The Sundays Interview 1997

The Sundays Interview 1997


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@user-tk5wt9xh8y - 07.10.2019 12:53

I still go back to 'Summertime'. The more I listen to it, the more I like it!

@jeffreyvonstetten5852 - 28.10.2019 11:29

Such an amazing band with such beautiful music. I hope the get more out there

@aliasoma - 17.11.2019 23:45

Her voice literally saved my life when I was a teen. I didn't know anyone could sound that beautiful.

@RossMcL1961 - 24.11.2019 18:18

Á wonderful, hauting performance, no frills, plug in, mike up, simple guitar and vocals... and what vocals !

@vgovger4373 - 11.05.2020 04:13

Wow they were planning more music in 6 months, and it's been 23 years now?

@davidgodoy9561 - 12.05.2020 00:50

I wish that I could have caught The Sundays live! I was born in late '87, so I was just a toddler when they released 'Reading Writing & Arithmetic.'

@sweetkarma1345 - 20.06.2020 04:21

It’s a carrot reaction

@coffeeandcigarettes2885 - 30.07.2020 01:41

Of course Harriet has a beautiful voice and her husband is the consummate musician and arranger . Its a good bet they were forced to make a comeback . The record companies, most managers, all sorts of middleman and lawyers in the music and entertainment business are predators . Through dodgy contracts they signed when they were young were probably filled with all sorts of legalese to rip them off . These scumbags will try to squeeze every bit of life and money out of artists and bands . Badfinger a band in 1970 were great yet these middlemen and in particular their manager screwed them out of almost all their earnings . Two of the band members wrote a song Without You which Harry Neilson recorded and sold a million records. Its been recorded and performed by many till this day . the songwriters didn't recieve a penny from it . both committed suicide . Badfinger is probably the rule and not the exception , without that many suicides but most entertainers end up broke and not from their own overspending . again the entertainment business is a monster which will eat you up and spit you out .

@ohitbe3616 - 07.11.2020 22:20

Wish they would come back 😪

@samsagullo5577 - 13.01.2021 10:48

I don’t know why, but this fooking host rubs me the wrong way. I’d smack him silly.

@brandonrobertson9753 - 13.02.2021 18:29

Why did they stop? My guess is Harriet lost her singing voice.
I saw them perform on Friday December 5, 1997 and Saturday December 6, 1997 at the Variety Playhouse in Atlanta. Both shows were awesome but I later noticed in recordings of the tour that Harriet was having issues hitting the high notes in the songs. After the Friday show, I hung around until David and Harriet came out to see the 20 or so members of the Sundays Mailing list that wanted to meet them. The list admin was there and one fan flew in from San Fran. We had no idea if they would show and security tried but didn't get us to leave. Harriet was pleasant but one thing I noticed immediately about her was that she had a very deep voice. Later I read she was a smoker and well, we all know what that does to a voice. There was a beer incident- Harriet balanced a beer on a chair armrest and it fell and broke. Someone picked up a bottle fragment and said it was for their collection. During our conversations they let it leak that Saturday morning they were doing a Toy For Tots benefit show, to be announced Saturday morning on radio station 99X. So we heard it first, and I was at Toy-R-Us at 7:30am finding a toy to donate (that was the admission fee). It was packed for Friday's show, but on Saturday there was a bit more room and I was able to get right up to the stage. I still vividly remember David playing that guitar and getting goosebumps from Harriet singing those beautiful songs.

@BobSiefken - 17.02.2021 15:27

Aaaaaaaagh!!!! Give us more!

@michaelmoraga2926 - 02.04.2021 17:26

💜💜💜💜💜 ...since '89

@kontoculai6301 - 13.06.2021 09:53

At the beginning I thought there are two Harriets there

@murrij - 04.07.2021 19:32

Harriet (and by default her partner and band mates) have gotten me through a lot of bad times. I hope they're happy, healthy and so are their kids wherever they are. They released a load of positive energy out in the world and I do hope they come back. Heaven knows we could use some more positive energy right now.

@aqeiwwrgunaug4ne3 - 18.08.2021 16:30

why are there two of her

@jenw8130 - 28.08.2021 08:10

I saw them perform in Portland in the early 90s … pure amazement. A guy jumped up on the small stage and grabbed Harriet and kissed her. The bouncers were too slow and she was stunned. Wish they would make more music.

@nigelbevan8449 - 16.10.2021 00:21

Harriet has the voice like melting chocolate..... That's a compliment by the way.....

@ahahhahafuckthis - 01.01.2022 14:46

I miss this band so much

@Spookylikeme - 06.01.2022 01:23

I'll never understand how these groups make it in the industry and then just decide to disappear...sometimes at the height of their fame. I mean so many try and never make it. It's too bad, we lost so many years of her beautiful voice, how sad.

