video I´ve Steen in a long time!

@salsel82 - 17.05.2023 23:55

Hi Jamie, really thanks for this amazing video. I found it really useful! Just one question, I followed all your steps, but I got white spaces between the parallax blocks. Do you have any idea on how to remove them?

@hiperchou - 02.06.2023 19:16

Brilliant video Jamie. I've tried to replicate this on my website and had a few problems with the parallax effect plugin. Anyway, I've done the same using another plugin called Advanced WordPress Backgrounds and the result is the same. The only thing is when I open the website from the mobile the navigation menu does not appear and the images don't stack one after the other in the home page.

@chnoco - 05.06.2023 06:25

Criminal that this only has 199 likes.

Absolutely incredible video. Really helped me learn a lot.

@Pppandey-q1w - 08.06.2023 10:41

I am learning

@hiddelevering - 20.08.2023 14:04


@amehokwori9376 - 11.09.2023 21:43

tnk u

@migueldemaria3830 - 24.09.2023 22:47

Love this series. A pleasant and effective way to learn my way around Gutenberg, which I don't find particularly intuitive.

@ShaunBennett - 25.10.2023 21:21

I'm tying this in oct 23 w 6.2.3 and am havening some problem with the page option vs the site options. seem the editor has changed or at least moved.

@robertsprasath8901 - 15.11.2023 14:46

Great Stuff, any chance you will be making a video on using envato theme kit and elementor for wordpress website?

@CarVideography - 26.12.2023 07:44

Hi how does this method work for mobile UI too?

@krisfaith8039 - 28.12.2023 19:39

Great video, how do you start with a blank theme?

@andrewf.7813 - 15.01.2024 18:00

What the actual F... you, Jamie, are an absolute wizard,..I would do myself a disservice if I wouldn't follow you from now on. Thanks for sharing these nuggets.

@Bigfarmffs - 06.02.2024 23:09

I want this website so bad but im close giving up after 5 hours of pure frustration. It seems so much harder to find the process 1 year after. I pray you can make an updated version 😁

@lisam5496 - 08.08.2024 17:31

Thank you

@lohannmenard - 11.08.2024 15:33

please redo the tutoriel with the current interface🙏🙏

@Webrisernl - 29.10.2024 09:16

That looks so easy.. but so different then elementor pro that I spend alot of time learning.. is gluttenburg also a paid service?