@DinSC - 02.02.2022 08:04

Oh how I miss their beautiful music

@wlouisharris - 26.06.2022 05:18

I was lucky to see them live twice. Her voice sounded amazing. The 97 show was one of the best shows I've ever seen.

@therepublicofcynica - 14.08.2022 14:37

Utter utter shite. Pure pap.

@pseudonymlifts2 - 16.02.2023 15:36

I have a lot of respect for artists who find themselves in a position of success after producing something great, but recognise that they want to move on from the music biz and explore other parts of life. I'm sure they loved making music but it does become work in the business and that can kill your enthusiasm. It's hard to make inspired music when the passion isn't there. To keep it alive you have to make big sacrifices and be completely obsessed and driven. I bet the home studio was an attempt to reduce the sacrifice required but it just didn't solve the fundamental problem. Making things more convenient doesn't help when at the end of the day your heart isn't in it any more. On top of that, you age, fashions change, life happens. Props to them for recognising it was time to move on. It's a dignified and mature decision to make and they already gave us enough.

@buzzracer69ify - 26.03.2023 09:03

Please come back, it's 2023 and you are missed !!.I will buy a new album

@P.Whitestrake - 29.03.2023 06:13

Where are they now?

@andrewhowe1309 - 13.04.2023 01:23

Harriet's voice and the swirl of David's guitar playing encouraged me through some moments of loss of a relationship (I was at a really loose end). The other guys in the band possibly didn't get the recognition in the press they deserved (mainly because of the fact that David and Harriet were an item, also there are few bands who promote the bassist or drummer), but as a band they were all fantastic. I'm still in love with the song Goodbye, so well crafted and played. I notice Harriet has a Bristol accent when singing (e.g. "Am I cold or just a little bit waaarm"), she studied in Bristol at the same time as David, so perhaps that's a factor.

@andrewhowe1309 - 13.04.2023 01:24

Also she once said she can't sing - hold on a minute, yes you can

@wildbird78 - 11.05.2023 09:53

"when you're searching your soul, when you're searching for pleasure, how often pain is all you find. But when you're coastin' along and nobody's tryin too hard, you can turn around and like where you are".

These words shaped my life. I'll never forget them.

@ianthefist - 01.06.2023 11:31

My favourite band. 2023 and still i am hoping they release some more music. Surely their nippers must have flown the nest by now?

@sharonlee4773 - 06.06.2023 17:02

Blimey she looked exactly the same from 1987 to at least 1997!

@stephen3511 - 11.07.2023 22:02

I was 17 when their first album was out. I still often listen to it…. And even after several hundred listens it’s still sounds just as wonderful. I’d love them to reform, but part of their magic should stay as it was. Charming people who made beautiful music.

@morleychallenged - 03.10.2023 06:03

Apartment-dressing music. So irrepressibly motivational.

@chriskoch7794 - 19.12.2023 08:21

She is an absolute doll.

@JulieBryce - 01.01.2024 01:49

Such a weird backdrop for the interview. Double Harriet.

@willritter4076 - 07.01.2024 10:17

Despite what David says here about their home recording studio, Harriet & David never made another album after Static & Silence, and the Sundays have been dark for 25 years. My impression is that the 3rd album wasn't at the same standard of the first two, and perhaps they made it with the express intent of cashing out and retiring...

@getit9066 - 16.02.2024 20:05

I had no idea until recently what a powerful message is contained in "Summertime," such a beautiful sounding song.

@HappyBear376 - 10.04.2024 02:02

The chap interviewing is a tit

@NFSDC2024 - 28.04.2024 17:47

I cant believe I didnt buy this album. I feel lame. 😂

@hereswhatmyseeingeyedogsez7745 - 19.05.2024 19:56

She's everyone's sweetheart.

@mplsmark222 - 27.06.2024 15:47

I love the Sunday’s music and they seem like really nice people. However, whoever thought having an interview show where the host and guests eat during the interview? Bad idea, glad it didn’t becoming a normal thing.

@thetiggytree - 01.07.2024 20:18

When i was busking once an older gentleman informed me my voice sounded like Harriet Wheeler and Ive never felt so complimented in my life 😅 now a die hard fan

@r3d5ive87 - 17.07.2024 03:33

6 months about to be 30 years

@totalmink - 20.07.2024 05:12

God I love them both - cool as fuck

@totalmink - 20.07.2024 05:13

Please release new material - the world needs it 🙌🙌🔥🔥🔥🙌😃😍😍😍
